Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 105 - Replenishing His Entire Blood Energy

Many days later, and like a tireless human-killing machine, he was able to kill off all the fourth-layer, fifth-layer and sixth-layer Mortal Spiritual stage cultivators that had taken off into the far distance in all directions to escape from him.

And as he was doing so, he was storing their lifeless bodies into his spatial ring, since there would be no point in coming back to look for their bodies to use, in which he could even miss out on some of their bodies.

At the moment, Xiao Lin who tried his best to kill everyone of them that fled from him when he started his mad onslaught a month ago, could be seen seated in the cross-legged position on the earth before many large piles of headless bodies. He had gone back to the place where he met up with a large group of rogue cultivators that were moving towards the part of this massive, isolated region where the Azure Firestorm Archer's mansion was located.

The huge piles of headless bodies that surrounded him numbered in a few hundreds, with each pile having close to seventy bodies. So, one should be able to imagine or calculate the number of ordinary rogue cultivators that he had killed when he began his ruthless slaughter for their blood to cultivate his Blood Energy.

However, he wasn't focused on cultivating his Blood Energy now. Instead, he would try to regain his nearly depleted Spiritual Energy by consuming all the Spiritual Cultivation Resources that could be found in all the spatial rings of the cultivators arranged into immense piles before him.

Then once he initiated consumption of all the cultivation resources found in the spatial rings of the 4th-layer, 5th-layer and 6th-layer Mortal Spiritual stage cultivators, and then converted them into his dark-colored Spiritual Energy which he refined to become hundred-percent pure, he was able to regain his entire Spiritual Energy.

As soon as he ended his Spiritual Energy cultivation, he brought his sharp gaze upon one of the many huge piles of headless bodies that massively towered around him.

"Time to regain my Blood Energy" Xiao Lin said delightfully.

He then closed his eyes and began to operate the technique mentioned in the True Vampire Origin Blood Force art, which was the otherworld, empyrean-grade cultivation art he would have to use to replenish his Blood Energy.

Once his eyes were shut tight and he began to operate the technique, blood began to flow from the hearts and necks of the large piles of the cultivators' bodies before him towards his own body. And immediately they approached him, they wrapped around his body to form a singular massive cocoon of bright red blood.

Anyone that would see this dreadful phenomenon that was occurring around Xiao Lin, would be amazed and at the same time terrified, since the blood that surrounded him and formed into a glowing, blood-colored cocoon that have off frightening ripples of some type of unseen intimidating power, would give the feeling that something strange, fiercely powerful and evilly ominous was about to be born from it.

Then the instant that the blood coming from the hearts and necks of the cultivators wrapped around him into that cocoon, they began to flow into his body through the pores of his skin where they flowed down the special network of veins to his dantian where they infused into the dim Ordinary Blood Symbols in his dantian.

As soon as the wisps of blood began to enter into the Ordinary Blood Symbols in his dantian, the ones that were previously dim; which haven't had their Blood Energy returned to some amount or level, began to gradually grow from their dim and dull states into brightly illuminated states.

Not long, many of those dim Blood Symbols in his dantian became filled with the blood that flowed into his body through his pores. And as the solid, blood-red symbols floating in his dantian became filled with blood, a powerful energy that was surprisingly calm but concealed a type of great power within them, began to brew.

Xiao Lin who could feel the startling and fearsome power starting to swell within those Blood Symbols in his dantian, gave a delighted smile.

He then placed more effort on moving blood from his body into the Blood Symbols.

Although doing this racked him with immense severe pain as the blood tried to pierce through the pores of his skin in large amounts, thereby tearing many of them open, he however gnashed his teeth and tried to endure the intense pain that he suffered from committing this kind of act.


About a week later, he was able to make all the Blood Symbols in his dantian to grow from their poor dim state into brilliantly lit state. And once these occurred, Xiao Lin began to feel strong currents of power beginning to pulsate about within the Blood Symbols.

But at this moment, he had basically used up all the blood from the headless corpses of the cultivators that he killed many hours ago.

He then stood to his feet to move further into the distance. But before he would do so, he used a particular technique from the Divinity-Annihilating Primal Blood Flame battle art to set the heads of the cultivators and their headless bodies on fire.

Once he did so, he said inwardly 'Now that I am certainly too far from the other cultivators that came into this place, and I have been able to replenish my Blood Energy to the brim, I should use that powerful evasion technique from the Heavenly Blood Marauder Unparalleled Blur Flash technique to move at a really high speed so that I can simply catch up with them.'

Immediately he produced this thought within his mind, he instantly shot forward to catch up with the rest of them that came into this isolated region.


A few days later...

After running for some days at a high speed using the Movement Skills that he possessed, he finally came across many group of people who also seemed to be cultivators. But this time, groups of disciples of other sects could be seen with them. Not with them per say, but they were moving together into the distance to where the Azure Firestorm Archer's mansion should be located.

As soon as Xiao Lin saw them, he said inwardly, 'I am getting close to coming across large numbers of disciples from the different sects that came into this place. And now, the battle that would occur between me and them would become be a bit difficult. But anyways, I will still come out on top, since I possess numerous, insanely powerful abilities that are far better than any ability that they would possess or have harnessed, I am sure of that.'

Immediately he finished saying this within himself, he went forward to meet one of the numerous groups of disciples that were moving into the distance for the Azure Firestorm Archer's wealth.

Then when he arrived beside one of these groups of disciples, the people in the group turned their heads to see who had appeared beside them and then furrowed their brows when they saw Xiao Lin.

"Hey, what do you want?" One of them asked with a cold gaze in his eyes.

"Can I join your group that consist of geniuses. I am a rogue cultivator and would like to join you guys. Any scrap or leftover of resources that you guys leave behind would be delightedly accepted by me." Xiao Lin responded.


The disciples in the group laughed. While the others who were around and saw what Xiao Lin did, couldn't help but shake their heads and look at him with total disgust in their eyes.

"Really? And why's that?" One of the disciples in the group asked.

"Because your group is composed of geniuses and you guys would be able to protect me. And when you guys are able to acquire many materials and resources from the accumulations of the Azure Firestorm Archer, you would be able to leave out some for me. Even though they may seem useless to you, I will accept them like that" Xiao Lin answered.

"Hmm... I see... But we can't accept you. We aren't here to look after the welfare of anyone, but after ourselves. We are here to gather resources for ourselves with our strength and skills alone. So, you would have to either be on your own to fight for leftover of resources from us, or quickly scurry off now to go meet any of the groups of puny rogue cultivators like yourself here and request that you want to join their group. Hahaha!" A disciple in the group stated and laughed wildly and uncontrollably.


Xiao Lin also began to laugh wildly and uncontrollably, causing intense surprise to appear in the eyes of the disciples beside him, and in the eyes of everyone else around him in this part of the region.

"Hey! Have you become suddenly possessed?" One of the disciples asked with anger in his eyes at the way Xiao Lin was laughing.


Once he asked that, Xiao Lin only continued to laugh in that uncontrolled wild manner like he was now fully possessed by a demon. And this caused the person before him, the cultivators in the group that he was in, and then the other groups in this part of the region to begin to look at him with intensely bewildered expressions in their faces.

Then with a serious gaze appearing in Xiao Lin's eyes in the next moment, he said with a frightening chilly tone in his voice "Actually, I am here to take your sweet bloods to feed my Blood Symbols. They have all grown weak and dim like there is no life or vibrancy within them again. So, I need to feed them your bloods so that they can become fierce and powerful again. Thank you!"

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