But as soon as that male gave that compliment and asked that question, Xiao Lin said with a rather fierce and battle-ready expression appearing in his face, "Who I am is not important. What is important is that you should ready yourself to be thrown out of the glowing blue circle by me"

Then very quickly, without giving that male the chance to respond to his statement, Xiao Lin quickly moved large amounts of dark-colored Spiritual Energy from his dantian to his right hand.

Immediately he did that, the energy channeled to his palm erupted out of it like a small explosion before rapidly turning into a solid, jet-black blade that Xiao Lin grasped. And once he did that, whilst deploying a powerful battle method in that same instant, he tightly clasped the blade formed from his dark, high-quality Spiritual Energy and used it to slash out at his fierce male opponent from the Celestial Dragon Emperor sect. .

However, the male who was simply ready to battle Xiao Lin, abruptly channeled large amounts of Lightning Spiritual Energy to his palm and quickly punched it out at the attack that Xiao Lin launched at him. And as he did so, he shouted "Heavenly Thunderous Fist Desolating Continents!"

So, once Xiao Lin slashed out with the dense, blade-shaped construct held in his hand, large amounts of black-colored Spiritual Energy that pulsed with great power, instantly erupted from the sword in a seemingly furious manner before abruptly turning into a massive, ink-black sword that shot out at a great speed towards the male in the distance. And as it did so, it radiated the power of sharpness that will invoke the terrifying feeling in anyone that it possessed the absolute power to cut everything in its path to innumerable shreds.

As for the male that Xiao Lin battled with, an astonishing amount of lightning Spiritual Energy instantly exploded out of his fist before instantly transforming into a large and transparent, blue-colored fist that was many feet tall and dozens of feet wide. And from it appearance, it will simply conjure the thought in anyone that it was the hand of a lightning giant.

So, as soon as it formed which only took less than half of a second, it quickly shot out a great speed towards the frightening blade-shaped attack that the Xiao Lin sent out towards him. Then whilst traveling towards that attack at an insane speed, it rampantly produced echoing, deafening boom sounds with long and thick arcs of electricity endlessly discharging from within it, which then abruptly caused the earth directly below them to rapidly develop dark-black patches at different sections of it surface that began to emit thick, white-colored fumes when it was struck by them.


Then the instant both attacks collided in mid-air, waves of high destructive power abruptly surfaced from the point of their collision and rushed out at great speeds into the distance in all directions.

And as soon as the waves surfaced and swept out, they were immediately accompanied by a raging stream of electricity that also rushed out in all directions to burn and electrocute everything in it path.

Seeing the waves and the rampaging stream of lightning that had manifested from the collision of their attacks, Xiao Lin and the male from the Celestial Dragon Emperor sect quickly backed away by many feet before they could be wickedly impacted by the furious kinetic waves and the raging lightning stream.

"Since you are surprisingly so powerful, get ready to be overwhelmed and subjugated by my more powerful attacking skills" The male from the Celestial Dragon Emperor sect unexpectedly said out loud from where he was with admiration in his tone.

Then as soon as that male said that, he abruptly aimed out one of his palms at Xiao Lin.

Then the instant that he did so, a stream of lightning Spiritual Energy abruptly erupted out of it in large amount before rapidly transforming into a massive, blue-colored axe that had dozens of profound inscriptions in it surface and then began to brim with power to burn and sunder all things in it path.

Immediately the blue lightning ax appeared, it shot out at a great speed towards Xiao Lin who only produced a smile in his face.

And Xiao Lin who could sense the power and great pressure that emanated unendingly from the powerful ax-shaped attack that had begun to travel towards him like it were a spear, quickly prepared to destroy the attack, using only his fist.

Since he got those Spiritual Aura-bestowing pills from the Obsidian Abdicator and had used them to increase the number of Ordinary Spiritual Cyclic Revolutions in his body, which would in turn definitely heighten the resilience and durability of his body to a high level, he wanted to know how tough his body had become. And although the attack that was shooting towards him gave off a feeling of tremendous sundering might, he wasn't however scared of it. And this was because he believed in the hegemonic body-cultivation art of the Demonic Blade King.

As for the male from the Celestial Dragon Emperor sect who was attacking Xiao Lin, when he saw that Xiao Lin didn't reciprocate with his own Spiritual Energy attack to either negate or neutralize his ax-shaped attack, he became very worried as he understood that his attack might instantly kill Xiao Lin if care wasn't taken.

Then once the dreadful attack arrived in front of him, Xiao Lin abruptly punched out at it with his clenched fist that was imbued with his majestic and overbearing dark-black Spiritual Energy.


The instant his fist fiercely struck the attack in the form of an ax, a powerful wave of frightening power immediately surfaced and swept out with a tremendous amount of force to shatter all things in it path.

Then when the wave of energy carrying that shocking destructive power disappeared, and the huge cloud of dust that it heaved up towards the sky dispersing away many moments later, Xiao Lin could still be seen standing at his spot with a knowing smile in his face. He had this particular smile in his face because he had predicted the outcome within himself.

Then for anyone that would look at him, they will discover to their shock that he wasn't even moved away from his position. It was like the attack that he struck out against with his fist was mainly composed of air.

While the male from the Celestial Dragon Emperor sect who was his opponent, couldn't help but have his eyes glow in utter astonishment. And it wasn't only him, one of the many elders who manipulated the space transference power of the portal that sucked everyone into this region for the discipleship exams so that he could pit Xiao Lin against this male nicknamed Storm Fists, couldn't help but open his mouth wide in shock.

'Wow. What a strong body. Hmm. This brat must be an excellent body cultivator' The elder said from where he watched the battle while the others that also watched the battle with him agreed in unison.


The male that was battling Xiao Lin, abruptly aimed out one of his palms again at Xiao Lin and discharged a larger amount of lightning Spiritual Energy from it this time.

Then once the energy erupted out of that hand in a tremendous amount, it abruptly transformed into a massive blue halberd that speedily shot out towards Xiao Lin with a tremendous amount of unbearable pressure beginning to emit off of it and radiate unrestrainedly into the far distance. And as this great pressure emanated from it which then pressed heavily against everything that it came across, it caused the ground immediately below it to begin to crack like it were glass.

When the halberd-shaped attack got to him in the next instant, Xiao Lin who was totally ready to face this powerful attack head-on, simply sent out his other fist again towards it.


Then like a powerful explosion which simply shook the portion of earth that Xiao Lin stood upon and abruptly released a wave of terrifying power that traveled at an extreme speed with a high ruination power into the far distance to devastate all things in it path, the large halberd composed from lightning Spiritual Energy, rapidly shattered apart upon being struck by Xiao Lin's fist and then reverted in the next moment into wisps of crackling Spiritual Energy that returned to the world.

When the immense, mushroom-shaped cloud of dust that erupted into the air because of the huge, terrifying blast that resulted from the explosion of the halberd-shaped, lightning Spiritual Energy attack upon clashing with Xiao Lin's fist dispersed many moments later, Xiao Lin could still be standing at his spot.

It was like the attack launched at him this time also didn't have the power to move him away from his spot.

So, when the huge amounts of dust heaved into the distant and surrounding atmosphere cleared away some moments later, Xiao Lin looked at his male opponent called Storm Fists from the Celestial Dragon Emperor sect and said "My turn, get ready!"

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