To be honest.

Zhou Yang didn't know much about the development history of this company.

He only remembered that more than ten years later.

This company was acquired by the world's richest man, Musk, who spent more than 40 billion at the time and completed privatization and delisting.

Based on this point.

Zhou Yang knew that he must get a share.

It's a waste not to make money from the Americans.

Of course.

He also knew the risks of doing so, so he didn't plan to take too much advantage.

Not long after.

They arrived at the door of the company.


Jack was a little surprised and said, "Mr. Zhou Yang, is this your destination?"

Zhou Yang nodded and said, "Yes."

"Why, do you know this company?"

"Yes, I know."

Jack smiled and said, "Mr. Zhou Yang, you are the biggest order I have received this year, so I have to tell you that Twitter has no future, because its competitor is Facebook founded by Mark Zuckerberg, and Twitter can never succeed."

Listening to Jack's words, Zhou Yang did not say a word.

Because only he, the time traveler, clearly understood the final outcome of the war between Twitter and Facebook.

Seeing Zhou Yang was unmoved.

Jack also understood that this boss came to the United States from afar just for Twitter, and he might not turn back until he hits the wall.

Well, anyway, this Oriental man is not short of money, even if he loses, it is probably a drop in the bucket.

The other party doesn't care, so what should he, a bystander, care about?

The group walked into Twitter.

The company's equipment and area are pitifully small.

Zhou Yang couldn't help but sigh softly. Twitter is now struggling under the suppression of the government.

In fact, if it was two years earlier, Zhou Yang thought it would be good to invest in Facebook.

After all, Twitter did not start to rise completely until four years later, in 2008, when the subprime mortgage crisis broke out.

However, Facebook is now in its heyday.

No one would think that Twitter would defeat Facebook.

Even the current chairman of Twitter probably has no confidence.

Because Facebook is really too powerful.

So powerful that Twitter can only look up to Facebook now.

There are many elites and strong people in Facebook today. They are naturally repulsive to foreign Orientals.

Zhou Yang is afraid that he can't even get into their shareholder circle.

So he had to find Twitter, which is about to rise.

There are not many people in Twitter today.

Soon, the tired Twitter boss Jacko came out.

Jack saw Zhou Yang and others and asked suspiciously in English: "Excuse me, is there anything I can do for you?"

Zhou Yang smiled and stretched out his hand, saying in fluent English: "Hello, I am Zhou Yang from the East."


In the meeting room of Twitter.

Jack looked at Zhou Yang in surprise and said: "You want to acquire our Twitter?!"

Zhou Yang smiled and said: "I am willing to spend 100 million US dollars to acquire Twitter! Consider it."

Twitter looked at Zhou Yang in shock. This guest who came from the East was so wealthy.

Jack hesitated and finally frowned and said: "Mr. Zhou Yang, I'm very sorry."

"Our company is indeed short of funds now, but I will not agree to sell the company. Even if several of our partners come, we will not agree to such a thing."

"It's really a pity."

Behind Zhou Yang, Jack, who stood like a bodyguard, was frantic.

Oh my God! A full 100 million US dollars? ! !

No wonder this guest didn't even blink at half a million US dollars. He is so rich.

Jack couldn't help but marvel.

Even though he was the security captain of Blackwater, he was used to seeing sponsors.

But there were not many people as generous as Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang smiled slightly and said, "Then let's take a step back! One hundred million US dollars, I will invest in Twitter and hold 40% of the shares, how about it?"

Jack Duo was surprised and said, "One hundred million US dollars to invest in our Twitter? Mr. Zhou Yang, are you... are you really sure?"

Zhou Yang smiled and nodded.

Jack Duo suddenly became excited and nodded constantly, saying, "I agree! But this still requires the nods of my other partners!"

"I will give you an answer within three days, what do you think?!"

Zhou Yang nodded slightly and said, "Okay."


Left Twitter.

Zhou Yang and Liang Qian went straight back to the hotel they had booked.

Along the way, Zhou Yang was in a good mood.

He actually had no idea of ​​acquiring Twitter.

Four years later.

Twitter began to rise and became a top company in the United States.

If the company at that timeThe boss of the company is an Oriental.

Then the FBI will have to trouble Zhou Yang every day?

Zhou Yang can't be that greedy snake, but it's okay to eat a little bit of fat meat.

Left Twitter.

Zhou Yang was thinking about the United States all the way.

After a moment, he said to Liang Qian: "I plan to find a team of lawyers and hire a top accountant!"

Liang Qian said: "Okay, Mr. Zhou, leave this matter to me."

Zhou Yang shook his head and said: "No, let's leave it to Jack. He took $500,000 from me, so he has to do something. Besides, he is much more handy than us in this land."

Liang Qian nodded.


One day later.

Jack brought two professionals in black suits to the hotel where Zhou Yang was.

It was the famous American lawyer and accountant.

The black lawyer said politely: "Hello, Mr. Zhou Yang."

Zhou Yang nodded and said: "Nice to meet you."

Jack introduced the lawyer and accountant: "This Mr. Zhou Yang has just invested in a big project of 100 million US dollars."

The accountant's eyes lit up and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou Yang, please rest assured, I will do my best to take care of your assets and ensure that your assets are constantly increasing in value and climbing!"

The lawyer also smiled and said: "Mr. Zhou Yang, I am the same. It is my honor to cooperate with a boss like you."

The lawyer and the accountant were very happy.

After all, it is not easy to meet such a rich boss.

If you meet one, you must cherish it.

Zhou Yang smiled and nodded, saying: "My assets in the United States will be handed over to you two. I hope you will not let me down."

The two blacks immediately patted their chests and guaranteed that they were the most professional people in the United States.

Zhou Yang believed this.

After all, this was invited by Jack.

Moreover, the information of these two black people can also be found on the official website of the United States.

They are indeed famous and well-known.

They are the top lawyers and accountants in the United States!

Zhou Yang talked with the two black people about the affairs of the United States.

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