Many hours later, in which day had become night, Xiao Lin's eyelids began to tremble before it snapped open at once.

Then without him using his arms to support himself in standing back to his feet, his body which was in the lying position on the ground, floated in the air to make him stand back to his feet, seeming as if gravity wasn't acting on him at all.

When this suddenly happened, Xiao Lin couldn't help but be tremendously shocked.

So, with just a thought, his body had elevated itself from the ground to make him stand back to his feet.

'Cool!' He screamed inwardly.

He then looked at himself to see what transformation had taken place.

At the moment, his skin color had changed. Now, it was intensely pale-white in appearance, giving the feeling that he was in a deathly sick state. While his hair had turned blood-red and had grown even longer than normal, as it went beyond his waist. Then in his coldly glinting eyes could be seen intense redness, and pupils that were shaped like slit, seeming like that of a reptile's own.

Xiao Lin looked at himself, at the extreme paleness of his skin and nodded his head at the thought that he was now a vampire.

'Finally. Now, I get to become strong.' Xiao Lin said inwardly.

He then said further with a sinister gaze now appearing in his eyes "Jiang Lin, I am coming for you in the soonest future. All that you have done to me and my mother, I will pay it back to you a million folds"

Once he said that, which was to his lordly father who caused his blood to boil with madness, hatred and vengeance, he walked to where the body of the cultivator was and carried it with him out of the house.

Now that it was night, every mortal would be deep asleep, while cultivators would be busy cultivating. So Xiao Lin reasoned. Therefore, due to this reasons that he came up with in his mind, Xiao Lin wasn't worried of being seen or caught by anyone carrying a dead body.

But to however play it safe, he had dressed up the cold, lifeless body of the cultivator that he killed in a new robe, since the one that was previously on him was heavily stained in blood that gushed out from the large blade wound that was made into his chest and back. While he wore his hooded cloak to cover his long, blood-red hair with the large hood of the hooded cloak which he had pulled over it.

After walking for many minutes to find a place to bury the dead cultivator, as he couldn't leave the body behind since the cultivator might be known by some people who would then come to his house to thoroughly investigate what had killed him in his own house, decided to bury the body.

Using his long, metal-like lustrous claws to rapidly dig into the ground, heaving the sand, stones and debris that he came across in the ground to a side of the earth around the hole that he was digging, he eventually created a hole of about eight feet deep in less than a minute.

He then jumped out of it and threw the corpse into the hole.

Immediately he did that, he covered up the hole with the large heap of sand that he heaved to a side when digging into the ground with his claws.

He then looked around to leave where he was. But all of a sudden, a burning thirst for blood suddenly came upon him, causing him to arch his back and grab his stomach like he had suddenly developed a serious stomach cramp out of nowhere.

Xiao Lin then exhaled.

He knew that it was time to drink blood to quench that uncanny thirst for blood that had suddenly come up within him.

He then initiated his search for an animal, like a goat or ram in the street to suck blood from to satisfy his Vampiric Thirst which had come up without any warning.

Xiao Lin could have broken into people's home and suck blood from anyone that he first laid his eyes on, he however didn't want to expose himself yet, as he felt that he had yet to even grasp a small understanding of himself as a vampire.

He then used his Enhanced Hearing to pick up many different sounds from far distances away. And surprisingly, the sounds that he heard, turned into images in his mind. So, he could easily know what object or material the sound was coming from, as all the sounds that he perceived, instantly became vivid images in his head. This was an another unique vampiric ability called Echolocation. It had awakened when Xiao Lin was reborn as a real Vampire.

After listening for sometime for numerous, different sounds in many far directions, he finally chose to go to one which was a goat that was asleep under a shed.

Immediately he appeared before the goat using his Super-Speed ability, and which he had traced to here using it heartbeat, Xiao Lin grabbed it by the neck and lifted it close to him. He then sank his glittering sharp fangs into it and began to suck blood from the goat which didn't have the chance to cry out in excruciating pain before dying in the next moment.

Once Xiao Lin this, with the blood that tasted so good to him flowing down his throat to his stomach, he suddenly felt that another chapter of power had opened up in his body. He could feel undulating currents of a strange energy that seemed incomparably tyrannical in power, beginning to course about in his body through some veins that he never knew existed.

His Blood Wolf God Animal Spirit then suddenly said in his head "That's Blood Energy. You can condense it into solid attacks which you can send out at your adversaries. However, it's still very little and insignificant at the moment. So, you would have to use a certain cultivation method to make it grow in size and tyranny"

Xiao Lin nodded with full understanding in his eyes.

He then looked into his head to see a voluminous amount of information that made him greatly excited.

At the moment, there were some arts and techniques floating in his mind. But they appeared as gigantic, anciently pyramids that had millions of inscriptions of words of all over their surfaces.

