Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 165 - Zhao Yu's Sad Story

"Hmm. We shall see about that" Xiao Lin said while Zhao Yu nodded her head with a smile appearing in her face.

She then asked, "So, what about you? What kind of Spiritual Energy do you cultivate?"

Xiao Lin looked at her and said, "Well, it's only a normal Spiritual Energy. It isn't as special as yours which can devour the essences of other Spiritual Energies that it would come into contact with and grow stronger in ferociousness and size very quickly. Haha!"

Immediately he said that, he ended his statement with a chuckle. While Zhao Yu who heard what he said, only produced a slight smile in her face.

She then said, "Well, you got a prolonged glimpse of mine. Show me yours. Even if it just a short glimpse. I wanna see it, please"

Xiao Lin exhaled heavily.. He then looked at her and asked, "Why do you want to see it?"

"Because you said your Spiritual Energy is an ordinary energy, which is something that I will never believe" Zhao Yu said with a serious expression in her face.

"Oh. And why won't you believe?" Xiao Lin questioned with his interest piqued.

"Because you were the first to arrive at this particular examination ground. If you can quickly defeat the senior that you fought with before I could arrive here, despite how powerful and consuming my fiery energy is, then that can only mean that your Spiritual Energy possesses a type of characteristic that makes it really strong and powerful to enable you quickly overwhelm your opponent" Zhao Yu said, discreetly mentioning her reason to Xiao Lin on why she felt that his Spiritual Energy would also be strong and powerful, just like hers.

"Hmm. I see." Xiao Lin said.

He then said with a slight nod of his head in the next instant, "Alright then. I will show you"

Zhao Yu gladly nodded her head upon hearing that. She then fixed her gaze upon his hands and awaited the appearance of his Spiritual Energy.

While Xiao Lin who had promised to show her how his Spiritual Energy looks like, brought out of one of his hands and placed it in front of him.

Then with a thought from him, dark-black Spiritual Energy began to slowly erupt from the surface of his palm. And as it erupted, it invoked the feeling in Zhao Yu who was staring at them with astonishment in her eyes that it were a type of energy that will dominate other forms of Spiritual Energy under the Heavens and above the Skies.

"Wow. Look at it. So fierce!" Zhao Yu said with an impressed look in her face.

She then said to Xiao Lin, "I have seen enough."

"Okay" Xiao Lin said with a nod of his head and immediately ceased the eruption of his ink-black Spiritual Energy.

Then immediately he did that, Zhao Yu who was still looking at him, said with a smile in her face "No wonder you were able to quickly finish off your challenger at the first examination ground before I could arrive here."

"Well, if you say so" Xiao Lin said.

Then before he could say or do anything else, Zhao Yu unexpectedly said, "Let's fight... When you have the time"

Once Xiao Lin heard that, he turned his head to look at her. He then asked with an astonished expression written all over his face, "You want us to duel when I have the time?"

"Yea!" Zhao Yu said with a nod of her head, while Xiao Lin shook his head with an awry smile appearing in his face.

He then said with a solemn expression appearing in his face, "And why would you want to fight me?"

"Well, because I want to see who has the stronger Spiritual Energy between the both of us." Zhao Yu said with a crooked smile manifesting in her face.

While Xiao Lin who abruptly developed an inexplicable expression in his face, said "Really? Well, to be sincere, that will be good for us to know. But I would not really like to fight you. I have so many things to do. So, a fight with anybody isn't on my mind at the moment."


Zhao Yu laughed.

She then asked with a mischievous smile surfacing on her brightly-colored red lips, "Scared that I will overwhelm you and beat defeat you in the end?"

"What? Well, I don't know about that. But I am not scared of a fight. Why I don't want to fight with you anytime now, is because I have so many things to do. And if you ask me what those things are, they are simply endless cultivation, unending comprehension and limitless physical training" Xiao Lin mentioned while Zhao Yu only shook her head.

She then said, "Really? Well, those are very nice. But a fight of only ten or twenty minutes shouldn't take out of the infinite hours that you have designated for your cultivation, comprehension and physical training."

Then she said further before Xiao Lin could say anything, "So, I say we fight to know who has the stronger Spiritual Energy."

Xiao Lin looked at her as she spoke and said after coming to a conclusion in his mind, "From your statements so far, I can easily that you are someone who would certainly enjoy indulging herself in all forms of battle that will occur before her and the ones that she would spring up herself, right?"

"Yea, right" Zhao Yu said with a playful smile.

"Alright then. Request accepted." Xiao Lin said and continued with a relaxed smile surfacing on his lips, "However, if I beat you in a domineering manner, don't start hating on me and then run home to your mommy to report me to them so that she can come beat me up and you happily getting your undeserved vengeance. Hehe."


Zhao Yu burst into laughter once he heard that.

She then said with a serious look manifesting in her face, "Why would I do that? I am a grown girl. So, if I lose to you in our upcoming battle of Energies, I will accept my defeat and go train more so that I can bring you down and step on you. Besides, I don't have a family to run to like a little girl and report that some boy beat me up. I have been living for myself and them since I was young. I have been moving from one place to another so as to survive, till I fortunately met my female master who taught me all the combat techniques that I know, and helped me discover the peculiarity of my rare elemental Spiritual Energy."

Once Zhao Yu said that, Xiao Lin looked at her and said, "Oh. The Heavens were smiling at you that they made you come across a master that trained you and groomed you into what you are today. And I am really sorry about your family. What happened to them?"

"Well, they were murdered. I mean, the building that we were all in, was set on fire by some really vicious people that my father was owing a tremendous sum of money. He borrowed large amounts of money from them, after using our home and land as collaterals, to start a business. But the business failed, so he couldn't pay them back their monies."

"Excessively angered, and after so many warnings and threats that were issued at the whole household, they came one particular night and set our building and land on fire. Everyone in my family of five, all burned to crisps, except me."

"I could escape that terrible fate because of my Limitless Devouring Flame Spiritual Energy arteries. They were the ones that prevented the fire from burning me to grey ashes by absorbing the flames that continuously engulfed my body."

"If I knew how to use my special arteries then, I could have kept my family alive by absorbing the fire that tried to raze down our house and land to nothing." Zhao Yu said with her eyes beginning to glisten, since tears had began to slowly well up in them.

"No. Don't cry, Zhao Yu. You will be fine" Xiao Lin said, trying his possible best to comfort her in the way that he felt was best. While Zhao Yu who heard what Xiao Lin said, nodded her head with a tiny, thin stream of tears suddenly escaping one of her eyes and rolling down one side of her flushed cheeks. She then abruptly wiped it off and smiled at Xiao Lin who only winked at her.

"What about you? You have a family that you could go visit when the sect send us out for errands or tasks or missions?" Zhao Yu asked as she looked at Xiao Lin, who she felt could also have a story that was similar to hers. Then why she felt so was because of the way that he looked, from what he had said so far to her, and from the statement that he previously made after they had kicked off their conversation, which was that the 'sounds and images in his head were enough to keep him going and force him to reach the zenith of power in their cultivation world.'

So, immediately she asked that question, Xiao Lin looked at her and said with a raging expression quickly appearing in his face, "I don't have a family. They don't exist. As far as I know, they are dead. And this is because I have totally erased any memory of them from my mind."

However, as soon as he said that, he calmed and then looked at her. Then he said with his lips curling into a smile, "Let's speak about something else, Zhao Yu."

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