Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 156 - Arguments Occurring Between The Elders

Not quite long, the short boy and the tall slender girl that walked like the pressure emitting from the shrine artifact spirit was nonexistent, arrived before the place where they would have their minds penetrated into by complex diagrams that they would have to quickly unravel to move to the next tasks to become disciples of the Celestial Dragon Emperor sect.

So, once they arrived at that place that was simply a really large and thick board formed from probably a massive earth fragment and had all sorts of diagrams engraved on it surface, they sat down on the cross-legged position before it to start their unraveling of the intricate cultivation diagrams that will be sent into their minds anytime from now.

Immediately they sat down on the ground before it, ripples of unknown power began to emit from the large earthly board that had all sorts of diagrams engraved into it. Then in the next instant, a soft glow of various colors of light began to emanate from the whole board, before two resplendent rays of light suddenly shot out of it towards the two people seated on the ground before it.

The instant the rays of light struck them, they effortlessly penetrated straight into their minds where they turned into massive diagrams.

So, in the inner visions of the two people seated before the large earthly board, were massive complicated diagrams that actually weighed down on their minds upon their manifestation and caused them to have this immense urge to spit out blood from their mouths.

Therefore, due to the sudden, massive mental pressure that the mystified diagrams exerted on the minds, the short boy and the tall girl had their skin rapidly turn sheet-white in color.

Now looking really pale-skinned, it appeared as though they had unexpectedly fallen sick. And this was immediately noticed by everyone since they all fixated their eyes on them due to their abilities to easily resist the pressure that pressed down against everyone, consequently attracting their entire gazes towards them..

Xiao Lin who was also watching them, could understand in the next moment that the diagrams sent into their minds had suddenly exerted a vast pressure on them, thereby causing their fair-complexioned skins to quickly turn sheet-white color.

Now understanding what would happen next once the diagrams got sent to his mind, he took his mind off it and focused on getting to the huge earthly board and start his own mystification unraveling test.

So, taking one step after the other which clearly showed that he was struggling to take them, he arrived before the board too. And once he did, the immense pressure particularly weighing down on him quickly receded and vanished. Then immediately the pressure affecting him vanished, he also sat down in the cross-legged position on the ground before the earthly board that had all sorts of images and diagrams engraved on it smoothened, flat stony surface.

When Xiao Lin tried his best to arrive before the large stony board by taking one step after the other that was full of struggle, the elders watching him from where they were couldn't help but utter 'wow' in their minds. They couldn't believe that Xiao Lin will defy the immense pressure affecting him to arrive before the large stony board and initiate the other exam which was extracting meaning from the complex diagrams that will transmitted to his mind.

"This boy is a very good seed. He has just shown us that he deserves to be a disciple of our great sect." One of the elders said while the others nodded agreeably.

"Definitely. He has proven that he isn't one that will back out of something just because of the pressure that he would face doing so. I like him." The elder said and then continued with a smile appearing in his face, "And if you old, eccentric elders can watch very closely, you will see that this boy is really persistent, just like water. Nothing can stop water from conquering something. It's a really persistent element of nature. And so is this boy. He is persistent."

Once the elder said this, every other elder looked at him with smirk expressions surfacing in their faces.

Then one asked with a naughty expression in his face, "So?"

"So, that means he should be taken to the department in the sect which I supervise where he would be able to cultivate water element Spiritual Energy." The elder said and continued by saying, "From his persevering and persistent behavior when the pressure was affecting him, you elders should be able to understand that his natural element is water. Therefore, he must be trained in any of the spiritual arts for the water element, or if he is trained in the spiritual arts for other classical elements of our world, he could become stagnant in his cultivation growth. So, don't let us impede his growth by trying to prove that what I said is wrong" That elder said with a solemn expression in his face.


Immediately he said that, the elders in the Elder Hall who were calmly listening to him to understand what he was trying to convey to them, suddenly burst into loud and raucous laughter.

One of them then said while still grinning, "Elder Xin, I like your method. Sounds sweet. Anyways, I won't try to impede the boy's growth by trying to prove that what you said is wrong. But I still want to speak anyway."

"Now, you mentioned that the boy has a persistent behavior which is one of the many characteristics of water. However, do you know that what you said is wrong. No, don't get me wrong. Water truly has a persistent nature, but so does fire."

"Fire won't stop at anything until it has burned down everything in its path to ashes. So, being a really persistent person that boy, he has a behavior that is similar to that of fire."

"Look at him, right from when he started fighting Storm Fists, he dominated him like Storm Fists was inconsequential to him. And 'Domination', elders, is the greatest property of fire. It loves to dominate other elements. Nothing can stand in its path when it's moving. It's either they are turned to ashes or liquid. So, that boy should be taught the spiritual arts for fire element."


Once that elder said this, the elder that first spoke and was from the Water Element department in the sect, suddenly gave out an unbridled laughter before asking in the next moment, "Elder Wen, so you think that the boy should be taken to the Fire Element department?"

Then the elder called elder Wen and was from the Fire Element department, replied with a smile appearing in his slightly wrinkled face, "Yes, he should be taken there. That's the department that is befitting for the boy, if we really do not want to kill off his talent"

But as soon as he said this, another elder quickly spoke in defiance, showing that he totally disagreed with what Elder Wen from the Fire Element department said. And so, another round of fresh argument started on which department that Xiao Lin should be taken to so as not to inhibit and eventually ruin his cultivation talents.

As for Xiao Lin who had gotten to the enormous stony board which still retained it soft, prismatic glow of brilliance, it immediately shot out a pencil-sized ray of light out towards Xiao Lin's head which penetrated into it in that same instant and abruptly turned into a massive and really complicated diagram that weighed down heavily on his mind. And if anyone else were to experience this, they will suddenly develop this horrifying thought that some massive, unseen mass had appeared in the region of their minds and was now pressing against their minds to seemingly crush them to hundreds of fragments.

So, because of this effect on his mind which also deeply affected his body, Xiao Lin couldn't help but also get the urge to spit out several mouthfuls of blood from his mouth.

However, he tried to control this by causing his blood which was much more thicker than that of his peer cultivators to settle down back.

Then because of his skin which was already pale-white than normal, the sheet-white color that his skin was supposed to develop upon that pressure surfacing and viciously pressing against his mind, couldn't really appear, as the pale-whiteness of his skin was very intense that it just easily absorbed the sheet-white color that his already pale-skin was supposed to change into.

After recollecting himself from the greatly disoriented state that his mind was hurled into, Xiao Lin who already had his eyes closed when he sat down in the cross-legged position before the immense stony board, began to try to comprehend the complicated diagram that was transmitted to his mind.

Then upon a single gaze at the huge, luminous diagram formed from thousands of seemingly ancient texts in his mind, he couldn't help but shake his head in dismay and have a morose feeling surface in his heart that this would take more than one month to break down and comprehend.

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