Xiao Lin only looked at him and said with a heavy exhale "Break me or cut me, I will never do what you asked me to do."


Immediately he said that, a slap so heavy that could instantly kill a mortal landed in his face, causing Xiao Lin to be shoved away from where he stood and to a pretty far distance.

By the time he could really stand back to his feet as he had a tough skin which only sustained a slight injury from that heavy slap, which actually immediately healed, Swordcloud appeared before him in the next instant and threw a heavy punch in his face, causing Xiao Lin's nose to be immediately battered which then began to bleed profusely before the cuts that it sustained from that strike immediately healing, causing the bleeding to stop.

Then grabbing Xiao Lin by the neck, he asked "Will you now do what I asked you to do?"

"Never!" Xiao Lin managed to say despite the heavy clutch of his neck which made him feel like he was heavily suffocating.


Swordcloud who felt totally frustrated, exhaled heavily and then actually, violently flung Xiao Lin headfirst towards one of the numerous large trees in the forest.



The tree instantly cracked in numerous places because of Xiao Lin's head which impacted it hard with a lot of force. Then because of the many cracks that had appeared in it structure, the tree started to bend forward till it gave out several loud cracking sounds and then fell to the ground with immense force just beside Xiao Lin's body.

"Why the hell would you hurl him at that tree? I hope you haven't killed him now you short-tempered moron." one of them there who was named Jade Destiny said with utter displease in his tone.

He then rushed to where Xiao Lin's body was to see if he was still alive.

Then when he got there, he saw that Xiao Lin's head was already healing from the injuries that he sustained from that heavy smash of his head first into that large tree.

Immediately he saw this, he couldn't help but be surprised.


"Regenerating without Spiritual Healing pills? How's that even possible?" Jade Destiny asked.

Xiao Lin who saw that Jade Destiny had arrived before him and was seeing his body's unusually fast recovery speed, quickly tried standing to his feet before Jade Destiny could really see more than that and finally confirm that his mortal body could actually heal incredibly fast on it own, which was something impossible to exhibit until someone's mortal body turned immortal or possessed some form of inborn, divinely majestic physique.

However, once he thought of standing, his body levitated itself from the ground to make him stand firmly back on his feet.

"What the hell?" Jade Destiny's eyes brightly shone more with intense shock and puzzlement totally evident in them.

He then quickly stood to his feet too to continue to look at Xiao Lin with great weirdness in his eyes, as he couldn't really understand how Xiao Lin could stand back to his feet in such a mystifying manner.

The way that Xiao Lin stood back to his feet simply baffled him that he couldn't help but replay the whole thing in his head many times over very quickly.

The others including Swordcloud who were looking at Xiao Lin's body at some feet away saw how his body raised itself back to stand on the ground directly from his lying position on the ground without using his arms.

"What sort of sorcery is this?" Swordcloud asked with great astonishment in his tone.

Same with the others who asked the same totally puzzled questions in their minds.

Xiao Lin who saw that his unique way of standing back to his feet had been exposed, quickly said to them with totally concealed horror in his tone, since if he appeared to be too frightened about it, they might greatly suspect that something else was different about him, that he wasn't really what he was. They might start to look at him as some demon or particular creature that could actually take human form totally. Then once they start looking at him differently, as in that manner, then they might begin to ask him all sorts of questions that would definitely cause him to implicate himself more.

"Why are my seniors looking at me this weirdly, it's just a standing technique from a particular movement art that I studied. It's nothing too great to be actually stunned about." Xiao Lin said with hidden fear and anxiousness in his tone.

Then so that they won't ask him to produce the manual or scroll that he learnt such a stunning, spectacular move from, he quickly, unexpectedly said with an unhappy expression appearing in his sickly-pale face, "I will tell Master that I was the one that caused us to lose that item that he wanted."

"I will say that I got in your paths because I was trying to also engage in the intense battle, as I had the intention of further developing myself, which then caused you guys harm because you wanted to protect me from the danger that I had suddenly thrown myself into. So, because of that, you all suffered powerful attacks that struck you at different areas of your body while trying to deflect them, which then caused you guys to be injured, and the several guards of the treasure immediately running off with the treasure that they were trying to protect." Xiao Lin said and looked at them, seriously hoping that he was able to divert their minds away from what they all witnessed earlier.

And fortunately for him, it worked!

Swordcloud gave a heavy sigh of relief with a brilliant smile appearing in his face. He felt so unburdened like he was actually, previously carrying the entire world on his small heart. And since it was because of it that he started hitting Xiao Lin so as to force him to change his mind and agree to his request, he only ignored what happened earlier for now, but would definitely revisit it later.

With that smile of relief disappearing from his face, he said to Xiao Lin with a serious gaze surfacing in his eyes "Good! Now, let's return so that we can quickly report to our master before any of our colleague will come out and find out about the mess that you stubborn brat caused here"

Xiao Lin only turned around and began to walk towards the center of the Blackheart forest where the castle was located.

But as he did so, his mind was seething with rage!

Now, he had to try his best to push his cultivation base up to the Mortal Spiritual stage so that he won't be too helpless and powerless before any Mortal Spiritual stage cultivator. And one thing that now struck rampantly like thunder within the far depth of his mind was to grow strong very fast and find clean, untraceable ways to kill Jade Destiny, Swordcloud and the others before the perplexing strangeness about him would get out and reach everyone in the castle, which included Nine Calamities who would cause great problems for him and his ambition in future.

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