Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 17 - Ancient Expert Appears

"Ugh! This terrible injury of mine. Well, since I won't be able to accomplish what I set my heart to do in the past, this person who forced me to wake from my slumber will help me accomplish it, I believe." The expert said with a sharp and clear gaze in his eyes.

He then vanished from where he was and appeared directly before Xiao Lin who was abruptly shocked to the extreme by the appearance of a really lean and towering human who felt exceedingly dreadful to him.

Then as he prepared himself in that same instant to politely greet this fearsome person who rampantly radiated a formless power of sharpness that felt like it would absolutely cut all things in its path, including gods and devils themselves, the expert who had unexpectedly appeared before Xiao Lin said "I have been observing you for days after that powerful soul-rending howl and intense blood-red brilliance appeared. Boy, what did you do to cause that mighty heaven-shaking phenomenon?"

"I.... I don't know too, senior" Xiao Lin lied with fright setting into his heart.

He couldn't tell this fearsome-looking being that the phenomenon that he spoke about resulted from the fusion of him and his Animal Spirit.


Cough! Cough!...

The being tried to laugh but then coughed out several mouthfuls of blood in the next instant.

Xiao Lin's eyes then brightly shone with an understanding that the formidable person before him had sustained fatal injuries.

'He is injured' He said inwardly.

"Ahhh!! These damned wounds" The person shouted and then calmly said in an unhappy tone in the next moment.

He then looked at Xiao Lin and said "I should have died since because of the extremely grievous wounds to my body and soul. But because I entered into a deep slumber to preserve my life-force energy and slow down the rapid disintegration of my soul, i have been able to remain existing for seven hundred million years now. And I did that because I am looking for someone to pass my legacies to and continue what I wasn't able to do. You know, becoming the strongest evil cultivator in the world."

Xiao Lin's eyes then shone again from what the being before him mentioned.

Seven hundred million years ago?

To become the strongest evil cultivator in the world?

Then Xiao Lin thought that perhaps this powerful expert, who radiated a dazzling resplendent aura that towered to the sky and invoked a feeling of an incomparably overbearing, formidable power of sharpness and destruction, since it caused the air around his body and to a distance of several thousand feet to actually tremble and slash apart in millions of places like it was an actual fabric, and then the earth beneath the both of them for many thousand feet to rapidly develop countless, large and fathomlessly deep gashes in them, like as if many giants furiously stabbed colossal swords deep into the earth and ragingly dragged them across it, was fatally wounded because he was an 'Evil' cultivator, a cultivator that followed the 'Path of Wickedness'.

He reasoned that he could have unbridledly wreaked devastation, havoc and mayhem in the many regions in the continents of the world, making hundreds of powerful cultivators to develop strong feelings of aversion for him and then gather for his sake so that they could destroy him.

'But what power!' Xiao Lin said impressedly within.

He could witness the constant phenomenal effects of the man's matchlessly powerful aura on everything around them, which was the valley that they were in and now seemed damaged beyond repair. The valley had simply become a desolated place.

Also, he was greatly astonished at how the aura avoided him, since he wasn't reduced into hundreds of slices by it, even as he stood directly in front of the ancient expert who boundlessly exuded the tyrannous aura from his body.

"But senior, if I may ask, why did you choose the evil path? Didn't you know that it would get you grievously wounded in the end, which would then result in your death?" Xiao Lin braved up to ask the fierce expert before him this question.


The experts laughed.

"Well, there are only two paths to power in this world. Good or evil. One can't remain neutral for long. Therefore, one will absolutely have to choose one of these two moral paths."

"So, since being good will force me to care about lots of people, which would eventually drastically slow down my cultivation speed and overall progression, and would in turn terribly affect my ascendancy to hegemonic power, I rather chose to become evil, since it would make me care less about anyone in the world, and then cause me to rapidly rise to the apex of power in this ruthless world."

"Besides, I received a sovereign-level, ancient devil blade legacy which I borrowed tons of inspiration from to create my own extremely refined, unique battle art. Now, only by being completely wicked, would one be able to successfully cultivate it, as it requires that one extract the blood essences of others and condense them in one's dantian into True Demonic Marks, which would then transform into Great Devil Marks after many cycles of evolution. So, by following this detestable and totally horrendous method in my battle art, one's cultivation speed will skyrocket, and one will be endowed with a type of unfathomable power that the person can never possibly imagine wielding."

The expert then said further "Boy, I guess by now that you should have fully comprehended that the only way to do that, to take the blood essences of others and condense them into True Demonic Marks for yourself, is to slaughter them in cold-blood, whether they are your enemies or not. One must sacrifice everything, like friends, lovers, companions and adversaries in exchange for vast unmatched power'

After the expert stopped talking, Xiao Lin's eyes shone with an unexplainable gaze in his eyes.

He then deeply exhaled.

Not long after recollecting himself from what the expert said, he began to deeply ponder about many things in his mind.

'Since this ancient godly expert walked the path of evil to become tremendously powerful and incredibly fearsome so that he can strike terror in the hearts of people everywhere that he goes to, I think I would also like to walk that path too. Only in that way, can I become extremely dreadful and incomparably strong in time to go face my dad and wipe him off from the surface of this world.'

