Sun Hao was very efficient.

In the evening, 5 million yuan had been transferred to the card, and a first-line contract was signed. For the role of Fan Sizhe, Guo Dalin was given 1 million yuan as performance fee.

It was paid in three installments.

After all, Fan Sizhe was just a supporting role and did not have many scenes. 1 million yuan was already a lot.

Looking at the 6 million yuan in the bank card, Guo Dalin was a little excited. According to the family motto, the first money earned should be given to the elders, no matter how much, this is filial piety.

Guo Dalin thought about it and transferred 100,000 yuan to Yu Qian.

Not long after, Guo Dalin received a call.

“I said, man, did you get rich by buying lottery tickets? Why did you transfer so much to me! Man, don’t do anything bad. We have money if you need it. Robbing a bank is illegal!”

Yu Qian joked too much, and every sentence he said was funny.

Guo Dalin laughed and said,”How can lottery tickets make money faster than singing!”

Yu Qian:”What?”

Guo Dalin:”Master, this is my first pot of gold. Although it’s not much, you take it first, and I will give you more later!”

Yu Qian was stunned. One hundred thousand is not a lot?

He guessed that it should be the crew who gave money. Sun Hao was really nice. He thought that Fan Sizhe’s role was not paid before!


Although he gave money, he didn’t give much. Guo Dalin played a supporting role and didn’t have many scenes. The crew saw that he was a newcomer and probably gave him only a few hundred thousand.

This kid is also honest… He gave me all at once, what should he do?

“I said, man, spend the money you earn first, Master, this is enough, I said……” Beep, beep.

Before Yu Qian finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

Bai Huiming came over and asked, “What’s wrong?” Yu Qian told her everything. Bai Huiming’s eyes were red. What a good child. But why is it that the more sensible a child is, the more deeply hurt he is?

“Old Guo is really blind!”

Bai Huiming was so angry:”Neither of the couple is a good person!”

…… Sun Hao was very efficient. A few days later, he had already edited the promotional video.

The video shows the growth of the protagonist Fan Xian. As time goes by, he gives people a feeling of openness and cheerfulness. This is nothing. The main reason is that the music scene is so good. It is Guo Dalin’s song”A Journey on the Mountain Road”. After listening to it, I really feel like I have sailed through thousands of mountains.

At the beginning, the video was circulated among the first crew.

It caused a huge response!

“Oh my god!”

“This song is so nice, it feels so good!”

“Listening to this voice… it should be added by a newcomer in the circle. The director recruited so many singers at the beginning, including top stars and superstars, but he didn’t expect that they lost to a newcomer!”

“I can only say that the loss was not unfair.”

“Sounds good!”

“Hey, have you noticed that this voice isvery familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere before!” “……” There was a constant stream of discussion. At this time, in the lounge of Zhang Ruoyun “”Zhang Ruoyun, I think you should not be discouraged. It takes several years for a Guo Dalin to appear. Old actors have to ask him for advice. He is not comparable to your peers at all!”

The agent is still doing psychological counseling for Zhang Ruoyun.

It’s true… Guo Dalin has become a myth.

These days, everyone talks about Guo Dalin every three sentences, saying that he has good acting skills and is kind-hearted. Obviously, Zhang Ruoyun is the protagonist, but Guo Dalin has taken all the limelight.

He feels bad.

“Look, the crew made a promotional video especially for you. If nothing unexpected happens, everyone will be talking about you in a while!”

The agent opened the promotional video and the two of them watched it. The pictures were indeed attractive, but the singing quickly quieted people down.

Zhang Ruoyun was surprised:”Who sings this song? It’s nice!”

The agent said:”The director chose it. It must be an unknown singer… But it suits this video very well! The lyrics are really well written!”

After watching the video, Zhang Ruoyun became confident:”Sister, I’m fine. Everyone has their shining points. Guo Dalin has his advantages, and I have mine. I was too narrow-minded before.”

After listening to the song, he felt suddenly enlightened.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re rreading it and supporting us on our website for more free novels- “It’s a good thing that you think this way.”

The agent smiled with relief. She was very satisfied with Zhang Ruoyun’s change.

At this moment, the door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open, and an actor shouted excitedly:”Oh my god, have you seen the video? The director just sent it!”

Zhang Ruoyun smiled. He didn’t expect to have fans so soon. As the protagonist of the video, he was already waiting to be praised.

“The BGM in the video is nice, right? It’s amazing!”

However, the actor’s next sentence made Zhang Ruoyun almost stumble and fall.

What the hell.

You came here just to say that this song is nice? Am I not handsome as the protagonist?

The actor continued,”Do you know who sings this song?”

The female agent casually asked, “Who?”

“Guo Dalin!!”


Zhang Ruoyun and the female agent both broadened their eyes, their faces filled with shock.

“I know you don’t believe it. I didn’t believe it at first either, until… Guo Dalin admitted it himself. Now the crew is going crazy about it. ‘Wow, his acting is great, and his singing is so amazing!’ After saying this, the actor left. Zhang Ruoyun was left slumped on the sofa. After a few seconds, he said, ‘Sister, do you think he is a human being?’ No, he is not.”

……Song Yi Lounge.

Everyone just watched the video posted by the director “Is Zhang Ruoyun handsome?”

“It’s just so-so.”

Facing the female agentt’s question, Song Yi was not interested: “My evaluation is… not as good as Guo Dalin!”

The female agent smiled:”Indeed, Guo Dalin has good acting skills. If you have more contact with him, it will also help your acting skills!”

Song Yi was surprised and said:”You mean… can I go to Guo Dalin to play?”

The female agent knocked her head:”You only know how to play!”

Song Yi hugged her head in pain.

The female agent smiled and said:”But don’t look for him now, he is busy. The song in this video is originally written by him. I guess his lounge is crowded with people from our crew now. Many girls want an autograph .……” As she was talking, she suddenly woke up: “You said talent is so scary, it became popular overnight, and this is just our crew. Once it is posted online, how much response can it cause?”

Song Yi was dumbfounded. She didn’t listen to the rest of the agent’s words at all, and only caught the key points.

This song, he sang?

That Guo Dalin?


Then, a pair of beautiful big eyes suddenly brightened up.

…… Ps: I have almost finished the foreshadowing here.

I will start to slap Lao Guo and Wang Hui in the face later.

I think I have written this foreshadowing very seriously.

Although you have waited for a long time, these plots should not be unpleasant.

Thank you for every flower and every evaluation vote from the readers.

Thank you!

I will continue to write.

By the way, I owe you a total of five chapters.

I will not forget.

If I can’t finish it before the release, I will arrange it for you after the release.

But I will do my best to finish it before the release!

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