Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 5 - Shocking Things About Xiao Lin's Animal Spirit

The room became as quiet as a graveyard.

At the moment, Xiao Lin's eyes were wide open because of what Master Wu said.

He understood that Master Wu didn't want them to mock him, but saying that his Animal Spirit was many times stronger than all of theirs combined, made him feel that Master Wu had praised his Animal Spirit a little too much, and that it could result in them strongly disliking him. He just didn't want to become enemies with this people in this place that felt like a new and safe home to him.

After Master Wu said that, everyone turned their heads to look at Xiao Lin who stared at the floor.

He didn't want to meet their gazes with his eyes.

Master Wu simply faced away from them to look at Xiao Lin.

"When you first showed me your Animal Spirit, I didn't really know what it was, because I have simply never seen it anywhere. And so that you may know, I am an expert in identifying Animal Spirits, as I came from a family whose occupation is to collect and store information on every type of Animal Spirit there is."

"I am able to recognize ten to hundreds of thousands of different Animal Spirits. But when I saw yours, I couldn't really identify it because I had basically zero knowledge about it. Then I referred back to a single ancient page that my father kept for me when I was younger."

"The page has small records of nine extremely powerful Animal Spirits in which one had only appeared in the world once, while others have appeared many times."

"My dad was extremely fortunate to have gotten that single page which probably dated back to the inception of Beast Summoning. So, it's from it I found out what type of Animal Spirit that you have. And so that you will know, it's the one that has appeared only once in our cultivation world, since billions of years ago."

"However, the male that summoned it was a spectacular genius but was killed before he could turn into a great cultivator that would cause worlds to tremble with just his indifferent gaze alone. Perhaps the summoners in that era totally dreaded him for the extremely rare and exceedingly powerful Animal Spirit that he summoned and so schemed to kill him in cold blood before he could develop and step upon them like ants." He said.

Then he said further looking at Xiao Lin "Xiao Lin, the name of your Animal Spirit according to that page is the 'Celestial Starry-Eyed Nine-Pupils Profound Ominous Blood-Sovereign Exalted Wolf-God'"

Xiao Lin's eyes at the moment were fully widened in shock from all that he heard Master Wu mention.

Then just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, Zhang Feng who had an indescribable gaze in his eyes which had appeared because of what Master Wu said, suddenly spoke to actually refute his Master's statement "But Master, this Animal Spirit that's before everyone of seems totally harmless. Then how could it be called a Wolf God when it's actually very cute as a pet? Look at it, it's just so adorable and beautiful. Besides, it's too little in size to be called a Battle Beast Spirit. To me, I only feel that's an adorable and beautiful harmless wolf-like pet. There is nothing ominous or godly about this Animal Spirit of his"

Master Wu looked at Zhang Feng and only smiled.

He didn't say bother to say anything, since he totally understood that it was great envy that was pushing Zhang Feng to speak in such a manner.

Besides, he wasn't bothered with whatever they would think about Xiao Lin's Animal Spirit, he had already passed a useful piece of information to Xiao Lin who was the main recipient, and to the rest of them so they wouldn't look down on Xiao Lin for the Animal Spirit that he evoked.

He however knew that with time when they saw the shocking transformation of the spirit which he was also very eager to see, they would withdraw their statements and very much respect him.

Master Wu turned his head to look back at Xiao Lin and said "Xiao Lin, to use the power of your Beast Spirit in battle, you would have to make it merge with your body. Now, focus on making it merge with the components and essence of your body so you could achieve a powerful physical transformation."

Xiao Lin nodded his head. Then he closed his eyes and fully concentrated on making his Animal Spirit fuse with the tissues, blood, organs and bones of his body, basically all the cells that composed his body.

After doing it for a very long time, he stopped and grunted in a way that unhappiness could be detected in his tone.

He snapped open his eyes to look at Master Wu and said "Master, it's really difficult to make my Animal Spirit merge with my body. Or am I doing something wrong?"

"Hmm" Master Wu uttered.

Then he looked at a boy called Liu Fang and said "Liu Fang, come show your brother how to enter a fusion state with his Animal Spirit"

Liu Fang nodded his head.

Then he stood to his feet and walked towards the front to appear before everyone.

Without even closing his eyes to focus on summoning his Animal Spirit, and with just a single thought from him, a bright coppery light flashed behind him. And when the light receded, a beast that could be as tall as a two-storey building appeared directly behind Liu Fang who had an arrogant smile in his face.

Xiao Lin looked at this beast and couldn't help but be greatly astonished.

"Wow. His beast looks powerful" He subconsciously muttered.

Liu Fang's beast was a beast that looked like a furry ape and was copper-skinned. Then on it body could be seen ancient diagrams of mountains that glowed brilliantly in blue and caused the sand, debris and small stones on the ground in the outer courtyard of the temple to float into the air and begin to levitate under the powerful unseen influence emanating from the Beast Spirit.

Seeing the astonished look in Xiao Lin's eyes, Liu Fang said to him with a proud smile on his lips "This Animal Spirit is the Invincible Mountain-Throwing Copper Ape King. Can yours which is a cute, adorable pet exhibit this level of power? Eh?"

Xiao Lin only shook his head as he didn't know what to say or how to respond.

"Can you quit showing off and do what I asked you to do?" Master Wu asked annoyedly.

Liu Fang smiled.

Then he performed a few hand signs.

As soon as he completed the hand signs which only took a few seconds, his body began to emit a strong and dazzling copper-colored light.

Then the corporeal, massive ape-like Animal Spirit behind Liu Fang rapidly grew smaller to actually become Liu Fang's size. And as soon as it shrunk in size to that level, Liu Fang resolutely said out loud "Fuse!"

Immediately he said so, a sphere of copper-colored light expanded forth from within him, enclosing both him and the ape-like Beast Spirit that was directly behind him.

When the copper-colored sphere of light vanished in the next moment, what Xiao Lin saw caused him to feel greatly amazed.

At the moment, Liu Fang's physical form had immensely changed.

He had grown taller by dozens of feet and thick furs could be seen on his now copper-colored skin which also surprisingly had soft, blue-glowing tattoos of mountains on it surface.

Liu Fang basically seemed like an humanoid ape at the moment.

Then a frightening ferocious look could be seen in his face.


He growled loudly and then raised one of his massive muscular arms to punch the ground with his dark copper-skinned fist.


The entire floor of the temple shook greatly before it stopped many moments later.

Master Wu only shook his head.

'What an annoying show off this disciple of mine is' He said inwardly in a displeased tone.

"Thank you, Liu Fang. You can go back to have your seat." He said.

Liu Fang nodded his head.

Then he performed another series of hand signs which caused his huge and furry, coppery body to begin to glow brilliantly once again.

"Revert!" He said in a loud and deep growl-like voice.

As soon as he uttered that, his uncanny form abruptly reversed.

He appeared in his human form again.

Liu fang then winked at Xiao Lin in a somewhat mocking manner and then went to seat at his former position in the cross-legged sitting form on the ground.

"Xiao Lin, I believe you saw how he did it? Now, try to do so too" Master Wu said.

Xiao Lin exhaled deeply.

He still didn't know if he would be able to fuse with his Animal Spirit, as he couldn't feel any platform for them to merge into one.

But with a determined and resolute gaze appearing in his eyes, he shut them tight and totally focused on making his Blood Wolf Beast Spirit fuse with his body.

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