Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 159 - Known And Unknown Enemies

In a majestic and imposing palace that floated many feet above the ground, a towering man that continuously exuded an aura of incomparable magnificence and power from his entire body, could be seen seated on a ravishing throne that floated a few feet above the tiled ground of the palace. The throne that he sat on, was matchlessly ravishing in appearance, since it was entirely formed from the most beautiful and priceless gemstones in the Spirit Continent.

"Have the men that you sent out to search for Xiao Lin been able to find him and slay him?" He asked with total indifference in his narrowed, spine-chilling eyes.

"No, my Lord. They haven't been able to find your son" A man that knelt with one knee on the ground before the towering man before him, said with absolute reverence and dread in his tone.

"What? How dare you?!!" The man seated on that floating beautiful throne, asked with a seriously angry tone in his voice.

Then before the man kneeling on one of his knees could speak, the tall man seated on that throne suddenly waved his hand at him.


Immediately he did that, the man kneeling with a knee to the ground, was abruptly heaved towards the large golden door that stood many dozens of feet away in the distance within the massive hall that they were in.


The man's body crashed into it with an amount of force that will cause a small house to be quickly reduced to thousands of small rubbles.

And once the man's body impacted that door with the power of many dozen bombs, the intensely angered booming voice of the man seated on that throne, immediately rang out saying, "Never you, I mean all of you, ever call that useless thing my son again. If anyone of you tries to do that in the future, I will take it that you are trying to ridicule me for giving birth to that useless and miserable failure. And do you know what I do to such kind of people? I simply kill them, in the worst way possible."

And once he said that, the people, cultivators to be exact, who were also around in the hall and witnessed what had happened, quickly went on their knees and nodded their heads in total reverence and fear to what the man seated on the throne said.

"Good!" The man, who was without surprise Xiao Lin's excessively proud and egoistic father, said with a slight nod of his head.

Then clenching his hand into a fist and slightly stretching it outwards before him, he pulled the man that he sent flying into the distance by a slight wave of his hand. And as soon as the man appeared before him in the air, a tremendous pressure suddenly erupted from his body which then tyrannically weighed down on the body of the man who was made to float a few feet in the air before him.

"Am I clear?" Xiao Lin's father asked with one of his brows furrowed.

"Yes, my Lord. Your statement was as clear as day. And I want you to please forgive me for foolishly and ignorantly uttering those highly offensive words to you, my Lord." The man who was made totally uncomfortable because of the great pressure acting on him, quickly said in response to what Xiao Lin's father said.

"Good!" Xiao Lin's father said once again and retracted the pressure weighing down on the man floating before him. And immediately he retracted that unbearable pressure and the unseen force that caused the man to levitate in the air before him, the man dropped to the ground with a heavy thud.

But very quickly, the man stood back to his feet with an awry smile in his face. Then as soon as he got up on his feet, he bowed at Xiao Lin's father for a few minutes in fear and respect before straightening himself back.


Once he did so and cleared his throat before speaking, he said "My Lord, the men that I sent out haven't been able to find Xiao Lin. They are even wondering if he has died or something, since they couldn't find him anywhere."

Then immediately the man said that, Xiao Lin's father furrowed his brows and said with a contemplative expression in his face, "Hmm. So, the men that you sent out haven't been able to discover Xiao Lin using their divine spiritual scanning senses?"

"Yes, my Lord. So, since they couldn't find him, they presumed that he has probably died. He could have been killed by other cultivators who will definitely notice the aura of affluence around him when he appeared in that region of our endlessly vast cultivation world. They could rob him of the wealth in his spatial ring and ruthlessly slay him so that he wouldn't grow strong and come after them in the future when he has probably gotten stronger." The man said, trying to describe his reasons to Xiao Lin's father.

"Hmm. You might be right" Xiao Lin's father said with his brows still furrowed, showing that he was still thinking of something.

Then he said further, "Anyways, I want them to keep searching for him. Only when they have discovered his rotten corpse can they return. But for now, let them keep searching. And if they eventually catch the bastard, tell them to immediately slay him. He mustn't be brought here for me to kill, since he could corrupt and contaminate my glorious palace with his filthy aura that invokes nothing but failure."

"That has been recorded, my Lord. My men will do as you have commanded." The man said and immediately turned around to come out of the hall and convey his message to some group of people that he sent out many months ago to search for Xiao Lin and utterly destroy him.


"It's been many weeks now since Bloodfang left our organization to be on his own. I am certain that since we haven't been able to find him, he has probably gone to a faraway town or city." One of the members of Nine Calamities' bandit organization said with a frustrated expression in his face.

"Yes, I am also thinking the same thing. Since we are finding it really difficult to find him, he is no longer in this place, but some extremely distant city or town that we probably haven't heard of before." Another bandit said with an awry expression in his face.

"And we can't return to the organization to tell Nine Calamities that we returned because we couldn't find Bloodfang." Someone amongst them suddenly said.

"Yea. We definitely can't do that, or we would be immediately killed off by him" Another person said.

"Hmm. That boy called Bloodfang has succeeded in creating a record for himself in our organization. He would never be forgotten for what he put us and our master through." One of the bandits gathered here said with a shake of his head.

"I wonder where he is now. With all the treasures and pills that he failed to give to our master and ran off with, he would be really rich now to move from one city to the next without any form of hassle. Our boy can no longer be financially stranded. Ugh! I wish I had like his kind of gut too. Would have also done this too and ran off. But I am utterly scared of our master, Nine Calamities. When he eventually catches me, I immensely doubt that even godlike cultivators would be able to really save me from his hand." Someone amongst them said with a slight degree of fear in his tone, while others upon hearing what he said, immediately burst into loud and carefree laughter.

"But guys, what do we do now?" One of them unexpectedly asked with a solemn expression appearing in his face.

"Huh? I don't understand. What do you mean by what do we now?" Another who was perplexed by what this person just asked, questioned with a baffled look in his face.

While the person that unexpectedly asked that question that quite confused everyone of them gathered here to concertedly make strategic plans, continued by saying, "Since we can't return to the castle and don't have much money with us to be moving around, like from one town to the next in search of that bastard, I guess we would have to stay put in this town for sometime before resuming our mission to search for Bloodfang. Or what do you guys think?"

"Hmm. Then if we stay put here, what are we going to be doing? Sleeping, waking and discussing?" One asked with a frown in his face.

"No. Not that. What I mean by stay put in this town for sometime is that, since we would definitely exhaust our monies on feeding, and in moving about from one town to the next in search of Bloodfang, we could just base here for the time being and either rob or steal from people and from places to replenish the amount of monies on our hand, just so that we can easily go about executing the errand that our master, Nine Calamities sent all of us out for." That person replied with an hopeful expression in his face.

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