Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 83 - Going After Assassins

Then after thinking hard for sometime, and seeing that he couldn't really come up with anything, he prepared to leave the inn. But before he did so, he produced some coins for the jar of wine that he ordered for and placed it on the table.

But just when he would to leave his table, someone from another table said to him "Hey, don't tell me that you are going to waste the wine in that jar."

Xiao Lin looked at him and said "Well, I wasn't planning to. But I suddenly discovered that I wasn't in the mood to drink wine again, which is possibly due to some really heavy issues that sprung up in the far depths of my mind."

"Haha. Well, that's what wine is for, to conquer depression, mate. Anyways, since you wouldn't be taking it, can I have it?" The male speaking to him from another table asked.

"Sure. That's why I left it there, for anyone that has interest in to take it and gurgle it all down" Xiao Lin responded.


The male laughed.

He then said "Thank you" which Xiao Lin nodded to.

But just before Xiao Lin could take a step towards the door to leave the inn, the man speaking to him asked "Well, can you discuss your problems with me? I can try to solve of them. You know, a problem shared is a problem solved, or half-solved anyways. So, would you like to share some of your problems with me? Or you would prefer to keep it to yourself and search for solutions to it yourself?"

Xiao Lin looked at the male for some seconds before walking towards the table that he sat at. Then when he arrived before that table, he pulled out a seat and then sat on it.

Then looking at the man in the face, Xiao Lin said "Well, to be sincere, you can't really solve my problems. And I don't want to sound rude, but my problems are way huger than all the problems that you will ever have in this life, and in the next life combined. But anyways, I can ask you for some information. I believe you would be willing to tell me that, right?"


Once Xiao Lin said that, the man broke into a raucous laughter, he then said "Boy, so, you are trying to tell me that as young as you are, you have problems that are much greater than mine in this life and that of the next life combined? Haha! That's good. Don't just let it weigh you down till you can't breathe again. Haha!"

He then continued after he ended his chuckle "As for the bits of information that you wanna ask me, you can ask away. If I am able to provide them, good for you. And if I can't, bad for you."

Xiao Lin shook his head and said inwardly 'This man's a clown'

He then asked "Do you know where large numbers of people might be gathered at for an event?"

"A place where large numbers of people are gathered at? That's the information you want to know?" The man asked. 

He then said to Xiao Lin "Let me ponder about it. When I have an answer to that, I will tell you."

He then closed his eyes to think deeply of what Xiao Lin asked him.

After thinking for about 3 minutes, his eyes snapped open. He then produced a smile in his face as he looked at Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin who was amused by the way the man was behaving, asked after grinning inwardly for sometime "But, do you really have to behave like a clown? Why do you have to close your eyes to think of what I asked you?"

"Well, I had to close my eyes to block off every form of distraction in this place that would prevent me from accessing the deepest part of my mind, where the best memories are stored." The man replied with a smile while Xiao Lin shook his head in utter amusement.

"So, were you able to get it?" Xiao Lin asked.

"Yes, I did. That was why I smiled at you." The man responded while Xiao Lin shook his head again in amusement. 

He then said "Alright then. So, could you tell me?"

"Sure thing." The male said. 

He then continued "There is a big event coming up very soon where many people, both mortals and cultivators will come out to celebrate"

"Okay. What kind of event is that? And why are they celebrating it?" Xiao Lin asked.

"Well, it's called the Blessed Dusk festival, where everyone will come out to say their prayers to the night sky" The male said.

"To the night sky? Why's that?" Xiao Lin asked with surprise in his tone.

"Well, the day when the festival will occur has been marked on a specific day on the calendar. It was said that in the night of that particular day, the prayers of some people were answered. These people surprisingly woke up to the things that they prayed for in their hearts, which were fortune, healing, and so on."

"So, this marvelous thing that happened was reported to the Townsmaster who was forced to do the wish of the people, by making it a day for all the people in the town were they would come together to pray to some unseen powerful gods that will appear at the night sky of that festival day to bless people." The male said.

"Really? Haha!" Xiao Lin asked and grinned.

"Yes" The male replied.

Xiao Lin then looked at the man and asked "But do you really that some gods like that exist?" 

"Haha. Of course no. I believe that it was some goody-good cultivator who was passing by this town that then decided to show love to some of people of this town. I even have a feeling that it could be a way of achieving a certain profound comprehension into some higher principle or law of the world or something similar to that." The male replied while Xiao Lin nodded his head. 

"Yea. And you could probably be right about that." Xiao Lin said while the male nodded his head. 

"Anyways, I guess I have to go now. Thanks so far for the information that you relayed to me. I appreciate it." Xiao Lin said.

"Nah. Don't mention. And if you ever need any help in future, you know, regarding information, come to the Flying News Pavilion. I work there as an agent." The male said. 

"Oh. That's nice. So, what name do I ask for when I come there to visit?" Xiao Lin asked. 

"Ask for Lu Ming." The male said. 

He then asked "So, should I be expecting you soon?"

"Sure. When I need new bits of information again" Xiao Lin said with a smile and then stood to his feet to leave the inn.

Once he came out of the inn, many thoughts began to run through his mind.

"Now that these people are trying to celebrate some festival, would going after them to kill them be possible? There would certainly be many guards there to watch over the people partaking in the festival. I guess I would have to keep the thoughts of cultivating Blood Energy at the back of my mind for now, and since I can still use my Spiritual Energy and Hermetic Demonic Energy, I guess I can use those at the legacy ground when it eventually opens." Xiao Lin said as he walked back to the inn with a dejected expression in his face, which then became replaced by a lit expression because of what he thought.

Then when he got to his room in the inn that he rented, he closed his eyes to begin his comprehension of the new battle methods that he hadn't gone through before.

He did this till 2am in the night where he was suddenly jolted awake from his comprehension state by several bloodcurdling sounds that suddenly rang out from some rooms that were below the floor of his room.

"What the hell was that sound? Let me go check it out" Xiao Lin said and then stood to his feet to rush towards the window to see what had happened. 

And immediately he did, where he opened the window and leaped out of it to the roof of his room, he saw about four masked men who were at the 4th-layer and 5th-layer Mortal Spiritual stage jumping out of the windows of some rooms to the back of their beasts which waited below for them.

Once they landed on their beast's backs, one of them said "Go!" 

Then the beasts growled and immediately shot off into the distance in a particular direction. 

Xiao Lin who saw all these take place, asked within himself, "Should I follow them?"

Then seeing the logo at the back of the long-arm black shirts that they wore, Xiao Lin arrived at a thought that these people must belong to some cult group or something, perhaps an assassin guild. 

"If I could just kill these murdering folks and take their blood, how wonderful it would be." He said with a sigh. 

Then his eyes shone with a cold light in the next instant. 

"I think I have to. I have the capability to take them down" He said with an unbreakable resolve in his tone. Then once he said that, he immediately jumped down from the roof of his room to stealthily follow after them.

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