“Why are you here?”

Qin Zihang was stunned.

Completely stunned.

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

The female agent had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter. She just apologized repeatedly: “Sorry, sorry, Director Qin, our car broke down, so we ran all the way here, so we shouldn’t be late, right?”


How late were you? Don’t you know it yourself?

Qin Zihang had a fucked-up expression on his face, and now he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

So… the people I invited just arrived, and the people inside were not invited by me at all? Then who should get the credit?

“This must be Director Sun Hao, hello, I am Huahua’s agent. I came here because I heard that Director Qin has a song and wanted to let our Huahua try it.”

The female agent smiled apologetically and said to Huahua behind her: “Huahua, come here quickly!”

“……” Huahua looked pale, and walked towards me like a zombie, breathing heavily.

“He? Try this song?”

Sun Hao was stunned, but soon realized it. So… Huahua is actually the person Qin Zihang is looking for?

The top star he mentioned?

Then what was he showing off to the person in the recording studio just now…”The top star I invited is so and so”, like showing off a treasure?

“Explain it!”

Sun Hao looked unhappy. His unhappiness was not mainly because he was deceived, but because the cooked duck flew away!

If… the person inside was a singer invited by Qin Zihang, then everything would be easy to negotiate, justpay the money, but now the person inside is unknown, what if they don’t sell the copyright, wouldn’t he be happy for nothing?

“I…I……” Qin Zihang was choked, he didn’t know how such a misunderstanding could happen!

“What the hell is wrong with you guys! You are so unreliable!”

“We agreed on a fixed time, but you didn’t arrive on time… that’s a loss of integrity!”

“Your attitude” “How dare we cooperate with you in the future!”

…… After being accused, the agent panicked and tried to make amends, but Qin Zihang didn’t listen.

He was almost mad at these two idiots!

It’s all your fault… All my achievements are gone!

…… At this time, Huahua, who had been silent all this time, finally understood what was going on.

In general, someone took over the song while he was away, and… the director was very satisfied with the song!

Now, he had to fight for this opportunity.

As a professional musician, he immediately transformed into a professional mentor and began to judge: “Director Sun, I have something to say!”

“?” Sun Hao took a look at the sissy-looking Huahua. The heavy makeup on her face gave him a chill. He just didn’t pay attention to the music scene for a while. Has this kind of person become a top star in the music scene now?

No wonder the Chinese music scene has been declining.…… “This song is just so-so!”

When Huahua said this, Qin Zihang was shocked.

Brother, shut up! This song made our Director Sun cry.

People have given it high praise.

Now yousay this song is just so-so?

If you want to die, don’t splatter my blood!

“Huahua, you must be tired after running all the way. Go back and rest first and wait for our notice!”

Qin Zihang waved his hand and signaled the agent to take Huahua away.

“No, I have something to say!”

Hua Hua said seriously. He knew that if he left, the director would definitely choose this song, and he would have no chance!

“……” Qin Zihang really wanted to hit someone, but was stopped by Sun Hao who was standing beside him when he was about to speak: “Let him speak.”

Huahua received the permission and immediately became confident:”The reason I say this is because the melody of this song is very simple.”

“Melody, as the core of a song, must be complex. The more complex the song is, the more advanced it is. From time to time, you can add some European and American elements, a combination of Chinese and Western elements!”

“So, this song is unacceptable to me!”

“After listening to this melody, I don’t even look forward to his next songs!”

Qin Zihang:… A combination of Chinese and Western styles, do you think it’s reasonable to add some European and American rap to the OST of our costume drama!

Huahua didn’t see Sun Hao’s gloomy face and continued: “Now that we have finished talking about the song, let’s talk about the lyrics.”

“This poem…is not simple enough, not straightforward enough” “What white clouds, what deep mountains, what trees… It’s all foggy and I can’t understand anything!” “We are facing the masses” “Therefore, the things you create must be simple and easy to understand, and express emotions directly. If you want to cry, write crying, if you want to laugh, write laughing, I love you, you love me, this is what meets the market needs.” “This poem pretends to be profound and I have no idea what it is trying to express!” “So…this poem doesn’t pass my test either!” …… After saying this, Huahua looked at Sun Hao with great confidence. He felt that he had criticized the song to no avail, so Sun Hao would definitely not be able to use this song, right? “Awesome, you are really awesome!” Qin Zihang was so angry that he laughed and gave a thumbs up and touched his heart. You came up and criticized it without any explanation, treating Sun Hao’s words like shit? “Huahua, you are such a genius!” there are still people with good eyes. If he agrees with me, then this cooperation should be a done deal.

“Huahua, right?”

At this time, the director Sun Hao, who had been silent all the time, finally couldn’t help but speak. His expression was gloomy, and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry.

“Yes, Director Sun” “Are you done?”

“Well, that’s it.”

“Just go away now.”

“”Okay.” Huahua took two steps forward with a smile, then suddenly realized what was happening, her smile froze, and she turned back inshock: “Director, what did you say just now?”


…… Ps: I’m begging for flowers and evaluating votes, thank you all. My new book is starting, these data are really important, they are the motivation for me to continue writing. If the evaluation votes exceed 800, I will update ten times. If there are 5 rewards, one dollar will be enough, and I will update ten times.

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