They read thus:

'True Vampire Origin Blood Force - Empyrean Cultivation Art'

'Myriad Chaotic Blood Armament - Empyrean Weapon Self-Formation Art'

'Illusionary Vampire Unstoppable Godly Steps - Empyrean Movement Art'

'Heavenly Blood Marauder Unparalleled Blur Flash - Empyrean Evasion Technique'

'Blood Devouring Thousand Worlds - Empyrean Battle Art (I)'

'Great Heaven-Shattering Growl - Empyrean Battle Art (II)'

'Divinity-Annihilating Primal Blood Flame - Empyrean Battle Art (III)'

'Subduing Dragons and Tigers - Blood Control Art'

'Ancestral Blood Devil Monarch Transmogrification Ceremony/Ritual - Empyrean Transformation Method'


When Xiao saw these tyrannical arts and techniques, he knew what to do next to cultivate Blood Energy.

He then prepared to leave where he was to go back to his house.

However, he couldn't really go far when someone suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost with a angered and cold gaze in his eyes.

This person who had abruptly appeared before him, wore a hat, a uniform that had an insignia on it, then a boot, meaning that he was either a government officer, or a Neighborhood Watch officer that was now performing his night duty.

'Damn! Why didn't I think about this too?' Xiao Lin said inwardly with anger at himself.

He however understood that he couldn't blame himself, since he didn't really know much about the town that he had entered from that portal that his mom unexpectedly threw him into.

Then when Xiao Lin tried to sense the cultivation base of this person, he discovered to his shock that the uniformed person was at the 1st-layer Mortal Spiritual stage, a stage that one would cross into when one breaks through the 11th-layer Spiritual Ascendance stage.

'Oh no!' He said inwardly and then began to quickly think up things of what to tell the uniformed man that stood arrogantly before him with a gaze in eyes that expressed that he was either a fiend or a criminal.

"You, what are you up to in the dead of the night? What are you looking for? Looking for a place to break into, right?" The uniformed officer asked loudly with a stern gaze in his eyes.

"No sir!" Xiao Lin responded in defiance, but with a deep beastly tone in his voice that shocked both him and the officer.

His eyes which were now fully widened in shock due to how he sounded, gave him the feeling that there was simply no difference between him and a fierce primitive beast if it tried to speak. He was sure that his would sound deeper.

'What the crazy heck happened to my voice? I hope this would change. And maybe it's because I am in my true vampiric form that I sounded like that.' Xiao Lin said and concluded within himself.

The officer who heard how Xiao Lin spoke like he were a real beast, had his lofty eyes narrow instantly.

"Boy, why did you sound like that?" He asked with curiosity in his eyes.

However, Xiao Lin didn't try to speak again.

"Answer me!" The officer shouted.

Then Xiao Lin suddenly looked behind the officer with a false dreadful look appearing in eyes and then loudly shouted with his growling beastly voice "Look officer, behind you!"

The officer who saw the frightful gaze in Xiao Lin's eyes and could perceive the great sense of urgency in his beast-like tone, quickly turned around to see what was coming for him at his back.

But immediately he turned around, Xiao Lin leapt towards him and abruptly sank his fangs deep into his neck.


"Arghh!!" The officer screamed in pain and agony from the sudden bite.

While Xiao Lin who will stop at nothing to kill the officer, continued to drain the man's blood through the two holes that he made into his neck with his fangs.

However, he couldn't take a 1st-layer Mortal Spiritual stage cultivator down just like that. Besides, the officer was a specially trained one, since he was a government officer and not some rogue or unaffiliated cultivator that struggled to get cultivation resources and excellent combat training.

The officer who was unrestrainedly screaming in a kind of pain that he had never ever felt before in his entire life, and even felt himself growing rapidly weaker with every passing second, grabbed Xiao Lin by the neck and forcefully hurled him off him into the far distance.


Xiao Lin crashed into the earth fifteen feet away with a lot of force.

However, he surprisingly sustained no wound from the heavy impact of his body with the hard earth. His skin and bones had become tougher after his Vampire Awakening that they would be able to resist damage to some astonishing degree.

Xiao Lin who didn't need his hands to stand back up, floated from the ground to stand back solidly on his feet. It wasn't Xiao Lin doing this, it was his body, but with just a single thought from Xiao Lin himself.

The officer saw this spectacle and couldn't help but be amazed. Then when he saw Xiao Lin's unique blood-red hair which would actually terrify anyone that saw it, his eyes shone in terror.

"What is this anomaly and where did it come from?" He questioned himself.

Then feeling that he still had some degree of strength within him, he suddenly dashed to where Xiao Lin was to capture him. And if he couldn't, kill him and take his corpse to some people in the government to study and be given some sort of reward.

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