At this time, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Jinhuan and said,

  As a professor of death at the Institute of Archaeology,

  When he saw the precious cultural relics, he subconsciously wanted to protect them immediately.

  When the subsequent archaeological teams are in place, they will be excavated.

  It's safe to keep in a museum!

  Zhang Jinhuan said lightly:

  "This golden armor is well sealed, as long as you don't touch it,

  The environment inside will not change! "

  "I believe what you Zhang Jinhuan said, but I'm a little flustered and always have an ominous premonition."

  Professor Wang scratched his gray hair,

  Looking around this Qing Erbai history of the poorest palace,


  Can only sigh and give up.

  At this time, Professor Wang, who sighed, felt as if something had fallen on his head.

  He reached out and touched it and found that it turned out to be a lump of loess!

  He woke up instantly and turned on his flashlight to shine at the dome of the underworld,

  I saw several dark and eerie figures,

  Lying on top of the dome of the Hades, he was grinning at him!

  "Everyone, be careful on the dome!"

  Professor Wang's face changed and he shouted a warning! .

Chapter 81

  As soon as everyone heard Professor Wang's warning,

  They swept their flashlights to the top of the dome,

  Sure enough, I saw a lot of Chi Gu monkeys appearing on the dome!

  "Where did they come from? How come there are more and more?"

  At first, Huang Bo hated these kind of aliens.

  Because I was almost parasitized by Chi Gu in the corridor,

  He was so frightened that he almost collapsed in the bronze coffin of the water spring,

  But hearing Zhang Jinhuan say that the dead chigu monkey just happened to save them,

  Very contradictory inside!

  "These alien species don't seem to be very harmful, should we take it as if we didn't see it?"

  Huang Bo finally reconciled himself and turned to Zhang Jinhuan.

  Zhang Jinhuan is actually not a midnight butcher with a knife and no flash in the rainy night.

  As long as it doesn't endanger everyone's life, he is happy to relax!

  "But I don't think they intend to let us go!"

  Sun Honglei held a large knife on his head as a helmet,

  Staring at the blue brick orbs on the dome,

  The Chi Gu monkey, who vowed to compete with them and decide their life and death, shouted.

  "Come on, let me scare them first, and they're gone!"

  Huang Xiaochu was smashed on the back, and he picked up a scattered green brick from the ground with a grin.

  about to smash.

  But Huang Bo was held back.

  "You can't do this! Not professional! You have to look at me to frighten them!"

  Huang Bo looks full of confidence,

  Under the dazed eyes of the crowd,

  He grimaced at the Chi Gu monkey above the dome,

  There was also a shameful and shameful voice of "Oh oh..." in my throat!

  Everyone instantly collective petrification,

  I never imagined that Huang Bo would have such a stunt.

  And it seems to be working!

  The Chi Gu monkey, who was grinning and digging bricks just now, was staring blankly at Huang Bo.

  " about it? Brother Pao never wears loose belts!"

  Huang Bo's face was bright and he continued to make a face and yell at the Chi Gu monkeys.

  "Brother Bo is awesome! I'm convinced!"

  Huang Xiaochu gave a thumbs up to Huang Bo.

  "You two are blind! I think you have fallen into evil again"? "

  Sun Honglei pointed at the Chi Gu monkey above the dome and cursed angrily:

  "You see what they're doing?"

  Everyone immediately transferred the flashlight to the past,

  Only then did I realize that those Chi Gu monkeys were like ancestral graves dug by Huang Bo,

  Beating his chest and roaring like King Kong,

  Several mighty and majestic Chi Gu monkeys dug directly against the boulder on the dome!

  It seemed like he was going to dig down the Hades and bury everyone alive!

  Chi Gu monkeys seem to have high IQs,

  One takes the lead in the big brother, and the other younger brothers learn one after another.

  All began to dig the boulder beams of the dome!

  Zhang Jinhuan, who had been silent all this time, frowned.

  Looking at Li Yuanba's coffin under the Chi Gu monkey...

  "Crack!" There was a sound,

  An orb the size of a human head smashed into the face of the mummified Li Yuanba!


  Chi Gu monkeys seem to be laughing and celebrating,

  Zhang Jinhuan had an ominous premonition in his heart!

  Although the orb on the dome is different from the Zong Chen bead in the copper plate array,

  There is no array to hide the wind and gather water,

  But it has been embedded in the dome for thousands of years,

  Anyway, it naturally condensed a little bit of heaven and earth!

  It will not rot for thousands of years, but it will change when it is angry!

  This Li Yuanba is going to be transformed into a corpse!

  "Ding! Hidden quest is triggered, kill Li Yuanba, the corpse, and the reward system will draw a lottery!"

  The mechanical sound of the system sounded again in Zhang Jinhuan's mind.

  I am Nima!

  Who wants to trigger who is the grandson!

  Great fun this time!

  The air in the Hades seemed to freeze, and everyone was stupid.

  "If I remember correctly, Zhang Jinhuan just said,"

  "Fortunately, Li Yuanba's body didn't touch Zong Chenzhu,

  Otherwise, the corpse would have already changed.

  Then the jewel on this dome...

  Shouldn't it cause corpse transformation? "

  Huang Xiaochu opened his eyes wide and asked Zhang Jinhuan stumblingly.

  Everyone looked at Zhang Jinhuan with terrified eyes.

  But I found that Zhang Jinhuan closed his eyes again like he did on the Dragon King River... asleep?

  The second time everyone is used to it, wait quietly,

  Sure enough, Zhang Jinhuan opened his eyes after a while,

  It's just that the eyes in an instant have a violent and belligerent atmosphere of bloodthirsty killing.

  Everyone was shocked and silent.

  "Go back to the bronze coffin just now!"

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