Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 135 - Saddened And Enraged

The instant that he produced that radial blast of all his energies from his body, the battle statue which had gotten to where he was, became severely impacted by the blast and was abruptly sent flying into the far distance.

And once the statue was blasted away by the rippling waves of different energies that exploded out from Xiao Lin's body, Xiao Lin quickly got back on his feet and instantly dashed towards the place that the statue fell into.

Then once he got to a few feet in front of it, and immediately jumping into the air towards the statue before it could get back on it feet, Xiao Lin abruptly recalled the Awakening Doom blade and Sorrowful Sea blade to his hands which he used to viciously stab out at the head of the statue.



Dual stabbing sounds immediately rang out when the two blades in Xiao Lin's hands pierced deeply into the head of the statue.

And once the blades pierced the head of the statue, the statue's head instantly shattered apart into pieces.

"Finally. I have been able to kill it." Xiao Lin said and gave a heavy sigh of relief.

He then quickly got back on his feet like invisible strings that were attached to his body pulled him back up to his feet. And once he had stood back to his feet, he returned the Awakening Doom blade and the Sorrowful Sea blade to his dantian.

Then very quickly, he dashed away from where he stood in the wide passageway towards a particular metallic door that was far in front of him.

But as he ran, he discovered that he couldn't get to the door in time. It was like the door was moving rapidly away from him.

'Don't tell me this is an illusion.' Xiao Lin said within himself as the door seemed to be totally unreachable.

"I have to get through that door before anything would suddenly manifest in this place that seems like a slaughter passageway." Xiao Lin said and then put more effort into his movement.

However, he discovered to his shock many moments later that he couldn't reach the door.

Then sensing that this was an illusion, Xiao Lin quickly produced the Awakening Doom blade in his hand and began to slash out with it around him.

So, as he ran within the passageway and slashed at nothing in front of him, he saw that the illusion didn't disappear.

"I guess that I haven't started attacking the formation that is continuously producing the illusion. I simply have to do so before anything would occur in this place that smells of wickedness." Xiao Lin said with great caution in his eyes and heart. .

He then suddenly stopped running and simply stretched his arms out besides him. And once he did so, he impaled the walls of the passageway with the blades and resumed running.


This particular sound began to ring out as the blades gashed the wall open as Xiao Lin ran.

Not long, the space around him began to distort like something wanted to break out from another dimension into his.


Then when the twisting and the distortion of the space around him stopped many moments later, a loud bang sound immediately rang out with the space around him instantly shattering apart into pieces like it was glass.

Once the space around him splintered into fragments like it were a mirror, Xiao Lin quickly dashed towards the massive steel door that was in front of him.

And immediately he arrived before the door, he began to use the blades in his hands to slash out incredibly fast at the door since he saw no handle to turn, or buttons to press to make it open.




After many slashes, about a hundred slashes that he sent out at the door really fast using his powerful movement ability and high reaction speed, the steel door became a shadow of it former self.

Many parts of it had now fallen to ground with those places that the numerous parts of the steel door fell out from, revealing what was behind the door to Xiao Lin.

While Xiao Lin who was basically excited since he could see many decorated vases at the other side of the door, increased the numbers of slashes that he sent out at the door.

Then after delivering so many slashes, about a hundred more a few moments later, he abruptly brought his knee to his chest and then kicked out with it in a really fierce manner towards the door.


With a deafening bang sound instantly ringing out the moment Xiao Lin's leg connected with it, the door instantly shattered into pieces with Xiao Lin instantly rushing into the room to carry the vases and stow them into his spatial ring.

However, he decided to go through them first to see what they contained. Then he would take his own portion for the the really hard work that he done here, and then the remaining for his master, Nine Calamities.

And so, he began to go through them one after the other.

But not quite long, the smile and excitement in his face became that of shock and confusion, before it became that of anger, unhappiness and frustration many moments later.

At this point in time, having gone through the dozens of both large and small vases in here, he was able to discover that the decorated vases had nothing in them.

They all basically held nothing within them, simply meaning that all the attacks that were shot at him by the numerous deadly traps in the treasure storage house was all for nothing, including his fierce and extremely tough battle with the statue that almost left him for dead if he didn't have his overwhelming energies and an amazingly tough and resilient body.


Xiao Lin unexpectedly screamed out into the air in great fury.

At the moment, he could kill just about anyone and anything that would appear before him.

Then moved by the great anger that was seething in his heart, he used the Awakening Doom blade and Sorrowful Sea blade that he wielded to begin to attack the vases, slashing them into halves which instantly shattered into pieces upon crashing into the floor of the room that Xiao Lin was in.

But even after slashing apart all the vases which still broke apart into thousands of bits when they hit the floor, the wrathful emotion that churned within Xiao Lin's heart couldn't be appeased. Now, at this moment, he was like a being designed to kill and slaughter all, as his eyes had turned blood-red. He was simply really mad because of what he had gone through and getting nothing out of it in the end.

And so, acting under the influence of that anger, he began to slash out at the walls of the room. Now, he simply wanted to bring down the whole treasure storage house to the ground. It shouldn't be called a treasure storage house if there weren't any treasure in it to store, so he basically felt.

However, after slashing out for more than a thousand times at all the walls of the room that he was in, in only a matter of some minutes, he stopped and then feel with his knees to the ground.


And once he did so, he began to breathe heavily, as he had really forced himself to slash out at that speed that will astonish even veteran blade users themselves.

After a long time of kneeling on the ground, feeling angry and totally frustrated, the madness and fury that had completely encompassed his senses, heart and mind, began to slowly subside.

Then a few moments later, with the redness of his eyes clearing to reveal the usual color of his eyes, Xiao Lin stood to his feet from his kneeling position and returned the Awakening Doom blade and Sorrowful Sea blade to his dantian.

Then throwing himself into a deep thoughtful state, he began to contemplate on what he was going to tell Nine Calamities once he got back to the castle.

"What do I tell Nine Calamities once I go back to that castle? For there is no way in hell he would believe that there was no pill in the treasure storage house. It has even been confirmed by the spy members of his bandit organization that there is a pill in this useless place that has only brought me nothing but misery and sadness"


"Am I not doomed like this?"

"Going there to tell him stories of how I blocked this, slashed that and fought this would certainly not end well for me. He would certainly slay me without bothering to listen to any of my speech."

"I definitely can't return there again. And I have to leave this town before some of his men would find me out no matter where I may hide"

"That's the best thing to do. I can't return, and I have to leave this town to a really far away town or a city. Then with these bracelets that is enabling me to walk confidently under the blazing sun, maybe I can choose to join a really nice and popular sects. At least, they should be able to protect me from the higher-ups of Nine Calamities' bandit organization till I am strong enough to defend myself from them"

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