There is a photo on the phone screen.

This photo was taken by Teacher Li Lu herself during the "Drinking Alone Under the Moon" last night.

"Haha... So, Teacher Li Lu is helping me."

Zhou Yang laughed dumbly and felt a little warm.

Not only that, Zhou Yang found that he and Teacher Li Lu had a tacit understanding.

It was as if... he and she were old acquaintances.

"It seems that I should have left a deep impression on Li Lu." Zhou Yang thought with a smile.

At this time, his phone rang again.

This time it was Shen Xiaotong who called.

"Hello... Xiaotong." Zhou Yang answered the phone.

"Zhou Yang, where are you?" Shen Xiaotong said coquettishly, "Yesterday you said you would teach me to sing, and now, I want to learn to sing."

"Huh? I was just joking yesterday, why did you take it so seriously?" Zhou Yang was embarrassed.

"Huh, no matter! Anyway, I want to learn to sing today." Shen Xiaotong threw a tantrum.

"Are you really not afraid of delaying your studies?" Zhou Yang said with some worry.

"No!" Shen Xiaotong said firmly, "I must learn to sing, I must sing and become a star."

"Uh... then wait, I'll pick you up right away."

Zhou Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yang drove towards Jiangnan Academy of Arts.

On the way.

"Zhou Yang, hurry up. My parents are resting today. They are not at home."


Zhou Yang nodded, and the speed became faster and faster.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yang arrived at Jiangnan Academy.

"Shen Xiaotong, where is it?"

After parking the car and walking into the campus, Zhou Yang looked around.

"Zhou Yang!"

Shen Xiaotong, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, was youthful and lively, and ran over.

"Hehe. Zhou Yang, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Throwing herself into Zhou Yang's arms, she hugged Zhou Yang's waist.

"Xiaotong, are your parents home?"

"My dad is on a business trip today, not here." Shen Xiaotong said.

"Well! Let's go eat first."

The two held hands and walked while eating lunch.

During the time, Shen Xiaotong gave Zhou Yang a paper bag.

Zhou Yang opened it and was stunned - the paper bag contained 5,000 yuan and a document.

The document read - "Xianwu Continent" Project Manager Assistant Position Appointment Letter.

"My dad has recruited you into Xianwu Company?" Shen Xiaotong blinked her big eyes and said in surprise.

Zhou Yang shook his head: "No, why don't I know."

"That's strange." Shen Xiaotong scratched his head and wondered.

"Don't worry. Wait a minute, let's go back to the dormitory and ask." Zhou Yang rubbed Shen Xiaotong's head.

"Well." Shen Xiaotong nodded obediently.

After lunch.

Zhou Yang took Shen Xiaotong to the dormitory building of Jiangnan University.

The third floor of the dormitory building is a mixed dormitory for men and women.

Zhou Yang knocked on the door of the dormitory.

"Fuck? Didn't you drop out of school? What's going on?" As soon as he entered the door, he saw Wang Peng's eyes widened.

"Zhou Yang, weren't you expelled?" Next to him, another roommate, Li Haoran, also looked at Zhou Yang with a strange look.

"Zhou Yang, didn't you drop out of school? Why are you back again?" Another girl, Liu Fangfang, also asked in confusion.

"Hehe..." Zhou Yang smiled indifferently, "I'm back to class."

"Tsk, class? What class are you taking?" Wang Peng sneered.

Zhou Yang ignored Wang Peng, glanced around, and then said: "Are you all my roommates?"

"Yes. My name is Wang Peng. My dad opened a gym and I go there to exercise every day. Liu Fangfang is my neighbor and works part-time as a fashion designer." Wang Peng said proudly.

"Hehe..." Zhou Yang's mouth twitched.

He could see that although Wang Peng was dressed in ordinary clothes, his muscles were bulging all over his body, and he was definitely a power player.

As for the other two roommates, they were also power players and had practiced some kung fu.

The lowest strength of these people was probably equivalent to the peak of internal strength.

"Tsk tsk... It turns out that having money can enjoy high-quality treatment." Zhou Yang sighed.

Then, he looked at Wang Peng.

"My name is Zhou Yang, you can call me Brother Zhou Yang. From today on, you are my younger brother, understand?" Zhou Yang smiled.

"What?" Wang Peng widened his eyes and was a little confused.

The other two were even more stunned.


"Ahem... Well, Brother Zhou Yang, my name is Wang Peng, not younger brother." Wang Peng hurriedly explained.

He didn't want to recognize this brother.

"Oh... Wang Peng." Zhou Yang smiled, "It doesn't matter. You can call me uncle. I am your father's savior. You have to call me uncle."

"What?"What a mess?" Wang Peng rolled his eyes.

"Okay, Wang Peng, Brother Zhou Yang is just teasing you." Liu Fangfang giggled.

"Hmph!" Wang Peng pouted.

"Are you Zhou Yang?" Just then, a cold voice came from the door.

Following that, a tall and mighty young man came over.

The young man was about 20 years old, with a sturdy figure, thick eyebrows and sharp eyes. He was 1.9 meters tall, with bulging muscles all over his body, full of explosive beauty.

"Chen Hu? You are here too?" Seeing this person, Wang Peng frowned, seeming to be unhappy.

"Wang Peng, is this your friend? My name is Chen Hu, and I am your best friend. Why don't you introduce me?"

The young man glanced at Zhou Yang lightly, then reached out and handed Zhou Yang a cigarette, and lit it for Zhou Yang, showing kindness.

"Well. His name is Chen Hu, you can call him Chen Hu. "Wang Peng nodded.

"My last name is Ye, and my name is Ye Longteng. I am your sister Ye Mengyao's fiancé. Hello." Ye Longteng was very polite.

He liked this brother-in-law very much. After all, his parents had long hoped that their daughter could marry into a wealthy family and get close to the powerful.

Zhou Yang nodded lightly. He didn't like this kind of familiar person.

Especially, the guy in front of him was Ye Mengyao's fiancé?

This is... Zhou Yang complained in his heart.

"By the way, Ye Longteng, I remember that your Ye family seems to have a group?" Zhou Yang asked.

"Well, the group founded by my grandfather Ye Yongheng has assets of more than one trillion." Ye Longteng answered proudly.

"Hiss!" Several people around took a breath.

Trillions of assets?

This is a giant level.

"I heard that Ye Mengyao is very beautiful and is one of the four school beauties in Yanjing?" Zhou Yang continued to ask.

"Yes. "Ye Longteng smiled and nodded, "Zhou Yang, are you interested in our Yaoyao?"

Zhou Yang touched his nose and laughed dryly.

He is interested in Ye Mengyao? This is... He is not interested in the so-called 'Four School Beauties of Yanjing'.

"If that's the case, give up." Ye Longteng suddenly said in a deep voice.

"What? Do you look down on me?" Zhou Yang raised his eyebrows.

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