"The sect has really tried for me... And I will try not to disappoint them. Although we have sworn oath to stand by the sect, which then allows us to enjoy the benefits of the sect since we have become true disciples, this is however much more benefits that I ever imagined, which is all because of my unbelievable cultivation potential. So, because of the huge steps that they have taken to nurture me to the point of becoming a powerful independent cultivator, that even the powerful seniors at the phase of graduating from the sect will be left absolutely shocked, stunned and deeply jealous, if what the elders did ever leaked out to their hearing, I will try my best too to fulfill what I swore to. I will not break my promise for once... even after they have discovered the horrendous thing that I truly am and may reject me." Xiao Lin said with a smile in his face as he headed for his room.

Not long, he arrived in front of his room only to find Zhao Yu and Tian Xi there, possibly waiting for him to return from the Assembly Hall.

When Xiao Lin saw them leaning against the wall of his room, he smiled at them and said, "Guys, what are you doing here?"

"Well, we were waiting for you to return from the Assembly Hall." Zhao Yu said while Tian Xi nodded his head.

"Oh. But why?" Xiao Lin asked with a startled expression in his face.

"Because we worried about you. We couldn't find a clue as to why you were called back by the elders. So, we became worried and waited here for you to return so we could ask you what happened." Zhao Yu said as she gazed at Xiao Lin who only produced a smile in his face.

"Oh. Nothing really. I was just called back because they wanted to discuss something with me. That's all" Xiao Lin said while Zhao Yu and Tian Xi nodded their heads after producing sighs of relief.

"If you say that you are good, then I guess we would have to leave. So, I and Tian Xi will be returning to our rooms. See you later Li Huang." Zhao Yu said while Xiao Lin nodded his head.

Then when Zhao Yu and Tian Xi turned around and began to walk into the distance, Xiao Lin went into his room.


Xiao Lin who had gone into his room to relax and anticipate the next day activities, didn't know that the elders were busy running around their department to search for thick, large books that have records of cultivation arts in them, scrolls that contain top-rated battle techniques, and then consummate cultivation resources that they will give to him to help his cultivation to grow to a stage where he would become reliant on only himself.

So, as he waited in his room trying to think of what the elders would present to him tomorrow, he didn't know that the elders were going through a lot to help him get and gather the best books and scrolls that he will self-study, and then large amounts of stalks, herbs, flowers, small edible stems of trees that contain large amounts of different Spiritual Energies which they absorbed from the atmosphere that they individually grew in at remote and exotic places.

After getting all that they were instructed to give Xiao Lin for his cultivation, since the First Elder only gave them one day to do so, they immediately went to his room to go meet him with spatial rings that contained the cultivation books and tons of consummate, edible cultivation materials and items that they were going to provide Xiao Lin with for his cultivation to a great stage.

When they began to arrive in front of his room one after the other, the door suddenly swung open for them with all of them walking in with excellent and imposing auras revolving around them as they were proud and dignified cultivators.

"I see that everyone is ready, right?" The first elder asked as he looked at them.

"Yes, we are ready" An elder said while the First Elder nodded his head.

He then looked at one of them and said, "Elder Kwang, please help me call Devil Fang to this place. We need to discuss with him again now that everyone is set"

"Okay" Elder Kwang said and walked towards the door which swung open by itself once again. And once he walked out of the room, he immediately shot into the air to Xiao Lin's room where he silently dropped to the ground before his room and knocked.


He knocked once while Xiao Lin who wasn't expecting to have any visitors so soon, immediately stood to his feet to go attend to the person that was at his door.

However, since he had a powerful vampiric sense of smell, he could immediately perceive that this person was an elder, since the smell emanating from his body was different from that of younger cultivators.

'An elder? But so soon? Or has he come here to tell me something? Well, only until I meet him would I know.' Xiao Lin said inwardly as he headed towards the door.

The instant he opened the door, and before he could say anything to the elder, the elder said with a slight smile in his face, "Follow me!"

And as soon as he said that, a powerful unseen force immediately emitted from his body and instantly wrapped around Xiao Lin's body like a thick cord. Then once this happened, Xiao Lin who had no time to think, was immediately lifted into the air where he shot through the air like a ray of light along with the elder to the place where they were having a second meeting again, which was the First Elder's expensively decorated and grandly furnished room, regarding Xiao Lin's development.

Immediately they landed before the First Elder's room, with the force that coiled round his body disappearing, the elder that brought him here, said to him, "Devil Fang, come in with me. There is something that my colleagues want to discuss with you"

"Okay, senior" Xiao Lin said with a polite tone to the elder.

He then went in along with that that elder when the door automatically opened for the both of them to come in.

Once Xiao Lin who pretended like he didn't know anything appeared before all the elders that he saw at the Assembly Hall many moments ago, he twisted his face like he was absolutely shocked to see them again so soon.

He then deeply bowed and respectfully said to them, "It's an honor to appear before the great and esteemed elders of the sect once again."

"Don't mention, boy." The first elder said with a smile in his face, as he was very pleased with Xiao Lin's comportment in front of them.

The way Xiao Lin carried himself in front of them, despite the overbearing, imposing and majestic auras radiating from their bodies that will cause his peers to absolutely feel overwhelmed and develop alarmed, shaky voices, made them feel like even if a literal true god of boundless, incomparable cosmic powers was in front of him, Xiao Lin will surely comport himself well before him.

The other elders who also noticed this, nodded their heads with impressed looks appearing in their faces.

The First Elder then spoke to Xiao Lin, "Boy, can you at least try to guess the reason why we have called you here?"

Xiao Lin nodded his head.

"Good!" The First Elder said.

Then he continued, "The floor is yours"

"Okay. First Elder" Xiao Lin said with a nod of his head.

He then said further, "Now, I believe that elders have called me here concerning what I mentioned the last time, which is that I want to study in all the departments and develop all the corresponding Spiritual Energies within my special dantian after studying and practicing their respective cultivation arts and battle techniques."

"Exactly" The First Elder said with a nod of his head.

Then he continued, "So, I asked Elder Kwang to call you here because we have discussed at length about what you said, and have come to a final conclusion, which is to let you study in all the departments in the sect, since it is your wish to grow far stronger above your peers and reach a stage where you can become reliant on only yourself, and become something hugely terrifying that you will deter the enemies of this sect, which is of course, the enemy of everyone here from proceeding forward to ruining and destroying our great and illustrious sect"

"Wow! Thank you very much elders, I really appreciate this. And I promise this day to always stand by my promise, no matter what may happen in the nearest or farthest future" Xiao Lin said with great delight and a strong determination in his voice, while the elders gleefully nodded their heads, as their efforts felt like it hadn't been in vain or for nothing.

The First Elder then said with a solemn expression appearing in his face, "I know that once you become strong enough, you will have the power to easily break the oath that you and your fellow disciples swore to, which is to protect the sect and everyone in it when the time comes. But from the intent emanating from your voice, I could perceive that you will surely honor and uphold that binding oath by all means."

"So, to get to the start of things, elders, please hand those spatial rings in your hands to Devil Fang."

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