Ten days later.

Deyun Pavilion “Are you ready?”

“Is everyone here?”

Guo Degang changed into a set of python robes, which were bought for him by Xiao Yueyue.

He is very satisfied with Xiao Yueyue now, but the only pity is that Xiao Yueyue, like himself, is a box office poison.

The film and television industry is a heartache for Lao Guo.

Deyun Pavilion has been trying to transform over the years. He has been a director, an actor, and a producer, but unfortunately, none of his dramas are worth watching.

The box office and word of mouth are all bad.

This has also led to many people in the film and television industry being very resistant to the name “Guo Degang”.

For this reason, Guo Degang struggled for a long time and gave up. But he still had a wicked heart and still hoped that someone in Deyun Pavilion could take up this banner.

So, he set this goal on Xiao Yueyue.

Xiao Yueyue is now the leader of Deyun Pavilion, and every performance is sold out. It is a case of good times after bad, and he is at the peak of his career.

Guo Degang couldn’t wait to introduce him to the film and television industry.


This apprentice is only slightly better than him. At least he can still play the role of”Pig Head”, and the phrase”Swallow” is popular on the entire Internet.

But other than that, he still can’t escape the title of box office poison.

Lao Guo was discouraged, so he didn’t dare to hope for the film and television industry.


“Dalin didn’t come!”

Xiao Yueyue’s words immediately attracted everyone’s attention.


Dalin didn’t come.

In the past, Dalin had to be present at the opening performance. What happened today? Yunhe Jiuxiao and other disciples were still grateful to Dalin. Shaobing once said that it was thanks to Dalin. If he was more selfish and mean, none of them, the Deyun disciples, would have a good life. It was also because of Dalin’s kindness that all the brothers and sisters were able to survive safely in Deyun.

“He got angry with your master and said he wanted to quit Deyun!”

Wang Hui on the side said:”This Dalin is really something. He can be angry, but how could he not do such a big thing as unboxing? He is too childish!”


This sentence makes all the disciples open their eyes wide.


“Quit Deyun?”

“Madam Master, you can’t say that!”

“Dalinzi is not that kind of person!”

“How could that be!”

“I’ll call Dalinzi right now!”

…… The backstage of Deyun was in chaos.

They knew Dalinzi’s temperament.

Steady and calm.

Unless something big happened, he would never do this!

Wang Hui said, “I think you should stop calling. It’s Chinese New Year, and he didn’t even call your master. It’s too much. One more or one less for the unboxing is not much. Don’t make everyone unhappy on such a happy day.”

Xiao Yueyue was stunned, and then he complained in his heart.

How can your family prepare a room for people? People have to live in Teacher Yu’s house every Chinese New Year.

Who is going too far?

But he didn’t dare to say this on the surface, but said, “How about this, I’ll call Dalin!”

At this moment.

Everyone looked at Xiao Yueyue’s phone.

They were curious.

What happened?

In the past few years, Dalin was almost the first to arrive, but today… He was absent from the unboxing ceremony.


He didn’t even say hello!

…… On the other side.

“Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Dalin!”

“Teacher Dalin, please drink some water!”

“Teacher Dalin performed really well!”

“It’s amazing!”

…… After a play, people handed out water and towels.

For a time, Guo Dalin became the favorite of the entire crew.

Because of his good acting skills, he could perform almost any play in one take. Both the director and the screenwriter liked him very much.

Because of this, everyone wanted to curry favor with Guo Dalin!

Not only that.

These days, Zhang Ruoyun, Li Qin, Song Yi and others will chat with Guo Dalin from time to time and discuss their acting skills.

But every time they came happily, they went back with a sad face. They kept saying: Monster, what a monster!

At the beginning, they were hit hard. Obviously, everyone was about the same age, why was your acting so much better than ours? It was unfair.

Until… two days ago, they saw Chen Daoming and others walking out of Dalin with gloomy faces.

They were relieved.

Guo Dalin was a monster, and even the old actors were not his opponents, so what did they have to worry about? They just gave up one by one.



Just after the play, Guo Dalin returned to his lounge.

The phone kept vibrating.

The call reminder was from Brother Yue.

Little Yueyue.

Calculating the time, today should be the opening performance of Deyun Pavilion, right?

In the past few years, he has never missed the opening of Deyun, and he is always the first one to arrive.

In previous years.

Guo Degang always brewed his own first cup of tea. He always adjusts the microphone equipment of the Grand Theater himself, for fear of affecting the performance. He also worried about all the trivial matters of the theater, big and small, for fear of any mistakes!

Not to mention… I am the one who announces every time.

I also arrange the program schedule myself.

Unconsciously… I have done so many things, but Guo Degang seems to be accustomed to it and doesn’t take it to heart at all.

Guo Dalin laughed at himself.

After all, he is just the child of his ex-wife.

And the youngest son is the child of the main wife, and the baby he really loves.

Guo Dalin stared at the screen of his mobile phone without answering it until the light on the screen dimmed.

He breathed a sigh of relief silently.

“Don’t answer it?”

Qing Ling’s voice sounded. It was Song Yi. Today, she was wearing an ancient blue shirt with a graceful figure. Her beautiful big eyes kept staring at Guo Dalin.

“Knock before you come in, sister.”

“Oh, oh.”

Song Yi withdrew embarrassedly, then knocked on the door in a pretentious manner and said with a smile: “How about this, is that ok?”

“What’s up?”

“Teacher Zhao Ke just came back from another place and brought some local specialties. I specially brought some for you as a reward for your acting teaching in the past few days. Guo Dalin was stunned:”You gave me the local specialties bought by others as a reward for your return of favor?” Song Yi sat down by himself,”Yes, I am smart, right?” “……” You are not only smart, you are also very good at taking advantage of others! “Ex -girlfriend?” Song Yi pointed to her phone. She saw Guo Dalin didn’t answer the call and thought it was his ex-girlfriend. “no” “It doesn’t matter. I won’t spread it.” “……” Guo Dalin was embarrassed. Is there something wrong with this girl’s brain? “How come you act like a little adult? You are obviously younger than me, but you are so worried every day. If I had your acting skills, my parents and I would wake up laughing in our dreams every day, okay?” Song Yi came over and used his index finger and thumb to push away the”Chuan” character left by Guo Dalin’s frown.” Be happy” “Eat candy when you are unhappy” “Here, I only have one lollipop left, I’ll give it to you!” Song Yi left after throwing a lollipop. Guo Dalin was left alone holding the lollipop. He pondered for a moment, then raised a smile. Okay. He took back what he said about this girl having a mental problem. …… Ps: Is anyone else reading?tickets, flowers, evaluation votes, or even just a comment. Thank you all, this is my motivation to write. Every time I refresh the background and see the data going up, I’m so happy. I’m motivated to write!

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