Mom and Dad smiled at each other and nodded.

They couldn't help but sigh.

Their son also had his own youth.

This new version of "Dragon Babu" is obviously qualified to be the youth of a generation.

As the family talked, the TV series began.

The opening song of the second episode of the new version of "Dragon Babu" was played.

The family stared at the TV screen intently.

They didn't even want to miss the TV shot.

Finally, the opening song ended.

They stretched their necks and watched the plot of the second episode develop.

The beginning of the second episode.

It was more than 20 years later.

In this timeline, Qiao Feng has grown up and joined the Beggars' Sect, and his reputation is great.

In the first picture that appears.

Qiao Feng stood on the hill, looking at the Liao army marching in the distance.

As soon as the Liao army entered the ambush circle, he flicked his finger to send a signal.

The Beggars' Sect disciples who had been ambushed in advance came out in full force.

The two sides fought.

The Beggars' Sect had more people, but the Liao army was well-trained and well-equipped, so the two sides were in a close fight.

The Beggars' Sect also suffered heavy losses.

Seeing this, Qiao Feng hurriedly joined the battle, and the situation turned around instantly.

Qiao Feng was a martial arts expert, and as a young man, he was already brave enough to defeat ten thousand men.

He fought one against a hundred, and the Liao army instantly collapsed and prepared to escape.

But Qiao Feng swung his long sword and pierced the heart of the Liao army leader in the air.

The Beggars' Sect disciples cheered and boiled.

See here.

Tutu couldn't help but his eyes lit up and shouted: "Good fight! Good fight!"

"This Qiao Feng is so handsome! I want to be a hero like Qiao Feng in the future!!"

Dad couldn't help but sigh: "I always thought that there would be no "Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils" that could surpass the Hong Kong version, but this Qiao Feng actor gave me hope, I think it's really possible."

Mom also nodded in agreement and said: "If so, it will really be another classic."

The family commented on the TV series, but obviously, they were all praises.

In the TV series, the plot is still developing.

Qiao Feng also returned to the Beggars' Sect with all his disciples.

The mission was successfully completed, and the help was very kind to Qiao Feng.

Everyone can see the so-called favor.

The leader intends to hand over the next leader position to the young man Qiao Feng.

Dad, Mom, and Tutu, no longer have time to talk and chat.

They were instantly attracted by the plot, staring at the screen, unable to look away.

Whether it was military exploits or prestige, Qiao Feng was the best choice for the next leader.

But to truly become the leader of the Beggars' Sect, there was still one last test.

At present, the Xixia Yipintang had summoned the four evil men.

They were attacking the Yunnan branch of the Beggars' Sect.

As long as Qiao Feng could settle this matter, the next leader would be Qiao Feng.

On the TV, the screen turned.

The scene was the Yunnan branch, where Beggars' Sect disciples were being tortured.

Duan Yanqing had a bald head and a ferocious face.

The Beggars' Sect disciple vomited blood, covered his chest and said angrily: "Evil thief, I warn you, the headquarters has sent Qiao Feng to Yunnan, you can kill us all, and when Qiao Feng arrives, he will naturally cut you into pieces!"

Duan Yanqing sneered and looked at the Beggars' Sect disciples with murderous intent.

Duan Yanqing sneered, "I am here to meet the Qiao Feng you mentioned. If he doesn't come, I will tear him into pieces!"

At this moment, a calm and powerful voice suddenly sounded behind him.


Duan Yanqing was shocked and turned around quickly, and saw a young man with a heroic look standing not far away.

Duan Yanqing's face was solemn. He was unaware of the arrival of this person.

He knew that the person was a master.

Duan Yanqing frowned and said, "Are you Qiao Feng?"

Qiao Feng said coldly, "Are you going to tear me into pieces?"

Duan Yanqing snorted coldly and took the initiative.

He turned his body sideways and kicked with his left foot.

The iron crutch rushed over and headed straight for Qiao Feng's face.

The strength was so great that Qiao Feng retreated again and again.

Before he could stand still, Duan Yanqing made another oblique chop from the sky!

Qiao Feng then used a hook to block it.

Then he actually did a Thomas spin on the spot.

Qiao Feng took advantage of Duan Yanqing's lack of consciousness.

He flipped his ankle and the crutch flew out.

Then he turned around and spun while throwing a palm.

Leaves flew up from the ground.

In an instant, they turned into sharp flying knives and flew towards Duan Yanqing.

Looking at the leaves all over his body, Duan Yanqing was very dissatisfied, but he knew in his heart that, this battle has been lost.

"It is true that there is no false reputation under a great reputation. Today, I lost the battle!"

After saying that, he actually tiptoed and flew towards the sky.

Qiao Feng smiled slightly and arched his hands towards the sky without even looking at Duan Yanqing.

He knew that this man was no longer a threat to him.

Because just now, he only used 70% of his strength.

The second episode ends.


Yahe Community.

The family still has a feeling of wanting more.

Dad sighed: "This Duan Yanqing is really good! Although the Hong Kong version of Duan Yanqing is also quite outstanding, there is no doubt that the new version is even better! I have a hunch, I don't know if it's right."

"I think this new version of "Tianlong Babu" will really surpass the Hong Kong version!"

Dad's expression was obviously excited.

He was excited and happy to have discovered such a good TV series.

Not only the father, but also the mother was full of joy and kept nodding.

"Today's TV series is very good, but it's just too little, only two episodes a day, not enough!"

Tutu also grabbed his two big ears and cried sadly: "Mom and Dad, this TV series is so good! I really can't watch enough!"

"Why are there only two episodes a day! It's not enough!"

"I like this TV series so much! Qiao Feng is my idol!!!"

"I want to be a hero like Qiao Feng in the future!"

Tutu's excited words made his parents smile.

They were all a little happy in their hearts.

Because this excellent TV series allows children to establish dreams and true values ​​in their hearts. With the dream of being a hero in their hearts, they will definitely not go astray in the future.

It can be seen how important an excellent TV series is to young people.


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