Li Shusheng really felt sorry for Dalinzi.

Guo Dalin was brought up by you, Guo Degang, so how did you treat him?

You were not there when he was praised, and you were the one who scolded him!

Two children… You love the younger one more, after all, he is still young, which is nothing, but you can’t only love the younger one and ignore the older one!

…… “Oh, Master, there is no conflict between father and son.”

Wang Hui came out to smooth things over: “The child grew up and had more ideas. He no longer liked celebrating the New Year at home. Degang said a few words and the child felt his self-esteem was hurt and ran away.… …” She cleared herself of all charges with one sentence, but Li Shusheng saw through the clues at a glance: “Don’t you like to spend the New Year at home? Do you have a place for him to live in your house? Do you have things for him? We even have a doghouse for our dog, two bowls for him to eat, and special nail clippers. He became more and more excited and angry as he spoke: “How can you be a parent! You are the only one who is in the family. Your youngest son is a human being, but your eldest son is not?! You buy clothes for your youngest son and change them into four or five pieces a day. What about your eldest son? He wore the same outfit when you saw me two years ago, and he wore the same outfit last year! He is not your child, Guo Degang!”

Her words were sharp and thunderous!

As expectedd of a Beijing Opera drummer, she had a loud voice, which embarrassed Guo Degang and he didn’t know what to say.

Mother Li hurriedly said, “Alright, alright, stop talking and watch TV!”

The atmosphere fell into an awkward state. Li Qin was scrolling through her phone and suddenly saw something and exclaimed: “Wow!”

This immediately aroused Li’s mother’s dissatisfaction. It was not proper for a girl to make such a fuss.

Li Qin pointed at her phone and said, “It’s Guo Dalin, it’s Dalinzi! He’s on the trending search!”

As soon as these words came out, the inherently awkward atmosphere was instantly eased.

Guo Degang frowned when he heard this: “What’s trending? What bad thing has he done again!”

His words were full of anxiety.

As the saying goes, good news doesn’t travel far, but bad news travels a thousand miles. When Guo Dalin was around, he could still control it. Now that Guo Dalin is not around, he thinks it’s mostly bad things!

Li Shusheng was still angry and squinted his eyes immediately:”The worst thing is to stay by your side. Now that I’m away from you, naturally everything is good!”

Li’s mother said helplessly:”Girl, what’s the matter, don’t keep us in suspense!”

Li Qin didn’t say anything, but turned on the video and projected it on the TV.

The protagonist of the video was Zhang Ruoyun. After a few minutes, everyone had watched it.

“Is this the New Year celebration?”

“It’s a big production indeed. I remember Xiaoqin was in this crew, right? She’s the heroine… I believe she’ll be a big hit soon!” Wang Hui was busy praising “……” Guo Degang remembered that Guo Dalin seemed to be in the crew. He wanted to ask Li Qin something, but then he thought better of it. With Guo Dalin’s ability, he was probably playing an insignificant role, and the heroine might not notice him. If he asked and she said she didn’t know him, it would be embarrassing …… Li Qin, on the other hand, was full of confusion. This was strange. Didn’t Guo Degang and the others know that Guo Dalin was so powerful in the crew and crushed all the veteran actors? Degang’s status in the industry, wouldn’t he know it if he just asked? But why did the two of them look like they were in the dark? It was their child’s first time filming, and they didn’t care at all? If you ask me, this song is nice!” Li’s mother expressed her opinion, and Wang Hui nodded quickly: “Yes, yes, I felt so when I heard it. Which teacher sang this song? It has a tranquil feeling!” Guo Degang also nodded: “It’s really good, the lyrics are well written, and this teacher has a strong literary foundation!” Li Qin’s expression became even weirder. Is Guo Dalin really their child? Such a big thing, they didn’t even know anything about it? It is said that Guo Degang is partial. She didn’t know it before, but now she finally understands that his mind is full of his youngest son, and he doesn’t care about the affairs of his eldest sonat all!

Li Shusheng looked at Guo Degang and nodded:”It’s rare that you and I have the same opinion. Indeed, this teacher has a strong literary foundation!”

“Yes, I think so too!”

Guo Degang hurriedly apologized with a smile, then looked at Li Qin:”But what does this have to do with Dalinzi?”

At this time, everyone looked at Li Qin.

Li Qin took a deep breath:”The teacher you are talking about… is Dalinzi, Guo Dalin! He wrote the lyrics, he wrote the music, and he also sang the song!”

As soon as these words came out, there was dead silence!

Li’s mother broadened her eyes.

Guo Degang was stunned.

Wang Hui’s face was full of disbelief.

She was familiar with Guo Dalin, and he had never learned to sing before!

She took two steps at a time, snatched the phone, and looked at the number one hot search in disbelief.

#A journey along the mountain road, Guo Dalin! #She collapsed on the sofa with a complicated expression.

Seeing this scene, Li Qin was even more confused. It would have been fine if she didn’t know before, but now that she knew the truth, why did she react like this?

“Hahaha, great! It’s really Dalinzi, great! I’ve said this kid is a rare talent, he will definitely be popular, but I didn’t expect that it was not his crosstalk that became popular first, but his singing!”

Li Shusheng laughed when he saw this, pointing at Guo Degang: “What did I say? This kid will definitely be a big hit. Now that he is away from you, he is like a duck in water. He has done what you couldn’t do! What does this mean… He is actually doing better without you!” “He is proving to you… that your choice is wrong! All your decisions are wrong!” “He doesn’t want to live under your shadow.” “Smile, it’s such a happy event, why don’t you smile! Isn’t he your child, why are you not happy?” Wang Hui forced a smile, but it was uglier than crying. Guo Degang frowned: “Let me see!” He was about to take the phone, but Li Shusheng snatched it away and shouted: “What are you looking at? Go home and watch it yourself!” “The most searched… You two had to go through outsiders like us to find out about something so big, and your children didn’t even want to share it with you! This is enough to prove how much of a failure you are as parents!” “If you listen to my advice and turn back now, it’s not too late!” …… Ps: I’m begging for flowers and evaluating votes, thank you all. My new book is starting, these data are really important, they are the motivation for me to continue writing. If the evaluation votes exceed 1,000, I will update ten times I will update ten times.

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