Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 107 - Killing Disciples Of Sect (2)

Then very quickly, they began to send out attacks at him.

However, Xiao Lin only dodged them using the enormous speed that he was moving at. And when he arrived before one, he sent out his claws at that person's neck.


The neck was instantly slashed open with blood immediately gushing out of it to a height of six feet above the ground before falling back to the earth.

And once he killed that person, he dashed towards another person to slay that one too.


The head was cut off from the neck with blood splashing out of it into the air before falling back to the ground.

And once he did this, he dashed towards another cultivator.

"Hey! Come over here" A male voice suddenly rang out.

And once this voice rang out, Xiao Lin stopped moving. He then turned his head to look at the person that spoke and saw that he was a disciple of a particular sect.

"No" Xiao Lin said.

He then said "You should come to me."

Immediately Xiao Lin that, the disciple laughed.

He then suddenly pointed at Xiao Lin and fired off a massive stream of Spiritual Energy from his finger which instantly turned into a large halberd that shot out towards Max at am extreme speed.

However, before the attack could really impact Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin quickly sent out his fist towards it.


Immediately his fist smashed into the attack, a wave of energy suddenly surfaced before sweeping out into the distance in all directions with a great destructive power.

And the wave was so powerful that Xiao Lin was knocked flying into the distance for many feet before crashing into the earth a second later.

Then when he stood up, the male that launched that halberd-shaped attack at him had leaped very high in the air towards him.

Then very quickly, Xiao Lin stomped a foot of his on the ground and shot himself into the air like an arrow. Then when he reached a height of fifteen feet above the ground, he abruptly aimed out his palm at the male that had projected himself towards him with a powerful jump.


A furious wave of Blood Energy erupted him palm with an explosive blast and raged towards the disciple to impact him.

However, being honed in battle, the disciple quickly pointed out at the blast of Blood Energy that was rushing towards him and abruptly discharged a large amount of Spiritual Energy from his palm which abruptly condensed into a large shield that was many feet thick.

Immediately the shield appeared, it shot towards the wave of Blood Energy attack to impact it and stop it from moving forward.



Immediately both attacks collided in the air, a loud boom sound rang out and was immediately accompanied by a ear-aching bang sound when the shield instantly shattered into smithereens.

However, due to the power of the shield because of it denseness and thickness, it was able to reduce the fierceness and lethality of the wave of Blood Energy attack.

Besides, the disciple had already forcefully dropped himself to the ground before the wave of Blood Energy attack could really hit him.

But at this moment, Xiao Lin had also dropped to the ground too from his launch into the air.

Then staring at each other intensely in the eyes, the disciple suddenly dashed out towards Xiao Lin to resume attacking him. While Xiao Lin who remained where he was, only produced a smirk expression in his face.

He then aimed his two palms out at the disciple and unleashed large amounts of Blood Energy from them which instantly transformed into many dozens of blades that shot out at a great speed towards the disciple rushing towards him.




Numerous whooshing sounds began to ring out as the blades shot through the air at great speeds towards that disciple.

However, before the blood-red blades could pelt him on the chest, the disciple quickly pointed at the numerous, blade-shaped attacks shooting towards him and caused a stream of Spiritual Energy to erupt from them before actually transforming into a massive attack of brightly burning flame as he had employed a Special Fire skill.




As the blood-red blade attacks smashed into the enormous tower of blazing fire that the disciple created, multiple bang sounds began to ring out.

Although the flaming tower possessed a powerful defense, it couldn't really stop the blood-red blades attacks shooting towards it.

So, they penetrated through it and came out of it and continued to shoot towards that disciple. However, they had lost much of their momentum.

But before the blood-red blades could really impact the disciple, the disciple quickly produced another tower of blazing fire which immediately shot out towards the numerous, blood-colored blades shooting towards him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!..

Numerous bang sounds began to ring out as the blades smashed heavily into the solid, burning tower of fire. And because of most of their momentum had been lost during their earlier collision with the tower of fire that the disciple sent out, they were stopped and began to disperse one after the other.

The disciple who saw to his shock that he was having a had time stopping Xiao Lin, said with a cold glint surfacing in his eyes.

"I see you are very strong." The disciple said. While Xiao Lin who heard this, only nodded his head from the distance that he stood at.

"Although you are quite powerful to be able stalemate me, Lin Wu, the White Falcon of the Unparalleled Heavenly Falcon sect, I can still however destroy you." The disciple that called himself, Lin Wu said.


Xiao Lin burst into a loud raucous laughter.

"Let's see to that" He said.

Then suddenly, Lin Wu quickly produced a scarlet pill that he swallowed.

And once he swallowed the pill, a type of energy began to swell rapidly within his body.

Immediately Lin Wu felt the energy growing within his body, he abruptly pointed one of his fingers in Xiao Lin's direction after employing a powerful Fire Skill technique.

"Fiery Devil-Suppressing finger strike!"

Immediately he said that, Spiritual Energy that was scarlet in color suddenly erupted out of his finger in massive amounts before instantly transforming into a large finger that seemed like it was purely composed from scarlet flame.

And as soon as the finger surfaced, it abruptly shot out at a great speed towards Xiao Lin who tried to evade it.

However, the finger was much more faster than he could move at and therefore struck him with a great impact.


As soon as the massive finger that had scarlet-colored fire burning about it entire surface struck Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin was instantly launched into the far distance with a lot of force where he crashed into the earth at a distance of twenty feet away.

And since the finger-shaped attack possessed strongly blazing flames which burned fiercely about it whole surface, the scarlet-hued fire moving about on it surface, got off the attack and onto Xiao Lin's body where it began to ferociously burn him.

However, due to Xiao Lin's body which was very quick at healing and possessed a certain degree of toughness, the fire that tried to burn him down to ashes couldn't really hurt him.

Then when the fire quenched a moment later, Xiao Lin quickly stood to his feet as his body raised itself off the ground to allow him stand firmly back on his feet.

Then with his lips curling into a vicious smile, Xiao Lin abruptly shot out towards that disciple that sent out that powerful fiery attack at him.

Once he arrived there in less than the blink of an eyes, he quickly slashed out with his claws at the disciple's neck.


Immediately his claws were sent out towards the neck of that disciple, Xiao Lin was shocked to find out that his claws simply, quickly burned off to ashes.

"What?" Xiao Lin asked in tremendous shock.

However, it didn't take him more than a minute to realize that it was probably a thin-sized, unseen aura of fire that acted as a fiery protective armor for the disciple that caused his claws to turn into ashes. And that it probably surfaced from that scarlet pill that he imbibed.

But before he could do anything else, the disciple in front of him had produced a large sword in his hand that had a edge that was glowing in deep scarlet. And as soon as he produced that blade, he abruptly sent it out towards Xiao Lin's head to simply cut it open.

However, Xiao Lin who possessed a far higher reaction time due to his vampiric superhuman reflex power, quickly bent his body from the waist to dodge the burning, slashing sword attack that was swinging towards his neck at a furious speed to simply cut it off.

And once he dodged the sword, he straightened himself back and quickly recalled the Awakening Doom blade to his hand which he quickly sent out towards Lin Wu's chest to stab him deeply.

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