'Wow!' Xiao Lin uttered within.

Still looking at Nine Calamities, he asked "So Master, why do you really want it, since it could be totally useless to you?"

"Well, I wanted that one piece which I was informed about to create a treasure in the form of a sword."

"I had the intention of creating a heavy, broad sword using that piece as a base. You know, make the sword possess some near-indestructible properties which I believe would be gained from the shield's piece that would be used as a base for the forging of the sword."

"So, you should fully understand by now that I am not after it rumored, legendary power to infuse the air and water with an archaic type of Spiritual Power that will cause them to become extraordinarily chaotic and terribly devastating elemental forces, but it special hardness and incredible toughness that would make my sword become an extremely invincible sword that will effortlessly cut or cleave apart all other swords and any long, sharp-edged instrument of death that it will come into contact with" Nine Calamities said.

He then continued "However, I don't have the type of flame to melt the piece which comprises part of that powerful shield which has been around for so long and couldn't be affected in the slightest by the powerful weathering forces of nature since unfathomable eons of years ago. Also, I don't yet possess the means to forge the molten piece of that shield into a base for my heavy, broadsword."

"However, I just want to have it so that as I grow in my cultivation of Spiritual Energy with the intention of reaching the peak of sovereignty power, I may come across a special type of flame anytime in my journey which might help me turn the piece of that shield from it seemingly indestructible solid form into a molten liquid form. And when I am eventually able to obtain a special, secret forging technique or method in my journey to become fiercely powerful, I will be able to forge the molten piece along with many fragments of other powerful materials into whatever weapon or artifact that I like. But, your chucklehead actions have caused me a great, unspeakable lost."

"Oh. I understand now, Master." Xiao Lin quickly said.

Then entering into a full bow, he said "I am sorry for the great loss that I caused you, Master. If I knew that the item was this important to you, I wouldn't have acted so recklessly"

Xiao Lin said that, but with an intention building up in his mind.

He then asked after straightening himself back "Can I take my leave now?"

"Yes, you can. But before you go, I have to punish you." Nine Calamities said with a cold glint appearing in his eyes.

Then before Xiao Lin who was in front of him could say or do anything, Nine Calamities suddenly directed a palm at Xiao Lin's chest which struck him with a lot of force that actually shoved him across the room, and then really hard against the wall of the room that was many feet away from where he stood.


A loud bang sound rang out as Xiao Lin collided into that wall with a large amount of force, which then caused many of his ribs to displace from their initial locations, and with blood spurting out of his mouth continuously

And, immediately he impacted the wall, numerous cracks began to appear in it structure which then extended towards the other walls of the room.

However, Xiao Lin didn't become instantly annihilated as Nine Calamities struck him with a slight amount of shoving force. If he had applied more power than that, there was no telling if Xiao Lin could burst into a mist of blood upon being struck by his powerful palm.

"Now, get out of my room!" Nine Calamities barked.

Xiao Lin whose vision was now completely blurry, and couldn't help but continuously cough out blood as his blood churned violently within his body, struggled really hard to get back to his feet.

And, as he tried to do so despite the intense aching pain that he was feeling in his head, he abruptly nodded to what Nine Calamities said and tried to find his way to the door of the room so that he might quickly leave before Nine Calamities would leave where he was and walk towards him to unleash more hard hits on him.

After coming out, with his vision now starting to restore itself, and his blood starting to calm within his body, he could make out some of the expressions in the faces of his colleagues that he met on his way. And from the expressions hung in their faces which he saw in his restoring blurred vision, he could notice that they were looking at him with utter disdain and disgust.

He knew that they would have heard what really happened from the others, which then caused them to begin to look at him in that manner. However, he only ignored their contemptible expressions and sought the way to his room.

Immediately when he arrived at his room and entered, and then closed the door behind him, his vision started to fully recover, same with his seething blood as the strong churning that it experienced began to subside.

Then he quickly sat in the cross-legged position on the ground so that he could quickly recover.

With his eyes tightly closed and his mind completely shut away from all forms of worries or distractions, he began to practice deep breathing exercises.

Not long, his vision fully recovered while the roiling effect experienced by his blood from that heavy strike stopped.

He then opened his eyes some minutes later with intense anger appearing in them.

"Moron, you don't know anything. I will come for your head soon." He said with blazing fury in his heart.

He then produced the shield's piece that he took from that carriage to look observantly at it.

At the moment, he was wondering if he could activate the extreme offensive power that it possesses, and even use it to block numerous powerful attacks from the large numbers of enemies that he would make soon.

But as he looked at it and felt it with his cold hands, he arrived at a thought that truly, it was the small, solid piece of that immense, violet and ruby-colored shield that shattered apart into many places from that colossally powerful hit that it suffered from the strong enemy of The Heavenly Basher.

But not long as he allowed his fingers to rub against the smooth surface of the dual-colored shield piece, he suddenly heard the voice of his Animal Spirit ring in his head, saying "The power to block everything in the Heavens and then turn the air into boundlessly raging, shredding and gashing cyclones, and the water of both the seas and oceans into an incomparably destructive tsunami, still resides within this item in your hands."

"However this particular power is deeply slumbering, awaiting it ancestral master to make it whole again. But don't worry too much, I think we can both do something to awaken this terrific, apocalyptic power."

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