Xiao Lin looked at him and said "Yea, let's see if you can really beat me after suppressing your cultivation level to mine"

Once Xiao Lin said that, Li Chuang nodded his head. He then closed his eyes to focus on what he wanted to do.

With his eyes closed, he began to perform gestures as he operated a technique called the Cultivation Suppression technique.

Immediately Li Chuang performed the last gesture which only took a few seconds in total for him to fully execute the gestures of that particular technique, Xiao Lin who was watching him from where he stood, became slightly astonished as the cultivation level that he perceived from Li Chuang, began to drop rapidly.

Then when Li Chuang's cultivation rank dropped to the first-layer Mortal Spiritual stage, it stopped.

"I have done so. Now, let's fight!" Li Chuang said with an aura of battle beginning to emanate furiously from his body.

Then all of a sudden, he leaped towards Xiao Lin from where he was. And immediately he arrived before Xiao Lin, he abruptly sent out a punch towards his face.

However, Xiao Lin who had understood that Li Chuang had a great, close-quarter fighting prowess, and was quick and agile, quickly twisted his body to the right to evade the incoming punch that Li Chuang sent out at him.

Once he dodged the punch, he quickly brought up one of his knee to his chest level and then instantly kicked it out with a lot of force towards Li Chuang's chest to knock him flying.


However, Li Chuang who had an amazingly tough body, couldn't even be knocked or pushed backward by the immense force that Xiao Lin's leg struck him with. Rather, it was Xiao Lin who was knocked off-balance, as he began to stagger backwards from the reaction force that acted on him alone.

Li Chuang was simply like a solid and thick wall of steel.

'What sort of damned resilient body is this?! It felt so much like I kicked out against a nigh-indestructible living statue. I really have to cultivate my body too when I am able to successfully escape from this guy!' Xiao Lin said inwardly with a sense of great urgency in his tone.

Then once he regained his balance after staggering backwards for many feet, he quickly aimed his two hands out at Li Chuang and abruptly expelled violently seething streams of Hermetic Demonic Energy from the both of them.

The moment that the streams of Hermetic Demonic Energy gushed out from his two palms, they instantly transformed into two dark scarlet blades that were each four feet wide and ten feet long.

Then as soon as the blades which gave off thin auras of frightening sharpness from their entire edges formed, they instantly shot out towards Li Chuang to impale him.

But the moment that Xiao Lin expelled Hermetic Demonic Energy from his hands, Li Chuang also did the same by releasing Spiritual Energy from his hands which instantly transformed into a solid and heavy hammer that he wielded like he was a belligerent, warring god of hammer.

Then with a fearless and confident smile appearing in his face as Xiao Lin's lethal energy attacks shot out towards him, he unexpectedly dashed towards the incoming dark scarlet blades and then smashed out heavily at them with the huge hammer grasped in his powerful hands.



Two loud bang sounds rang out as the attacks that Xiao Lin sent out, instantly shattered into tens of thousands of fragments like they were mirrors that were struck hard by stones when the hammer that Li Chuang wielded, clashed with them.

Then once Li Chuang had reduced Xiao Lin's blade-shaped attacks to many pieces, he unexpectedly lifted the Spiritual Energy hammer that he wielded above his head and suddenly hurled it out of his hands towards Xiao Lin to inflict him with a great injury.

The hammer which didn't sustain a single mark or crack from smashing into the dreadful blades that Xiao Lin sent out, shot through the air like an actual arrow fired from a powerful bow towards Xiao Lin.

But quickly comprehending the kind of power that the hammer was shooting towards him with, Xiao Lin quickly packed power into both of his legs and then rapidly launched himself into the air like a spear launched towards the sky by a powerful giant.

Then once he got to a height where he was more than fifteen feet above the ground, he twisted his body and quickly went into an aerial cartwheel before landing back to the ground some feet away from Li Chuang.

