Once he said that, the physically fatigued disciples standing before him immediately had expressions of delight appear in their faces. They thought that it was time to take a break. However, what Lin Bao said next shocked them to the core of their being.

"Now, everyone of you should divide yourself into a ten-person group, where each group will face each other in battle without the usage of your individual Spiritual Energies. Then any group that wins, as in comes out on top, will be allowed to rest for only a few minutes. While those that lost, will continue to train till I say it's over. And nothing is ever over for me. Now, start!" Lin Bao said with a dead serious look manifesting in his face, while Xiao Lin's seniors who meditated at a spot in the tremendously large hall, began to laugh gloatingly at the miseries of their juniors with the look of 'Thank Heavens that I am done with that man' appearing in their faces.

Once Lin Bao said that, everyone began to rush where they searched for the perfect member that will join their team and help them come out on top of the intense group battle that was about to occur, as the prize that would be given to the group that wins, was a few minutes break from all the training that seem to have a limitless duration.

Not quite long, about seven different groups were formed with Xiao Lin being in one that consisted of six boys and four girls.

"Now that you guys have formed groups, I want you all to agree on a specific color that you will give to your group. It's what I will call your groups. Now, begin!" Lin Bao said with a serious expression in his face.

As soon as Lin Bao said that, the people in the different groups that stood before Lin Bao, began to individually think of what color to give to their groups.

"Guys, let's call ourselves blue" Someone in Xiao Lin group suddenly said.

However, as soon as he said that, someone immediately spoke, "And why would you suggest that? You aren't the leader of the damned group. So, know your place and shut the hell up. Leave the color-naming to us."

"What? How dare you? Look at this thing, you think you are the leader of this group? Alright, give a color, let's me see if you can do better than me. Bastard" The male that first spoke, mentioned with overflowing annoyance in his tone.

Just as Xiao Lin's group descended into chaos since no one wanted to go with the color provided for the group, other groups also entered into a state of disorderliness since literally none of them wanted to agree with the color that their counterparts suggested.

"I say let's go with red. And no one should defy me, or you will instantly regret it." A voice that radiated beastial brutality and sent strongly chilling shivers down the spine, suddenly rang out from within Xiao Lin's group.

Once that voice rang out, everyone in Xiao Lin's immediately turned around to look in the direction that the frigid and blood-curdling voice rang out from.

Then their gazes landed on Xiao Lin who looked at them with a gaze that immediately made them feel like their entire body were pierced through by blades.

"O-Okay, we will go with red" Someone immediately said in a stuttering manner while the others nodded their heads in agreement.

Xiao Lin only looked at them for sometime and turned his head away to look back at Lin Bao who couldn't help but be stunned by the chilling and overbearing aura that suddenly emanated from Xiao Lin's body when he spoke to the people in his group. Actually, what he felt from that aura was that Xiao Lin was someone who could have possibly slaughtered lots of people in the past.

"Who is that pale-skinned guy? First, he was silent, now he is exceedingly frightening. Gives me the feeling that he is someone that one shouldn't annoy if one wants to remain intact." A girl in a particular group said to her fellow members.

"Yea, me too. He seems scary and unapproachable. When he spoke, I immediately felt this aura that radiated viciousness emit from his body which then caused me to feel like hiding myself away from him in a shell forged purely from iron." Another girl said, contributing to what the member of her group said.

"Good luck to whoever will fight this guy." Another said, seemingly gloating at the person that will engage Xiao Lin in battle.

"Have you all agreed on the colors that you want your teams to be called by?" Lin Bao asked once five minutes was up.

"Yes, senior Eight Flashing Swords" Everyone replied.

"Good!" Lin Bao said with a nod of his head.

He then looked at a particular group and asked, "You, what color have you decided for your group?"

"Yellow" The person that gave the color for the group immediately answered.

"Alright." Lin Bao said.

He then looked at another group and questioned, "What about you guys, what color have you decided for your group?"

"Grey" The person that also named this group immediately answered.

"Okay. Now, team yellow and team grey should step out to face one another. And here's the rule of the battle, only one member will come out at a time to face a member from the opposing group. Furthermore, you aren't allowed to unleash attacks composed of Spiritual Energy at your opponent. Anyone that does that will surely be severely punished by me. And trust me, you wouldn't want to get punished by me. Or you will regret it for the rest of your life as the experience will always come back to haunt you and torment your soul." Lin Bao said with a stern expression in his face while everyone nodded their heads.

"So, what I want to see are the correct sword-fighting forms and postures that I painstakingly taught you guys. If I see anything else other than the basic sword forms and styles that I taught you guys, that group will be immediately disqualified. Am I clear?" Lin Bao asked.

"Very clear, senior Eight Flashing Swords" Everyone said out loud while Lin Bao nodded his head.

Once Lin Bao had clearly given the instructions for the battle, team yellow and team grey immediately stepped out to face one another.

"Alright guys, back off a bit. Let's give these people a bit of fighting space." Lin Bao said while everyone nodded their heads and began to move back.

After they had given enough space, they stopped. While Lin Bao walked forward to appear between the two groups and waved a hand.


Immediately he did so, a shocking number of different types of practicing swords appeared on the ground at a distance.

He then said, "Go pick a sword. And if I were you, I will try to connect with the swords and pick the one that will best suit me, I mean, flow with my being like as if it were a part of me."

Once Lin Bao said that, everyone in the opposing group nodded their heads. Then they walked forward to where the heaps of swords where to feel out the swords and determine the particular one that will flow with their type of being, their individual personalities.

After going through the swords one after the other, they finally chose the ones that they felt will flow with their kind of person.

Actually, this was a training at the highest level of subtlety, as it was going to help them in the nearest future to determine if a particular sword, from the way that it was built, was truly for them. So, by feeling out the swords, which they did by rubbing their palms on it and sensing if the sword actually connected with them deeply, then they would know if the sword was for them.

Not long, after everyone from the opposing factions had picked up their swords, they returned to their groups where they would face their individual opponents from the other group.

"Are you guys ready?" Lin Bao suddenly asked.

"Yes" The two groups immediately responded.

"Good! Then begin at once. Don't waste my time by staring at each other" Lin Bao said with a serious expression appearing in his face.

As soon as he said that, someone in a particular group walked forward to appear before the other group.

He then raised the sword tightly clasped in one of his hand and pointed it at a particular member of the other group.

"You, scaredy soul. I want to challenge you. Come forward right now and fight me!" The person said while the person that he pointed his sword out at, nodded his head and walked out of his group to appear before the person that called him out.

As soon as he appeared before his opponent, both of them immediately raised their swords into the air and swung it out towards each other using a particular sword-striking form that they were repetitively taught by Lin Bao, who at the moment deeply furrowed his brows at the way that the two disciples were sparring with one another.

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