Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 148 - Drawing Everyone's Attention

Immediately Xiao Lin said that, the eyes of the people that gathered before the cave that he made, instantly glowed with unbridled fierceness. However, the glow of ferociousness that emanated from their eyes rapidly receded when the voice of the person speaking to them from within the cave, gradually changed from that of a human to that of a beast. It was like the person currently inhabiting the cave was not a human but a beast that had changed into a human. And now that they had possibly provoked it, it had reverted back to it true form.

But not willing to back down due to their numbers and their confidence in their strength and battle power, the leader of the group called Long Wei said with a harsh tone in his voice, "So, you have concluded in your mind that we are bullies? Haha! We are not. We are rather a group of cultivators that will try to suppress and bind up anyone that will contest with us for anything that we have placed our gazes upon."

"I see. However, you are still bullies to me. And you know what I do to bullies? I could possibly handicap them if I am in the mood. And for your information, I am in the mood. Haha!" Xiao Lin said and produced a raucous laughter.

Then immediately he ended his unbridled laughter, he appeared before the group of young cultivators that had gathered at the entrance of the cave that he created using the Demonic King's blades.

Once the group of young cultivators saw him, they immediately burst into loud and raucous laughter.

Then the leader of the group called Long Wei said, "I see that you are really bold to make those utterances when you are just a sickly and dying cultivator. Haha!"

However, immediately after he said that, Xiao Lin who had clenched his right hand into a fist, abruptly sent it out towards his chest.


The instant Xiao Lin's fist connected with his chest, Long Wei was instantly shoved off his feet and into the distance where he crashed into the earth eight feet away.

Xiao Lin moved incredibly fast that Long Wei wasn't given the chance to evade the punch that Xiao Lin sent out in a really fierce manner towards his chest.

And once Long Wei was knocked into the distance for eight feet away, he instantly dashed out to attack his next target which was the person closest to Long Wei.

So, immediately he arrived before his next target, he quickly brought the knee of his right leg up to his chest level and then abruptly kicked it out like he had the aim to shatter a wall with his feet.



The moment his feet impacted the chest of that person, the person immediately screamed out in pain and was abruptly sent flying into the distance where he crashed into the earth many feet away. But even when his body smashed into the earth from the wall-collapsing kick that was sent out at his chest, his body still dragged along the ground for a few feet more before coming to a complete halt.

Seeing that Xiao Lin had quickly taken down two of their colleagues, the other members of the group that Xiao Lin was attacking, immediately readied themselves to unleash furious Spiritual Energy attacks at him.

So, raging attacks that howled like wrathful gales of slicing winds, immediately shot out towards Xiao Lin at where he stood. While Xiao Lin who could sense the power of their attacks, had large quantities of his dark-colored Spiritual Energy quickly erupt out of his hands before transforming into a dark, dome-shaped shield of Spiritual Energy around him.

And immediately he did that, the many attacks that were sent out towards him by his attackers, began to heavily impact the protective shield of Spiritual Energy that he skilfully weaved around himself to guard himself from their seemingly vengeful attacks.




So, once the roaring attacks struck the shielding dome of Spiritual Energy, loud bang sounds began to ring out with waves of power immediately surfacing from the points at which the attacks struck the dome before raging into the far distance at great speeds, radiating the power and the invisible mights to shatter all things in their paths.

However, as the bang sounds rang out, the attentions of people that were still standing before the large golden gate of the Celestial Dragon Emperor sect, were immediately pulled towards the distant location that Xiao Lin was busy fighting his persevering and stubborn attackers.

"What the hell is going on down there?" One questioned with a puzzled expression in his face.

While another that stood a few feet away from the person that just spoke, asked with a perplexed expression in his face, "Don't tell me that a battle is going on between cultivators down there?"

Immediately this person asked that, the eyes of everyone gathered here glowed. Everyone, including mortals themselves, have always enjoyed the spectacle of a great battle. So, as soon that person asked that question, it quickly occurred to everyone that a battle was taking place somewhere down the wide road of the Celestial Dragon Emperor's sect.

"But who would have the courage and boldness to start a battle somewhere near the location of the sect?" One asked with a bewildered expression in his face.


One unexpectedly laughed and then replied saying, "Someone really stupid, folks."

He then continued, "Guys, let's go check it out. Let's see who is fighting. So, as we are busy waiting for the elders from the sect to appear and announce the start of the discipleship exams, we can as well feast our eyes on the battle currently taking place so that we can entertain ourselves. Or what do you think?"

"Yea, let's do just that." Another said with eagerness in his tone. Then not waiting for the others to say or do anything, he immediately dashed out from where he was towards the place that the bang sounds were loudly ringing out from.

Once this person took off, the others behind him immediately also took off and began to head in the direction that the bang sounds were ringing out from.


Xiao Lin's dark, dome-shaped shield of Spiritual Energy actually resisted the destructive power of the fierce Spiritual Energy attacks that were sent out towards it. And once it did so, with the attacks that struck it rebounding in other directions, Xiao Lin immediately canceled off the protective energy dome and aimed out his two hands at them.

Then the instant that he did so, large amounts of dark-colored Spiritual Energy immediately discharged from his palms before transforming into two large solid balls that immediately shot out towards two of his attackers at high speeds. They had shot out towards them like cannonballs fired from a powerful cannon.

Bang! Bang!

Argh! Argh!!

So, once the heavy, dark energy balls that Xiao Lin shot out from his palms struck the two attackers that he targeted, they were tyrannically impacted by them which caused them to instantly cry out in pain and anguish before being lifted off their feet and then launched into the distance like arrows fired from a bow.

Immediately those two were flung far away by the solid, round-shaped Spiritual Energy constructs that struck them in the chest, Xiao Lin quickly dashed out to where his remaining attackers were. And once he appeared before one of them, he immediately turned around and sent out a powerful whipping kick towards the head of his target.


Immediately Xiao Lin's whipping kick struck the side of the head of that cultivator, he was immediately sent flying for many feet into the distance like a spear that was furiously thrown by a tyrannical brute. And even when he crashed into the earth a moment later, his body still tumbled on the ground for many seconds more before coming to an absolute halt.

At the moment, due to the heavy kick that Xiao Lin sent out towards the head of that cultivator, half of his face had torn away to reveal the bony framework that held the skin of his face. While blood which had started to gush out like a small fountain from that part of his face that was ripped away by the heavy shredding kick that Xiao Lin sent out towards his face, turned into a pool of blood around him which soaked the cloth that he wore.

But he wasn't the only one that got terribly injured. Others too, and even sustained more damages in their bodies than this person that was brutally kicked in the face in a whipping fashion by Xiao Lin.

So, the leader of this group called Long Wei and who was the the first to receive Xiao Lin's lethal punch to the chest, had his chest completely cave in that it almost flattened out.. While different sizes of fragments of bones that could be found at his chest and rib regions, could be seen sticking out of his chest and rib-bones area, giving them a rather messy, bloody look that will seriously invoke the urge to vomit in anyone that looks at them.

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