Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 43 - Condensing Demonic Marks And Creating Blood Symbols

When he was done lacerating their limbs and beheading them, in which their heads and limbs could be seen scattered all over the floor, he went towards the headless bodies to pull out their hearts which he formed into a small heap before him.

He then sat in the cross-legged position in front of it and employed the True Demonic Mark condensation technique.

Once he did so, thousands of threads of blood could be seen leaving the hearts which then shot towards him like streaks of red light. Then once they got in front of him, they firstly circled round him before penetrating into his body through the pores of his skin.

Immediately they penetrated into his body, they moved to his dantian where they gathered together and then fused to form numerous True Demonic Marks.

"1,2,3,4 ...12 ...35,36,37...49"

When he was done counting, he said "That's forty-nine demonic marks. Cool. Then when I kill Zhang Feng and take his blood essence too, that would make it fifty demonic marks in my dantian. Good!"

But when he remembered the amounts of blood essences that he had to condense into True Demonic Marks to reach the Demon Enthusiast level, he heavily exhaled.

"I wonder when I would get there. I still have to form eight hundred and fifty demonic marks to enter the Demon Enthusiast level. Ugh!"

Just as he was talking, his sharp-looking eyes suddenly narrowed while an indescribable light appeared in his eyes.

"The best way to condense that many demonic marks is to kill large numbers of members of some sects that might gather at some places, like valleys or forests for a kind of competition between sects. Yea, that's what I will do. It's only in that way would I be able to quickly condense that many demonic marks in a very short time" Xiao Lin said with a deep contemplative gaze in his eyes.

Then he moved on practice the Blood Symbols Creation technique.

Still seated on the ground before the pile of hearts that had totally dried up, and with his eyes still closed, he began to focus on the small pools of blood around him.

These blood pools were the blood that had gushed out from the slashed heads of the members of his former sect and formed into small pools.

Now, following what was mentioned in the Blood Symbol Creation technique of the True Vampire Origin Blood Force art, the many blood pools around him began to levitate into the air which then actually began to gradually change into anciently occultic symbols. Then as they formed very slowly since Xiao Lin wasn't really adept at it yet, they began to shoot into his body like pencil-sized rays of red light.

Then once they penetrated into his body, they swiftly moved to his dantian to reside in there.

Many minutes later, precisely thirty minutes after, forty-nine Ordinary Blood Symbols could be seen floating at a far depth in his dantian. They had gathered there in that number when they coalesced and transformed into mystical symbols that radiated an indescribable type of power and influence.

When that amount Of Ordinary Blood Symbols gathered within his dantian, Xiao Lin could feel this strange type of power beginning to course through his entire body.

Although the power now circulating in his body appeared to be very weak to Xiao Lin, he could however detect this feeling of fierceness and dominance hidden deep within it.

Then with a smile surfacing on his lips, he said inwardly 'Well, it's still weak, for now actually. Then when I kill approximately two hundred people and turn their bloods into blood symbols, I should be able to enter the Blood Acolyte stage.'

'I believe that when I get to that level, I will be able to vividly experience the true fearsome power that the level would actually grant me. Then I will be able to practice the numerous battle arts related to it since this one is only a cultivation method to cultivate blood symbols.'

When he ended his train of thoughts, he stood to his feet and punched into the air after directing a fused, mysterious energy from each of those forty-nine Ordinary Blood Symbols dwelling deep within his dantian to his fist.


An explosive sound rang out like a real explosion took place, shaking the solid structure of the sect that he was in to the core as it made it seem like a powerful tremor actually ran through it. And as soon as this loud, deafening sound rang out, a type of energy that was visibly colored in brilliant red, blasted off from his fist and raged into the distance with the power to seemingly crush or reduce all things in its path to bits.

"Whew!" Xiao Lin exhaled from his mouth with great excitement in his heart.

He just couldn't wait to discover the amount of devastating power that the Ordinary Blood Symbols would grant him when he got to the Blood Acolyte stage. Although it was the first growth stage for the art, he was however extremely sure that it would grant him some levels of power that would leave him tremendously shocked. And this was because he reasoned that the arts that he was studying were not common arts that could be found anywhere, the makers of them were near-indestructible, power-hungry vicious gods in their own rights.

When he was done reasoning about these things, he walked to where he brutally flung Zhang Feng to.

When he arrived in front of him, he squatted before him and asked "I guess you didn't believe that I could actually come back from the dead, right?"

He then squeezed his throat to produce mucus which he spat directly on the face of Zhang Feng.

He then continued "That day when you decided to make me fall of that high cliff by myself, you said that if my ghost comes back here to try to haunt you all, it would go through the same thing that you made the weak and mortal Xiao Lin then to go through. Why isn't it so this time around? Or have you quickly become so weak and useless that you can't make a move against his ghost?! Haha! So useless."

He then stood to his feet from his squatting position. And as he did so, he grabbed Zhang Feng by one of his legs and flung him to where the other headless bodies laid in.

Then when he arrived before Zhang Feng whose face couldn't be really recognized again, since all the skin there had been ripped away by the really hard slaps that he unrestrainedly delivered in his face, he sat on the cold and stiffened piles of headless bodies which then portrayed him as a devilish emperor whose seat of authority was made of the corpses of his enemies.

He then brutally said with a cold tone in his voice, and an enjoyable mischievous expression in his face "I know that I have damaged your jaw, so you wouldn't be able to speak. But if you want to be spared, cut your tongue and gouge out your eyes yourself. Then bow before me five hundred times. After doing all these, cut out your heart and give it to me. Then I will leave you alone and go my way."

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