The instant he landed, he quickly punched out and instantly expelled a stream of Spiritual Energy from his fist which abruptly copied his form and then instantly transformed into a massive, dark black fist that radiated great pressure and an intimidating subduing force.


Shooting towards Li Chuang like an actual cannonball fired from a powerful cannon, the immense dark scarlet fist arrived before Li Chuang in the next instant.

But before it could impact him, Li Chuang who was quick and was a fast-thinker, abruptly punched out with his fist towards the dark scarlet fist that had arrived before him with an intent to seemingly collapse and ravage all things in it path.


Like a small, localized explosion occurred, Li Chuang was sent flying by the dark scarlet fist that impacted his fist with a tremendous amount of force upon their collision.

However, the fist that Xiao Lin sent out in mid-air towards Li Chuang, couldn't really do much damage to Li Chuang's body as it was astonishingly tough and durable.

And at the moment, the solid, dark scarlet fist formed from Hermetic Demonic Energy that Xiao Lin sent out, had instantly splintered about in thousands of places like it were a large mirror that was struck hard by something heavy.

Li Chuang who had crashed into the earth many feet away from the backward pushing force that suddenly acted on him upon the collision of his fist with the energy fist that Xiao Lin sent out in mid-air towards him, abruptly did a kip-up with his back alone to get back on his feet.

Once he did that, where he now stood firmly on his feet, he gazed at Xiao Lin intensely and said "Amazing, so your Spiritual Energy is this powerful? I am impressed. But not too impressed. My younger brother can do far better than that! Haha!"

Immediately he said that and produced a carefree laugher in the next instant, he unexpectedly said "Get ready to experience one of my supreme attacking skill!"

Then he abruptly aimed out one of his hands at Xiao Lin and unleashed a cyan-colored stream of Spiritual Energy.

Once the energy erupted very quickly from that hand in a massive amount, it instantly transformed into a large cyan scissor that began to radiate an overwhelming and suppressive pressure, then a peculiar and dreadful power that caused Xiao Lin to develop chills in his body at where he stood.

The instant that it formed, it abruptly shot out towards Xiao Lin to impact him.

However, just before the attack could strike him, Xiao Lin who had quickly understood that there was nothing he could really do against such an overpowering attack, quickly recalled both the Awakening Doom blade and Sorrowful Sea blade from within his dantian to his hands.

Then as soon as the blades appeared in his hand with the scissor-shaped attack also appearing before him in that same instant, Xiao Lin quickly slashed out with the blades at the attack.


Li Chuang's fearsome attack which couldn't withstand the deity-cutting laceration power of the two blades that struck out at it simultaneously and with a lot of power, quickly lost it form and instantly exploded into thousands of pieces. And as soon as it exploded, it produced a powerful blast wave which stuck Xiao Lin and sent him flying into the distance.

However, Xiao Lin who had quickly returned the blades back to his dantian, quickly folded his legs as his body shot backwards through the air at a great speed like he were a furiously thrown spear.

Then once he did this, his body turned around in the air like a wheel and then he forced himself to land back to the ground with his feet firmly placed on the floor.

Li Chuang who remained where he was looked at Xiao Lin with a smile in his face.

He then shouted from where he was at Xiao Lin "Hey, great fighting prowess you have there. Besides, nice blades. Where did you get them from? They are beautiful and at the same time, powerful. I saw how they easily reduced my attack to nothing."

Xiao Lin looked at him coldly and said with a heavy tone in his voice "Where I got my blades from isn't none of your concern. And why don't you mind what you are here for?"


Li Chuang only laughed.

He then said with his dark lips curling into a smile "Alright. I won't fight you again. You have proved yourself worthy and powerful to me. Besides, the blades in your hands, upon their swift appearances, caused my sword to become oppressed. I sensed that, and I don't know why. But I have a feeling that you possess a powerful legacy. So, why don't you and I become friends, brothers of swords and blades that will battle the whole world to accomplish their goals?"

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