Because he can't do any tricks!

  If the Gou system did not arrange for him, he would be very irritable!

  "Shh" sounded,

  Zhang Jinhuan simply waved the knife in his left hand,

  Then a vigilant poisonous python that was ejected was cut into two ends, like cucumbers.

  "Crack" sound,

  Zhang Jinhuan's right-hand two-finger tomb exploration stunt temporarily became a ruthless neck-twisting machine.

  After twisting off the poisonous python, he slammed it on the corridor with a bang.

  The snake blood mixed with venom splashed on the ground,

  At this time, the people watching the live broadcast have been collectively petrified,

  Even the barrage is like being disconnected from the Internet.

  Clean and quiet.

  Many people are rubbing their eyes, pinching their boyfriends thighs,

  To verify whether I have kidney deficiency, blindness, or sleepwalking too hard to stay up all night,

  Is it true that you saw the live broadcast?

  Until Zhang Jinhuan slowly took off his upper body clothes and stuffed them into his hiking bag,

  When showing the domineering unicorn tattoo on his body,

  Everyone just woke up from a dream,

  This is what really happened,

  Without him!

  Because the pair of unicorn eyes that appeared in the close-up shot were like living creatures,

  Let everyone tremble in the whole soul in an instant!

  The staff who controlled the live shooting camera quickly looked away,

  Although the poisonous pythons have no reason and are not afraid of death,

  As long as the intruder is found, it will rush to it desperately!

  If there is no equipment such as flamethrowers, ordinary people can't resist!

  But I said it before,

  Zhang Jinhuan, he is not an ordinary person!

  And Zhang Jinhuan, who seemed to be afraid of getting his clothes dirty, packed his backpack shirtless,

  Left hand black gold knife,

  The two-finger tomb exploration with the addition of the right unicorn arm,

  It actually launched a reverse charge towards the guardian python that gathered like a river!


  And after everyone heard the word "run" by Zhang Jinhuan,

  run away,

  After running for a few hundred meters, those terrifying sounds slowly disappeared!

  Everyone saw that Sun Honglei, who was running at the front, stopped and panted with a shovel.

  Then they all sat on the ground and gasped together.

  "Let the vigilant poisonous python eat me! I can't run a step anymore!"

  Huang Xiaochu has the worst physical strength.

  With a big belly again, it's like running with a ball in a few months of pregnancy,

  After only a few hundred meters, he started to get out of breath.

  "I'm scared to death! We haven't seen the tomb gate yet,

  I just came across something so disgusting and terrifying,

  Fortunately, Zhang Jinhuan is really awesome and not a god who only brags!

  Otherwise, we will really be hung on the wall by those poisonous pythons and dried up! "

  Sun Honglei took a deep breath and began to complain...  

  "Come on! Don't talk nonsense, the discovery of the ancient tomb is already in danger.

  It is completely normal to have such curious things, and it is not normal to not have them! "

  Huang Bo waved his hand and stuck out his tongue,

  Then he leaned against the wall and walked towards the intersection ahead.

  "Zhang Jinhuan? Didn't you go away heroically alone!

  How could we run so fast?

  Did you learn teleportation again or did you find a secret way? "

  Huang Bo saw that the atmosphere at the scene was a little heavy,

  He joked deliberately with a haha.

  But the strange thing is that Zhang Jinhuan, who was standing in the distance, did not respond at all.

  Neither speak nor move,

  He just stood there motionless.

  Huang Bo suddenly realized that something was wrong,

  He opened his mouth tentatively and shouted again: "Is Zhang Jinhuan you?"

  The other party still did not respond at all!

  Huang Bo swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a movement of his throat,

  Bravely raised the flashlight and wanted to go to enjoy it according to the rules.

  But before he could do it,

  I saw Zhang Jinhuan's figure flashing so suddenly,

  He disappeared into the dark and deep corridor.

  Huang Bo was suddenly surprised,

  Holding the flashlight, I followed slowly,

  Zhang Jinhuan is the soul of their entire team.

  Without Zhang Jinhuan, let alone enter the mausoleum to explore the secrets,

  They just say no to play now, I want to quit and I want to go home is a luxury!

  "Zhang...Jin Huan...what are you... doing? Stop playing! It's weird! I'm so angry!"

  Huang Bo is not reconciled,

  Continue to flash forward and follow,

  Walk and say something to embolden yourself

  But when he got to where Zhang Jinhuan was just now,

  Suddenly, another corridor appeared suddenly on the wall.

  Huang Bo suddenly woke up,

  The reason why Zhang Jinhuan's figure suddenly disappeared just now was actually entering this corridor!

  He picked up his flashlight and took a picture of it in the dark corridor.

  In the blurred vision, he really saw a hazy figure standing there.

  "Have you really found any secret way, Zhang Jinhuan? Say something!"

  Huang Bo asked again,

  But as soon as the words fell, Zhang Jinhuan disappeared again!

  "No! You..."

  Huang Bogang wanted to continue to follow up to ask what happened.

  But suddenly he felt a big wet hand resting on his shoulder.

  Huang Bo jumped up directly, and all the hair on his body stood up instantly...

Chapter 60

  Huang Bo's heart tightened and he turned back suddenly!

  But when he saw that it was Sun Honglei, he was standing behind him with strange eyes and said:

  "I said Huang Bo, why are you running around like a fly without a head? No response when I call you!"

  "Just now... it's not... I... Zhang Jinhuan, was that person just a human or a ghost!"

  Huang Bo was completely shocked.

  Seeing Huang Xiaochu and others following behind Sun Honglei, staring straight at him,

  As if worrying about a mentally ill person getting sick again,

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