It is obvious to see.

At this time, the actors who played Kong Jie and Li Yunlong have completely entered the state of the role.

Kong Jie's unwillingness, depression, and regret, Li Yunlong's indifference at this time, and the behavior of stabbing with a knife, all reflect the personalities of their characters vividly!

Seeing his old friend angry, Lao Li was a little embarrassed.

He immediately said: "Lao Kong..."

Who would have thought.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Kong Jie, who swung his arms and said: "Stop swearing, I'm not the head of the group, I would have been rubbed long ago!"

That's it.

After a scene, these two old actors seemed to be a little unsatisfied.

Until Zhou Yang shouted "cut", the two did not completely come back to their senses and were still immersed in it!

From this, it can be seen that these two roles are really suitable for them to play.

Especially the charm of their respective roles, which makes the two of them unable to stop!

It can be said that after the blessing of these two actors, the two roles of Kong Jie and Li Yunlong directly played the role of one plus one greater than two!


Zhou Yang also felt very satisfied watching this scene, and he was still not satisfied.

He didn't understand before, why so many audiences were obsessed with the acting skills of these old actors?

Is it just because of good acting skills?

Until now, when filming on the spot, Zhou Yang has a deeper understanding of this matter!

Although he was also a mature director in his previous life, he could only be regarded as an executive director at most, just like Xiao Wang now!

And now.

Watching the two old actors acting there, or the classic film and television novel roles such as "Bright Sword"!

Zhou Yang was really amazed.



With Zhou Yang's crisp voice, it also means that the filming of this scene is over!

Seeing everyone cowering and freezing, Zhou Yang frowned, thought for a moment and said, "Okay, let's leave it at that for today!"

"Everyone go back and rest early!"

It's not that Zhou Yang thinks the weather is a bit cold.

For a man who has lived in the cold northern region for many years, this little bit of cold is really nothing!

Besides, as a young man, Zhou Yang is in good health and has nothing to worry about!

But these actors are different. They are not young anymore, and now they are facing heavy snow and severe cold weather.

If something happens during this process, it will be a disaster!

It affects them and the shooting progress of "Bright Sword".

This is not what Zhou Yang wants to see.


Seeing that the temperature is getting lower and lower, Zhou Yang directly ordered to finish work.

For Zhou Yang, it would rather take a longer time than let these people have any problems.

For the next period of time, the focus will still be on the indoor plot.

It took almost half a month, with many stops and starts, to finish filming the scenes in the house.

After such a half month, Zhou Yang had a clear understanding of these so-called old actors.

They are cute, naughty and gentle.

Especially their professional attitude, which is simply shocking.

Once the filming starts, they will have their own understanding of the role in their minds, and then immerse themselves in it, and perform it according to their own understanding!

Especially the rivalry between them, it is so fierce, just listening to their lines and dubbing, you can feel the unique swords and shadows of that era!

Not to mention what the real scene is like.

And all the staff and actors of the entire crew.

In this half month, the impression of Zhou Yang, the coal boss, has changed dramatically.

At the very beginning.

I think he is just for that, but seeing that he pays a lot of money, everyone has a little resentment in their hearts, but never shows it on the surface.

But later.

As Zhou Yang's directing skills continued to show, as well as his strong human touch in doing things, all the staff looked at him with new eyes!

And when Zhou Yang pointed out some mistakes and shortcomings made by Li Youbing and others during the filming process.


Everyone respected this young director in his twenties.

No one mentioned the three words "coal boss" in the theater anymore!

As long as he was still in the crew for one day, he would always be the crew's "Director Zhou"!

As for Zhou Yang, he never cared about these empty things.

He was just immersed in the script, constantly fiddling with the camera and monitor screen every day.

After filming the plot inside the house, the rest was the plot outside the house.

To put it nicely, it's calledOutside the house, or in the wild if you want to sound bad.

The reason why it is called the wild is that more than 90% of the remaining scenes are war scenes and explosion scenes!

These are definitely the most difficult in the entire work of "Bright Sword"!


According to the explicit regulations of the government in northwest Shanxi, these so-called explosions and wars can only be filmed in the mountains, not in ordinary suburbs or in the wild.

This really stumped the entire crew and Zhou Yang.

But there is no way.

The orders from above must be obeyed no matter what.


Zhou Yang could only bite the bullet and film in the mountains in front of the entire crew.


"Do it again!"


"Do it again!"

Since entering the mountains to shoot.

Zhou Yang has been repeating these three words.

His expression and face became cyan and dark in the repetition of one word after another!

The mountain peaks are sharp and the cold wind is howling.

The temperature was as high as minus ten degrees.

Under this circumstance, the entire crew carried out explosions again and again, and re-recorded again and again.

As time passed!

The huge investment funds were burning, the costs were constantly increasing, and even the patience of the actors began to gradually wear out!

Especially those extras.

Even if Zhou Yang offered a good price, they were just extras after all, a group of young people. Under the guilt and impetuousness, they would not be too satisfied with anything they did!

Zhou Yang didn't want to do this.

But what can I do.

The things shot were simply horrible, and I couldn't even watch them!

"Xiao Wang, where did you find these extras? The bombs haven't exploded yet, and the devils fell down by themselves. Do you think it's a high-tech special ability?"

Zhou Yang, who couldn't bear it any longer, finally broke out.

A cannon output bombed the executive director Xiao Wang.

Although the TV series "Bright Sword" is a bit exaggerated, no matter what, we still have to respect the real history.

If such an exaggerated thing is filmed, whether it can pass the review is a problem, and whether it can be put on the stage is also a problem.

And the last and most important point is, after it is broadcast, if it is discovered by the audience, will it be criticized to death?

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