Step on seven stars!

  Diao Chan is on the waist!

  "Open it for me!"

  After a low growl,

  Zhang Jinhuan's talents are full of talents,

  The weight of seven or eight hundred catties plus the millennium mechanism lock is fixed,

  There is also a bronze coffin with the weight of seven people,

  In an instant, the "crunch" shook!

  Zhang Jinhuan could clearly feel that,

  He wanted to push the bronze coffin,

  More power is needed!

  Under the coffin, the mechanism such as the iron buckle winch is really outrageous,

  If an ordinary person comes in, even if the agency is discovered,

  If you want to open it, you can only look at the coffin and sigh!

  I saw Zhang Jinhuan raised his eyebrows,

  The black unicorn tattoo on the whole body slowly emerged, as if to roar out from the skin!

  Zhang Jinhuan only felt that the strength of his whole body was like a racing car with nitrogen added to it!

  is a cool!

  "Sesame · Open · Door!"

  With Zhang Jinhuan growling word by word!

  just listen,


  one sound,

  As if there was a clear sound of the gear buckle being released,

  The bronze coffin began to slide slowly!

  Like a giant hand tightening the noose of a chain,

  There was a thunderous roar from the bottom of the altar in the dark room!

  at the same time,

  The entire underworld actually began to vibrate,

  The dust accumulated on the dome for thousands of years fell like snowflakes!

  Everyone in the bronze coffin stared at the gem starry sky on the dome in shock.

  Panic eyes flashed in his eyes!

  The three girls, Fat Di, Zhang Zifeng and Da Mimi, held hands tightly together.

  All eyes were fixed on Zhang Jinhuan, who pushed the coffin.

  Right now,

  Only with a face like Pinghu Zhang Jinhuan can relieve sorrow, relieve fear, and calm disorder.

  "Everyone, don't panic! This is a normal response to the activation of the underground organs of the Hades.

  Hades will not collapse because of this!And relax and watch Zhang Jinhuan looking for a coffin 〃"! "

  Professor Wang was more stable at this time,

  There is still room to soothe everyone's tense nerves.

  But at this time,

  Huang Bo suddenly turned pale.

  He raised his trembling fingers and pointed to the candle in the southeast corner of Hades,

  The voice was full of fear and shouted:

  "Candles...the candles are going out!"

  Everyone's minds just finally stabilized,

  As soon as I heard Huang Bo's words,

  The eyes instantly swept to the candle in the southeast corner of the Hades!

  I saw the dim candlelight,

  In the closed Hades,

  At this time, it was like being blown by the wind,

  Start to sway slowly left and right,

  At a certain moment the flames went out violently,

  But it lights up again!

  Just like a boat in the storm, it will completely capsize in the next wave at any time!

  "The crowing light does not touch the gold..."

  Huang Bo was there alone, muttering in a low voice,

  His face grew paler,

  He suddenly looked up at Zhang Jinhuan,

  However, he found that Zhang Jinhuan had no intention of stopping at all!

  This bronze coffin has moved a long distance!

  "Everyone calm down! The candles may be affected by the vibration of the Hades,

  It will shake a little bit!We have to believe in Zhang Jinhuan! "

  Chef Huang took a deep breath and said solemnly,

  It's all at this juncture,

  They must never do things that drag the chapters down,

  No matter how much fear and despair in my heart,

  Also suppress it.

  If you hold your thighs, you must have the consciousness and character to hold your thighs, right!

  Otherwise, no one in danger will have good juice to eat!

  Zhang Jinhuan also noticed the strangeness of the candle,

  In fact, there is no such rule of touching gold in this world.

  But Zhang Jinhuan wrote,

  There you go!

  But when the child does not fight, does the cock crowing light go out to touch the gold?


  This coffin must be opened!

  I can write it with all my joy, and it will come naturally!

  The second uncle and the third uncle can't stop him!

  I'm happy to say it!

  "It seems that you immortal cultivator is very unhappy for letting me open the coffin, isn't it?

  Today I will lift your skull,

  Let me see your face!

  Your face is red and round,

  Seems like that apple to fall! "

  Zhang Jinhuan snorted again,

  The muscles in the arm bulge again,

  A more turbulent force surged out from the unicorn tattoo,

  The bottom of the bronze coffin and the ground mechanism track made a harsh friction sound.


  The entire coffin actually slid out several meters in parallel!


  It seems that everything has calmed down in an instant!

  The tremors of Hades vanished,

  The flickering candle in the southeast corner also slowly stabilized!

  If it weren't for the bronze coffin in front of me, it would have slipped out far away,

  Everyone thought that what just happened was an illusion!

  Everyone looked at each other,

  At a loss,

  In the gigantic Hades,

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