


The clanking sounds that had been ringing out since he stepped on a particular part of the floor in the treasure storage house didn't stop, even for once.

However Xiao Lin who was incredibly wary of this place as it spoke volumes of great danger to him, didn't dare to lower his guards down even for once.

Besides, he felt that this particular trap was only trying to play tricks on his mind, which was by producing those clanking sounds and make him feel that nothing was really going to appear. Then when he had possibly dropped his guards, it could suddenly appear and then attack him with whatever killing elements had been put in it.

However, many minutes later, nine minutes to be precise, a large statue that was shaped like a python, suddenly appeared in front of him.

And immediately it appeared, it mouth opened wide with a stream of tremendously hot flame instantly discharging out of it towards Xiao Lin.

Not really expecting this, Xiao Lin quickly dashed backward with all the speed that he could possibly muster to evade the stream of flame shooting towards him.

However, the stream of flame also moved at an incredibly high speed and succeeded in completely engulfing Xiao Lin who began to scream out in agony due to the intense burning effect of the violet-colored fire on his body.

But as the violet fire tried to burn his body to ashes, Xiao Lin's healing factor which was slightly comparable to that of powerful God-like cultivators, immediately began to heal from the terrifying burns that the fire covered his entire body with.

After a long time of burning, the fire that encompassed Xiao Lin's whole body began to recede as it slowly lost it strength. Then a few moments later, it finally died off with Xiao Lin collapsing to the ground. And as he laid on the ground after collapsing unto it, multiple grievous burns could be seen all over his body which were however beginning to disappear rapidly, and not even leaving any form of scar behind.

When the burns totally vanished away from his body, Xiao Lin chose to remain on the ground for sometime as he was both physically and mentally fatigued. It was like the rapid healing that took place on his body had drained him of both his life energy and mental energy. But this was actually true. Anytime his healing ability worked for a really long time, it begins to draw from his life essence to continue powering itself, thereby lowering his lifespan since his life energy was being depleted to help him heal from present injuries. And there was no way he could stop this as it was self-operating; automatic.

However, after lying on the ground for a while, he stood to his feet with more caution in his eyes. He was now more dreadful of this place that sent chills of horror down his spine than when he would be facing an eighth-layer or ninth-layer Mortal Spiritual stage cultivator.

Not long as he began to walk forward, observantly looking around for any storage box, vase or a well-hidden room that might contain the decorated vase that Nine Calamities sent him down here for, he suddenly heard a muffled bang sound ring out from seemingly everywhere using his powerful vampiric hearing.

And not knowing what to expect from this sound that had suddenly rang out, Xiao Lin quickly recalled the Awakening Doom blade and the Sorrowful Sea blade to his hand.




Numerous swooshing sounds began to ring out as seemingly countless, small metallic balls that had sharp-pointed projections like spikes all over their surfaces, began to shoot towards him from everywhere.

"The hell!" Xiao Lin shouted out in horror and readied himself to dodge or deflect the spiked, metallic balls that were shooting towards him from every angle and direction.




Xiao Lin who was wielding the blades in his hands tightly, began to use them to slash out at the metallic balls. And as he did so, bang sounds began to instantly ring out, with the balls immediately cutting into two once they were struck by the sharp edges of the blades that Xiao Lin directed at them.

However, there was a number that he could try to block or deflect. So, the rest that weren't struck by his blades, simply went on to impact Xiao Lin, such that they blasted through his body and made holes in them because of the tremendously high speed that they were moving at.

Not long after blasting through his whole body and making numerous small holes in them which clearly revealed what was behind them, with only a few parts of his body now hanging together and giving the feeling that any other attack like this type again would scatter his body apart and turn it into shreds of flesh, the barrage of the small metallic balls that he was faced with stopped.

Xiao Lin should have long become thousands of pieces of flesh that would litter the entire ground of the treasure storage house if not for his nigh-godlike healing factor. So, as the holes were blasted into his body by the small spiked balls that bolted at him at insanely fast speeds, they were quickly sealing up and healing in that same second due to Xiao Lin's vast tissue regeneration speed, which then basically kept his body from falling apart into fragments that will litter the whole floor of the treasure storage house.

After the rapid-fire barrages of the spiked metallic balls stopped a few moments later, Xiao Lin began to think of leaving this place, as he wasn't sure if the next attack that would be launched at him from any of the lethal traps concealed at strategic places within the treasure storage house, would be capable of killing him. .

"Do I leave this place or still continue to push on with hopes that I may be able to acquire the pill that my master wants?" Xiao Lin asked as he looked around with great fear in his eyes.

"Although the traps kept in here are meant to totally stop anyone from reaching a particular treasure or pill that was kept hidden in here, I am not really sure if it would be worth it in the end, as I could have died before I am able to acquire or obtain the damned unique treasure or pill hidden here. Ugh!" Xiao Lin said and then heaved a sigh of intense frustration.

"Well, what can I do? I cannot return to the castle without the pill that Nine Calamities sent me down here for in my hands, or he might look down at me with great scorn in his eyes. And I don't want the favoritism and preference that he has for me over others to quickly fade away from his heart."

"So, that means that I will have to push on until I am able to acquire at least the pill that he sent me down here for." Xiao Lin mentioned and began to walk forward with more cautiousness in his eyes, and with his sense of hearing and smell fully deployed to instantly perceive whatever would be launched at him from his front, back or around him

Then after walking forward for sometime, for about twenty minutes to be precise, a large steel door suddenly swung open to reveal a dark place when he arrived in front of it. Then when he stepped into the dark place through the door, huge lamps hung on projections that stuck out from the wall, suddenly lit up as flames unexpectedly appeared in them and began to burn brightly within them, instantly revealing to Xiao Lin in the next instant that it was a wide passageway and was one that was really long, since it stretched into the far distance.

Then carefully walking in the passageway as he was tremendously wary of attacks that would be suddenly launched at him and without warning, rectangular-shaped holes began to open up from the surfaces of the walls that stood on both sides of the passageway.

Then in the next instant, large pikes made of metal began to shoot out towards him at furious speeds like they had the aim to tear him apart.




Bang!... Bang!... Bang!... Bang!...

Immediately the pikes began to shoot out towards him, Xiao Lin quickly produced the Awakening Doom blade and Sorrowful Sea blade in his hands and used them to immediately slash out at the pikes. And as he did so, multiple bang sounds that caused the passageway to constantly slightly tremble, began to ring out with the large pikes instantly cutting into halves upon coming into contact with the razor-sharp sharp edges of the blades that Xiao Lin wielded.

And this time, Xiao Lin tried his utmost best to block any of the pikes that couldn't be struck by his blades from hitting him at any part of his body by immediately employing his Vampiric Agility ability which simply enabled him to swiftly and skillfully move away from the directions that some of the lethal pikes would be coming from.

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