Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 61 - Narrow Escape From Total Annihilation

"Brat, what are you doing in this kind of desolated place?" One of the teachers in front of him immediately asked with a puzzled expression appearing in his wrath-twisted face.

Xiao Lin quickly bowed without fear appearing in his face, even though it had completely engulfed his heart.

He then said "Seniors, I chose here to solitarily cultivate."

Then a teacher from the Golden Bull sect asked "Did you by chance notice any red-haired, silver-skinned person pass by here?"

"No, senior. I have been in this building cultivating. I am really sorry that I can't give senior the information that he wants" Xiao Lin said with an apologetic expression appearing in his face.

"It's okay." The teacher from the Golden Bull sect said.

He then looked at Xiao Lin very well with narrowed eyes as Xiao Lin had the same cultivation base as that red-haired, mischievous, demonical-looking being that they were informed about had appeared in this town and was possibly moving about, devouring hearts of disciples from sects that he might come across, or after tricking them to go to a particular place.

That was what the teachers later arrived at, when they saw some notes that Xiao Lin for them in the pockets of some of their disciples.

'Can it be him and is only pretending?' The teacher from the Golden Bull sect asked within himself with furrowed brows.

'Nope! It definitely can't be him. This one seems too weak to be able to fight lots of disciples from the different sects that gathered in this town for that stupid competition that has caused us all great losses.' The teacher from the Golden Bull sect said inwardly.

He then continued "Just from the color of his pale skin, I can tell that this young cultivator is probably closer to his death, but doesn't know it yet. What a pity, he is only wasting his time cultivating."

It was nearly the same thing that he thought that the other teachers from other sect thought too.

"Let's go. We must catch that demonic killer of our disciples and destroy him or her before he or she would be able to escape." A female teacher from the Ice Phoenix sect said.

Once she said this, the others nodded their heads and then shot into the distance to continue searching for the person that killed their disciples.

Immediately they left, Xiao Lin didn't heavily exhale, as he didn't know who was still around and could be watching for him from far with deeply scrutinizing eyes. He didn't want to give himself away because of his breathing pattern and facial countenance. So, he only slowly exhaled where he stood and began to calmly breath, while bringing up a calm and cool expression in his face which he was naturally adept at doing.

But unbeknownst to him as he did this while walking away to return to the inn where he rented a room to stay, a teacher from another sect who didn't move along with the teachers that approached Xiao Lin, was looking at him from far, right below the clouds in the distance with narrowed eyes. This teacher was in the Spiritual Firmament Ruler stage as the other teachers from other sects, so he could fly into the sky and remain there to observe things around him with his powerful eyes because of his cultivation stage.

However, seeing that Xiao Lin didn't give off any facial or body expression that would give him away as the murderer that they all wanted, he couldn't really liken Xiao Lin to the killer of the disciples from his sect, even though their faces seemed to match to an extent. Besides, Xiao Lin appeared to be a sick human cultivator since he was entirely pale-skinned, giving the feeling that he could drop dead anytime soon. Also, he wasn't silver-skinned like the one that they were shown to be the killer of all the disciples from the different sects that came to this town.

Then after looking at Xiao Lin for sometime more and seeing that there was nothing out of the ordinary about him, he then flew away really fast to continue his search for the killer of the disciples from his sect.

As Xiao Lin walked away to return to the inn, he could hear many swooshing sounds ring out from far in the sky. He then understood in the next moment that lot of teachers from the different sects that came to the town had now arrived here and were shooting into the far distance in all directions at furious speeds to search for the killer of their disciples.

Although he had fear appear in his heart that one of them could suddenly come down to interrogate him again, and probably force him to talk using his or her powerful, suppressive auras, he however kept his cool like he didn't know what was happening and wasn't concerned about it. Then fortunately for him, no one descended from the sky to ask him questions. The swooshing sounds that he heard only appeared far above him before sounding again in the far distance.

So, he tried to keep a cool expression in his face till he appeared in a particular street before asking for directions that would lead him to the street where the inn that he rented a room was located.

Many minutes later, he arrived in that street and then headed for the inn.

When he got to his room, he sat in the cross-legged position and closed his eyes. However, at the moment, his heart was swelling with tremendous happiness. He couldn't believe his massive gains this time and his narrow escape from utter annihilation.

"I guess luck is still by my side. But damn, what if I was caught? I would have been quickly destroyed before I would even have the chance to explain any thing." Xiao Lin said, imagining things in his head which then caused him to visibly tremble in horror.

He then continued with a smile appearing in his face "I think I will have to use that vampiric form of mine anytime I want to perpetrate evil. Then to escape if experts come for me, I will revert to my pale human form to disguise myself as a sick cultivator so that I won't be caught and taken away. Yea, that's what I will do."

"Also, I can use the Twin Silver Blades of Doom and Sorrow and a mask too if I don't change into my Vampiric Form, since I wouldn't want to use it everytime. So, they would see me as a masked, dual-blades user. Then if I am not able to quickly leave the region that they are in and then they eventually come for me, they won't be able to liken me to that masked twin blades user since they won't find the blades on me as I would have concealed them away within my dantian." Xiao Lin said.

He then continued "But imagine that I didn't have the ability to change my form from that of a sick-looking human into a vampire, I would have been quickly fished out and then destroyed. I guess that was why Lin Shou Wen couldn't reach the ultimate stage of his cultivation and demonic battle art because he didn't have many disguises to help him escape from the massive gathering of experts to annihilate him."

"Well, now that I know that items like that which that disciple crushed exists, I will have to be more careful in future. But truly, only immense battles like the one that I fought is capable of broadening one's knowledge of the numerous, unique and spectacular things in the world. I guess I will have to fight more enormous battles like that in future to become more aware of the existences of a lot of things that are not known to me." Xiao Lin said with a nod of his head.

Then a thought suddenly came to his head, which he proceeded to ask his Animal Spirit.

"Blood Wolf God, can I get the transmission of the werewolf art? I have changed my mind. Now that I need many disguises, I have made up mind to practice the art." He said with an unyielding resolve in his tone.

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