Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 59 - Killing The Disciples Of Different Sects (3)

So, once he deployed the Mortal Saint Beheading technique, currents of Hermetic Demonic Energy which were dark scarlet in color, rushed out from those True Demonic Marks in his dantian and travelled to his two palms as turbulent and violent streams, after moving through some special meridian pathways in his body.

Then when these raging streams arrived at his two palms, they erupted out of it in the next instant like a small explosion and rapidly condensed into two dark scarlet blades that began to emit waves of perceptible, alarming sharpness.

Then as soon as the dark scarlet blades which gave off frightening, perceivable sharpness materialized above his hands, he quickly aimed those palms out at the disciples who had also unleashed their Spiritual Energy attacks at him. And once he did that, he uttered "Kill!"

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Once he aimed out with both palms at them and gave that order, the blades quickly shot out at extreme speeds towards the numerous attacks raging at furious speeds towards Xiao Lin.

But, the time that Xiao Lin deployed the Mortal Saint Beheading battle technique, was also the same time that he deployed the King Annihilating Blade Wave technique. Although it was greatly taxing, Xiao Lin did it anyways, showing his level of mastery over the two techniques, since he could utilize both at once.

Therefore, when seemingly tidal, powerful currents of Hermetic Demonic Energy discharged from those True Demonic Marks in his dantian and traveled to his two palms to form those terrifyingly sharp, dark scarlet blades, tremendously wild, rampaging streams of Hermetic Demonic Energy also arrived at his two palms in that same instant, after following some special meridian passageways in his body when they rushed out in significant amounts from the True Demonic Marks residing deep in his dantian.

Then once these chaotic streams of energy arrived within those palms and began to surge, Xiao Lin quickly aimed out those palms at the attacks of his opponents and fired off both the blades that had formed above his palms, and then the waves that would be produced after the deployment of the King Annihilating Blade Wave battle skill.

Swoosh! Swoosh!


The two blades shot out at great speeds towards their targets, while two fearsomely powerful waves of Hermetic Demonic Energy that accompanied the blades in the next instant, and actually possessed nine layers that were stacked on top of each other and radiated a formidable power of sharpness, rapidly erupted from Xiao Lin's two palms and travelled at furious speeds towards his aimed targets.

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!...

These piercing sounds began to rampantly ring out as the two razor-sharp blades that Xiao Lin sent out began to strike the incoming Spiritual Energy attacks one after the other, effortlessly penetrating through each of them and continuing their seemingly unstoppable journeys like they were the divine scarlet blades of Devilgods towards the horrified disciples in the distance.

Then like they never came across any type of obstacle in their paths to cause decimation, they began to impale the disciples, cutting them into halves one after the other. However, this only happened to those who couldn't evade the blades on time as the blades moved at lightning-fast speeds.

But, the ones that were able to dodge just in time couldn't escape from the tyrannical waves that Xiao Lin also unleashed at them to viciously slash them apart into pastes or goo of blood.

Slash! Slash! Slash!...

So, these slash sounds began to ring out as the dreadful waves cleanly lacerated many of them into numerous places in an instant, giving the feeling that the waves were meatgrinders. But this happened immediately after the waves easily cut apart all their Spiritual Energy attacks like they were paper.

Not long, the ferocious waves that moved with incredible sharpness killed more than seventy-five of the disciples in the forest. While the two blades that Xiao Lin sent out along with the waves were able to fully gash apart thirty of the disciples into halves.

So, Xiao Lin was able to kill a hundred and five disciples this time. Then if the figures were combined with the seventy-one disciples that he killed earlier, he had killed a hundred and seventy-six disciples.

Then since the blades and waves had killed up to these large figures, they lost their forms and powerful momentums and then eventually dissipated away into thin air.

At the moment, it was remaining only forty disciples who began to look at Xiao Lin with extreme horror and shock in their eyes.

It was now that they understood that this person who was before them was a fiercely powerful person from probably the demon continent, and was one that won't spare any of them alive or allow them to escape.

One of them then asked with wrath in his voice "What do you want from us, demon? What did any of us ever do to you that caused you to want all of us dead?"

Xiao Lin gave no response to the questions that this person asked him. He however broke an evil smile across his face.

The person then surprisingly said with confidence in his tone "Sooner or later, you will die a really terrible death for this evil thing that you have done! Experts that you can't raise your head to look at in fear and reverence from faraway, will come from everywhere solely for your total destruction. That, I promise you."

Xiao Lin only maintained the hideous smile present in his face.

Then just as he ejected claws from his fingers to either slit the necks or entirely cut off the heads of the remaining disciples that were looking at him with intense fear and sorrow in their eyes, that male disciple of a particular sect that spoke abruptly produced an item from his spatial ring which he crushed in that same instant before Xiao Lin could really get to him and slash off his head.


Once that item which resembled jade was crushed, a profound violet symbol shot out of it and into the air. Then the symbol produced the actual image of Xiao Lin in his true vampiric form by actually turning into it. Then once it did so, it shot away as a ray of light towards the sect that the disciple was from.

Xiao Lin saw this and his mind shook in horror. He was able to guess what would happen many moments from now.

Then without wasting time, he punched out really fast at the remaining disciples once again and unleashed that wave which possessed tremendous sharpness to quickly annihilate the rest of them.

Once the rest were reduced into pieces, making a total of two hundred and sixteen slain disciples, Xiao Lin who knew that he was very pressed for time as he might not be able to escape later from the experts from that disciple's sect when they arrived, still sat in the cross-legged position on the ground and abruptly employed the Blood Symbols Creation technique.

He definitely wouldn't leave behind what he took his time to carefully scheme to obtain. Besides, he wasn't one to have his mind crack under immense pressure and tension. So, he would make sure to do what he was here for before leaving, however, with a hope that he would finish on time before teachers from that disciple's sect would appear one after the other. Or he would be destroyed in an instant.

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