"I think the coffin of the owner of the tomb is probably hidden under the altar!

  And the blue bricks laid on it are different from the blue bricks in front.

  There is no adhesion between the gaps, such as trihexite, etc.

  It's like it was hurriedly laid on top at the end! "

  Zhang Jinhuan looked at everyone with a light expression.

  "Brother, so you've seen it long ago? Then we have to find - ah, it's too much!"

  Zhang Zifeng leaned on his waist and said coquettishly,

  Her ability to Zhang Jinhuan has always been unconditional trust.

  So not surprised,

  But until you don't tell them,

  It made them feel dizzy all the time, looking for coffins everywhere, and as a result, they secretly mastered so much information.

  "Zifeng, remember that we are a live tomb revealing reality show,

  Of course, we need to give the audience a little more pleasant content. Besides,

  Maybe there will be more bizarre and dangerous ancient tombs waiting for us to reveal.

  If you guys are still so surprised all the time, then it's better to finish and disband after this season. "

  Zhang Jinhuan said lightly,

  The crowd suddenly realized, as expected of you, Zhang Jinhuan,

  Take one step and see three steps,

  Even without a word, he started planning for the next season.

  "It's really empty down here!"

  Chef Huang ran over and lay down on the ground,

  He tapped directly with his fingers, then bent down and listened,

  Immediately showed a look of surprise.

  "Empty? Then let's just dig the bricks three feet into the ground? Ahaha, my shovel is finally going to debut."

  Sun Honglei laughed with his waist on.

  "Brother Honglei is right! Let's remove the bricks and see what's underneath first."

  Zhang Jinhuan nodded and said, the system reward hasn't arrived yet,

  I swear I won't give up until I find the coffin that disappeared!

  "I also think you can try it. This Hades is exquisitely constructed and has many mysteries.

  Even if the archaeological team comes in to take over in the future, it will not be so easy to crack the mystery! "

  "Let's find out! Just be careful not to damage the cultural relics!"

  Professor Wang nodded in agreement and said that he and Zhang Jinhuan are both professionals.

  With the above license file,

  Naturally qualified to discover the Hades,

  The old professor who has always been stubborn seems to be unknowingly,

  Gradually changed, more and more lovely and respectable.

  "Everyone, come and help! Men and women are matched, and work is not tiring!"

  Huang Lei called out to everyone to move the bricks on the ground together!

  Many people are powerful, although the three girls seem to be weak,

  But the speed of carrying blue bricks with gloves is no worse than that of Huang Lei and Sun Honglei!

  This is another hot search if it is properly placed in UC.

  Shock!Three male and three female superstars actually do this kind of thing collectively!

  not much effort,

  The blue bricks on the altar have been cleaned up!

  Zhang Jinhuan lowered his head,

  Gently sweep the gravel on the ground with your hands,

  I can see that under the cover of sand and gravel,

  It's a neat and smooth copper plate!

  He tapped twice on the copper plate with his knuckles!

  Suddenly the hollow voice sounded again!

  "There must be a mechanism below! The coffin of the owner of the tomb is definitely below!"

  Zhang Jinhuan stood up and clapped the dust on his hands,

  Smiling to the crowd.

  "What a big and thick copper plate! But where is the mechanism you said?"

  Huang Bo lay on the ground and wiped off the dust with his arm.

  Sure enough, he saw a whole piece of copper plate, and he suddenly showed a shocked expression.

  "If you are in trouble, look for all the joy! Let's clean up the dust on the copper plate first!"

  Huang Lei's eyes signaled Zhang Jinhuan and said,

  Then he took out a rag from his mountaineering bag and distributed it to everyone to start and wipe.

  Everyone knelt on the ground with a rag and got busy.

  Zhang Jinhuan stood there and looked at the bronze coffin by the spring behind him.

  There is a very bright light in his eyes!

  "If the purpose of burying the headshot chigu monkey in a coffin,

  Just want to scare us away from getting close to the bronze coffin!

  Then it can be concluded that the mechanism to open the copper plate is on the bronze coffin! "

  "The owner of the tomb loves his wife deeply,

  He even built a jewel starry sky in his own tomb, a living spring, etc. to please his wife,

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  Then his purpose must be to live together with his wife after his death! "

  "It seems that the owner of the tomb is very likely to connect his coffin with his wife's coffin with a mechanism!"

  "Once the tomb robber enters the tomb, if he wants to open his wife's coffin, he may trigger the mechanism.

  And the coffin of the owner of the tomb will suddenly emerge from under the altar into the Hades Hall.

  Open the coffin and turn the corpse into a ghost and blow the lamp!

  Is it!The corpse that looked like a Chi Gu monkey was the general's wife who was parasitized by Chi Gu after her death?

  Is his wife still a princess?Or a concubine?elopement?Pharaoh next door?

  Hey, can't think about it any more! "

  Zhang Jinhuan muttered to himself,

........................ 0

  Ideas are instantly accessible!

  "It's basically like that!

  It's just that he didn't think that the Hades planned after his death was only half-built, and an accident happened.

  The craftsmen who built the Hades did not know what happened. What happened in the Hades?

  So that he can only be buried with the Chi Gu monkey when he dies?

  Or buried with the lady who was parasitized by Chi Gu? "

  "Zhang Jinhuan, come and have a look! There are murals on this copper plate!"

  Just when Zhang Jinhuan's mind was wide open,

  Big Mimi's voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

  Zhang Jinhuan heard the voice and walked in front of Da Mimi,

  It was found that the dust on the copper plate had been cleaned by most of the people,

  Showing off its original appearance!

  In the center of the copper plate, there is a strange pattern in the shape of a huge pupil.

  The copper plates on both sides of the pupil are engraved with lifelike reliefs of tigers and leopards!

  Tiger and leopard should represent the identity of the tomb owner general!

  But what surprised Zhang Jinhuan was that there were still many circles on the copper plate like a vortex.

  Mystery Line Stripe Road!

  The starting points of these complicated and mysterious lines are on the edge of the copper plate.

  Then rotate to extend to the huge pupil position in the center of the copper plate!

  At the intersection of the lines in the center of the copper plate,

  Zhang Jinhuan discovered that there was a jade eyeball dyed with gold that exposed the upper semicircle!

  "Fuck! Zong Chenzhu?"

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