"That's right, not only did they recruit more than 10 beautiful anchors at one time, but the efficiency was so high!"


Zhou Yang could only smile helplessly when he saw this, and then lowered his head to continue fiddling with his phone.

At the same time, in the conference room of another company, a group of people were staring at the big screen in front of them nervously.

"Yes, yes, I just checked, and the number of people in our live broadcast room has soared to more than 6,300 today!

And it is still soaring!"

At this time, Zhang Minghui was staring at the computer screen in his office.

He also wanted to come here to take credit after hearing about Zhou Yang's affairs.

After all, this kind of sticky employee is very rare, not to mention that the company cooperating with Zhou Yang this time is a big brand company.

So when Li Chenhong told him the news, his heart was immediately filled with joy.

"Very good!

Not bad!

You are worthy of my attention!


On the other side, Zhou Yang was still interacting with the audience.

"Everyone is welcome to come and support us, thank you!"

"Fuck, boss, this is so awesome, isn't it?

You are going to be famous!"

"That's right, boss, should we give you a gift or something later?"

"Yes, boss, can you invite this god to the company?"

"Good idea!

But don't worry, there will be only benefits and no risks!"

Seeing the enthusiasm of this group of netizens, Zhou Yang was immediately overjoyed.

Unlike Li Chenhong's expansion, everyone here seemed very excited.

"Haha, Zhou Yang, I didn't expect that the live broadcast software you came up with could actually attract so many people!"

"Yes, brother, our company has this software. As long as the supply and sales are fine, it will definitely not be a problem to make a fortune every day!"

"But since this plan was thought up by Zhou Yang, why doesn't he stay and continue to work for us?"

The speaker is a young man with glasses, who looks a little green at first glance.

But the gloom in his eyes revealed his inner emotions at the moment.

Unexpectedly, this live broadcast really opened his eyes and gained a lot!

Even Li Chenhong couldn't help but feel jealous: "What on earth is this kid holding in his hand?

How can he attract all the people in the company?"

Indeed, Li Chenhong had worked with Zhou Yang several times before.

But those people immediately chose to retreat after seeing that Zhou Yang was just wearing a pair of slippers and didn't even put on makeup.

After all, this kind of dress is too unkempt.

But today, Zhou Yang made Li Chenhong feel refreshed.

Perhaps for them, the young man in front of them is really a miracle!

"Xiao Zhao, what are you thinking about?"

Hearing the young man's words, Zhang Minghui frowned unhappily: "Zhou Yang can stand alone in this situation, and each of us owes him a favor!

So the company agrees to his departure."

"But boss..."

Xiao Zhao wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Zhang Minghui.

Looking at the group of men who trust him, Zhang Minghui sighed, and then said slowly: "I know what he wants to do."


At the same time, in an unmanned factory located in the mountains, Zhou Yang is guiding employees to install software.

"It's true, although the quality of this group of people is uneven, the software is installed quite quickly."

Seeing that some people have already started working, Zhou Yang couldn't help but nodded secretly.

After all, he just wanted to attract more people to pay attention to his live broadcast room, but he didn't expect that this group of people was still quite powerful.

"Okay, is everyone done with their work?"

Zhou Yang raised his hand to check the time, then asked.

"He is going to open up the market and expand our territory.

I believe he can do better!"


After talking to the senior executives of the other two companies, Zhou Yang returned to his residence excitedly.

After a simple dinner, Zhou Yang immediately came to his platform.

Taking advantage of the night, Zhou Yang once again walked into his Starlight Live Studio.

This time, he did not randomly choose a certain anchor to broadcast live as usual, but followed the routine set by Li Chenhong for him.

"Good evening, everyone, I know you are all very excited now.

Of course, I am also very excited."

After speaking, Zhou Yang took out his mobile phone and put his bank card into the table.

"It's over."

"Everyone, remember to send the link later, I'm going to start live streaming and selling goods!"

"Haha, okay boss!""Let's wait and see!"

Seeing everyone respond, Zhou Yang couldn't help but show a satisfied smile on his face.

The reason why he wanted to do live broadcasts was to attract more people to pay attention to his live broadcast room.

And only after the popularity reached a certain value, he could redeem other things through this software.

As for the most basic advertisements, as long as someone wants to see them, he can completely ignore the feelings of this group of people.

On the other side, Li Chenhong suddenly fell silent.

"Here is 100,000 yuan. You know, I usually make daily payments."

Seeing the bank card, someone in the live broadcast room immediately responded: "Where did Brother Lin get all the money here?

Is it the flow in the software?"

Zhou Yang smiled and said nothing to the questions in the barrage.

He didn't hide his current mood at all: "All this money was drawn when I was lucky today and just entered the mall."

"Okay, let's stop here for today's live broadcast.

See you tomorrow!"

After closing the live broadcast, Zhou Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

In just a few hours, his Starlight Live Room had already attracted millions of viewers.

And the number was still increasing crazily.

It seemed that he was really going to be popular this time!

They were still shocked that Zhou Yang could attract so many people.

But when they found out that Zhou Yang was just broadcasting for a few minutes, they suddenly became uneasy.

"What does this guy want to do?"

Li Chenhong's brows were tightly knitted into a Sichuan character.

At the same time, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the familiar number on it, Li Chenhong immediately answered the call.

"Do you really want to do this?"

A majestic and deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I said, don't bother with my business!"

Li Chenhong answered unceremoniously.

"But you have affected the company's market share, and some people even refuse to cooperate with us because of this!"

"Okay, I know you are notifying me.

Don't worry, this matter will not involve the company!"

Li Chenhong said nonchalantly: "Okay, don't call me again in the future!

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