At the beginning, the reason why the Zhou family was able to rise in the northwest of Shanxi was that they cut it one by one!

The title of the Northwest Cutting King is not for nothing.

Whenever he went down to the mine, his father would lead the way, taking Uncle Zhang and other confidants to fight the other party directly.

That really put life and death aside.

The reputation of the Zhou family is absolutely well-known in the northwest of Shanxi.

When hearing Zhou Yang's words, the second generation of coal miners was instantly shocked and broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly shook his head and said: "No, no!"

After saying this.

The man turned around and left, and even didn't care about Ma Rong beside him.

Don't joke.

That's the son of the Northwest Cutting King.

When the people on the road heard these four words, they all changed their color.

If he really dared to stay, he might really be that!

? ? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?

What's going on?

The crew members who had not yet left were dumbfounded.

Last second.

This guy was still arrogant and domineering, looking as awesome as he could be, but in the next second, he ran away!

Could this be a thin dog?

At that moment.

Everyone was confused!

Ma Rong was also dumbfounded.

Brother Feng, whose full name is Wang Feng, is a second-generation coal miner. His family owns several coal mines and is definitely a rich man.

It was also because of a dinner party between sisters that she met this rich second-generation.

After seeing the potential of the other party, she decisively abandoned Wang Baoqiang and chose to hook up with Wang Feng.

Between the two of them, they are birds of a feather!

You covet my wealth, and I covet your beauty. It is simply a case of meeting a good talent and getting what we need!

Bringing him to Wang Baoqiang was also Ma Rong's way of showing her determination to make a clean break with the past.

But at this moment, looking at Wang Feng fleeing in a panic, for some reason, Ma Rong suddenly felt an unreal feeling!


What is the situation now?

Looking at Wang Feng's fleeing appearance, Zhou Yang suddenly laughed.

I didn't expect that one day, I would also fall to the day of competing with my father.

He saw very clearly that the reason why this kid ran away was entirely because of his father's reputation as the Northwest Cutting King.

Although his father died in an accident, the power left by the Qin family is still there.

Maybe this is why the other party is afraid!

At this time, Uncle Zhang suddenly came over and said, "Master, this kid should know the reputation of our family. The black-clothed bodyguard next to him is a man who has seen blood on his hands!"

"Compared to Uncle Zhang, how is it?"

Zhou Yang looked at the direction where Wang Feng left and asked with a smile.

Hearing this.

Uncle Zhang did not reply, but just shook his head.

But Zhou Yang smiled, because he clearly saw the disdain in Uncle Zhang's eyes!

It seemed that he was saying that a rotten fish and shrimp were worthy of being compared with him!

Zhou Yang knew Uncle Zhang better.

Among the forces left by his tragic father, Uncle Zhang was the well-deserved boss.

He was in his forties, in the prime of his life, and under his black clothes were hidden one hideous scar after another.

To put it bluntly, the bodyguard next to Wang Feng would definitely not be able to get out of three rounds in a life-and-death fight with Uncle Zhang, and would be killed by Zhang Shu!

Zhou Yang respected this person from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, let the uncles take a rest, don't be so nervous, now it's a society ruled by law, the other party dare not mess around!"

"After Baoqiang's matter is resolved, I will also go to Yanjing!"

Zhou Yang said with a smile.

The reason why he has been staying in the crew these days is to help Wang Baoqiang solve this matter.

He still has high regard for this potential actor.

Apart from other things, the Tang Detective series of movies alone have proved the talent of this kid.

In terms of money-making ability alone, I am afraid that only the future Da Mi Mi can crush him!

Such a cash cow must be kept in the company at any cost.

What Zhou Yang didn't expect was that this time it was so easy!


On the other side, Ma Rong got into Wang Feng's car, frowning and looking very unhappy!

"Humph, I clearly said I would teach them a lesson, what's wrong?"

Ma Rong was still angry, she was very unhappy, she was definitely not valued!

Originally, she wanted to show off in front of her ex-boyfriend Wang Baoqiang, and then get rid of that country bumpkin, but she ended up getting slapped in the face. Ma Rong now feels like she is going to explode!

"Two things!"

Just at this time, Wang Feng spoke.

"The first thing, the things I gave you, just treat them as my gift to you, giveI don't want your money, after all, you are a pretty good woman, you serve me very well! "

Maybe this woman has some flaws in other aspects, but she is excellent at dressing men. She has tried all kinds of things for him, even her back garden!

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Ma Rong was stunned, looking at Wang Feng in disbelief. She was fine before, how could she suddenly become like that!

"The second thing, from today on, please stay out of my life, don't have any contact with me in the future, and don't think about doing anything under my name. You and I have no relationship before. If I find out, I don't mind making you disappear from this world! "

As he said this, a hint of anger flashed in Wang Feng's eyes!

As the son of a coal boss, he may not have learned anything else, but he is ruthless and cruel. If he finds that Ma Rong is using his name to do things, he will make her taste the real hell on earth!


Wang Feng turned his head to look at Ma Rong and said lightly: "You and I, break up peacefully, and we will be strangers from now on! "




Ma Rong was in a bad mood, feeling like she had done nothing!

The reason why she chose Wang Baoqiang was to live a rich life. After they became boyfriend and girlfriend, she kept this rustic man hanging with her proud figure and appearance, as well as her green tea will.

The two had been together for about a year. Although they treated each other with respect on weekdays, secretly, Ma Rong could no longer stand Wang Baoqiang and felt that following such a man was her biggest failure.

Little did she know that the house she lived in, the clothes she wore, and the jewelry she carried were all bought by Wang Baoqiang. Even the rich life she had always dreamed of was given by Wang Baoqiang!

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