'And like the expert rightfully said, I mustn't care about anybody, except my rise to the zenith of power. Well, no matter how evil I will become, I will never ever try to sacrifice my my loving mother for anything, and Master Wu who tried his possible best to look after me, and even journeyed far away for my sake to help me eliminate my abysmal cultivation condition. But every other thing in this world, enemy or colleague, I will viciously sacrifice them to obtain that immense power to humiliate and kill off my dad, and then slay every other god-like cultivator that would appear in my path to battle me over something that would imbue me with great unparalleled power and help me rise to cosmos-wide fame.'

When Xiao Lin thought all these and finally chose the moral path that he would follow, he proceeded to ask a question that had surfaced in his mind.

But before he could ask the question that had appeared in his mind, the expert before him said further with a solemn expression in his face after taking a slight pause "You, boy, have the potential to end what I started and couldn't finish. And if you ask why I immediately selected you without any legacy inheritance trial to see if you are totally qualified for it, it is simply because of the rare uncanny phenomenon that you somehow caused to appear."

"That insanely powerful howl that you unleashed forced me to wake from my slumber, as it struck my rapidly collapsing soul really hard, and caused my thick and dense blood to churn so violently that I felt that it wanted to burst out of my body. That, was one terrifying phenomenon that would definitely frighten gods and devils. So, I immediately selected you, without a need for some trial."

"Wow!" Xiao Lin uttered with shock in his heart.

So, the fusion of his body and his Animal Spirit had resulted in that phenomenon that forced the Ancient Expert before him to wake from his body and soul-preservation slumber.

Then he fully bowed and said with a sincere tone in his voice "I thank senior for seeing me as a qualified candidate for the inheritance of your legacy."

The primordial expert smiled and nodded his head.

He then said with a questioning gaze in his eyes "I would still like to know what caused that phenomenon."

Now that the powerful expert before him wanted to pass his legacy to him, Xiao Lin saw no harm in telling him how that phenomenon came to be.

"The phenomenon appeared when I fused with my Animal Spirit." Xiao Lin answered.

"Oh really?! Wow! That's one powerful Animal Spirit you have got there, boy. Good. I am very impress... Cough! Cough! Cough!" The expert said and suddenly started to cough out mouthfuls of blood again.

When he stopped coughing, he had a soured expression immediately appear in his face.

"Ugh!" He uttered as he gazed at Xiao Lin who was looking at him.

He then said further "Boy, I am dying. I will collapse anytime from now. It's time for you to receive my legacy."

The expert then pointed at Xiao Lin's forehead and fired off a single, pencil-sized resplendent ray of energy from his index finger at Xiao Lin's forehead.

Immediately the ray of energy was fired, it penetrated into Xiao Lin's head in the next instant and turned into a massive amount of information.

At the moment, Xiao Lin felt that his head was rapidly swelling because of the immense amounts of information that had suddenly surfaced in his head. And what surprisingly comprised the huge body of information that had appeared in his head were millions of mysterious signs and symbols, anciently cryptic letters and alphabets, and then tens of thousands of amazingly large profound diagrams that when he tried to study just one of them, suddenly afflicted him with a really severe headache and caused him to cough out blood and have blood stream down his nostrils.


The expert burst into a raucous laugher and shook his head at the same time when he saw that Xiao Lin's skin had suddenly turned sickly pale and that blood that was streaming down his nostrils.

"Boy, don't even try to look at any of those indecipherable things in your head which are way highly advanced and deeply profound for you to comprehend. They will only cause you great harm if you try to do so. Therefore, you should start from the basics, the simplest ones, and gradually walk your way up to those extremely profound characters and images floating in your head." The expert said, informing Xiao Lin. While Xiao Lin nodded his head comprehensibly.

At the moment, the intense agonizing headache that he was afflicted with had disappeared, while the bleeding from his nose had stopped.

He then wiped off the blood that had stained his mouth with the back of his hand and then looked into his memory again to see if he got any cultivation and battle art from that memory transmission that the expert made to him.

Once he did so, he saw numerous arts that made him crazily excited.

'Primordial Heretic Force - Empyrean Cultivation Method'

'Way of the Demonic Blade - Empyrean Battle Art'

'Fiendish Flame burning the Heavens - Empyrean Battle Art'

'Doom and Sorrow birthing Ten Thousand Heavenly Calamity Wheels - Blades Fusion Technique'

'The Great Apocalyptic Perverse Invincibility Body Scripture - Empyrean Body-Cultivation Method'

'Gods, Emperors, Kings and Saints Subjugation - Divine-grade Demonic Technique'

'Nine Rocs and Seven Garudas crossing the Infinite Void - Empyrean Movement Art'

Xiao Lin then pulled his mind out of his memory and looked at the expert before him.

"Thank you, Master" Xiao Lin said with a full bow.

The expert before him nodded.

He then pointed his finger at Xiao Lin once again.

Immediately he did that, two rays of light appeared and shot towards Xiao Lin.

Then the two rays of light turned into two blades in the next instant.

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