Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 14: Yushui City

The two men got on the train, and Zhao Yali had already sat next to her seat. Luo Yuan and the man discussed it and changed the position.

Luo Yuan helped Zhao Yali to put her luggage and sat down.

Sitting opposite is a man and two women, Luo Yuan naturally first noticed two women, they seem to have just cried, eyes are red, there is still some horror on the face, the man is tall, the body is a little thin, face It was full of acne, and it was quietly comforting two girls.

The three of them are relatives, obviously they know each other, and they are probably college students.

"What happened just now, how is the blood everywhere around the train?" Luo Yuan knocked on the small table and asked the man.

The male college student looked at Luo Yuan and explained: "There were some birds that had been crushed by black pressure. I didn't know how, and suddenly I ran into the train. Fortunately, the train was thick and the glass was bulletproof. Otherwise, it would be dangerous. ”

"A piece of black pressure? How is it?" Luo Yuan's face was somewhat puzzled.

Luo Yuan sat next to a middle-aged man in a business suit and interjected: "It's not exaggerating at all. Anyway, the whole day is dark. I thought it was something to come out, look at the sky, mom, the sky is everywhere. They are all birds.

Next, the glass began to sizzle, the train began to shake, and had to stop for ten minutes, waiting for the birds to fly away before continuing to move. You see that the glass window is still blood now. I have seen at least five of them hit the glass and scared me with a white sweat. Fortunately, it is a train. If it is an airplane, I am afraid that it will be destroyed. The middle-aged man was afraid after a look and shook his head.

Luo Yuan looked at the glass carefully. In addition to the blood, there were six white marks on the top, which were apparently caused by the collision of hard birds.

"Fortunately, I didn't catch up, even if it's okay, I'm scared enough." Luo Yuan said with a smile.

"Who said no, this world is getting worse and worse, and I don't know what it will become in the future. It is said that China is still in the best situation. Africa has basically lost contact. Europe and South America are also in a state of flux. I heard that A lot of behemoths." The middle-aged man sighed and said with a heavy face.

"China's population is dense, the forest area is scarce, and the per capita green area is not worth mentioning. The intensity of the outbreak is naturally incomparable with other countries." The male college student comforted two girls and joined the discussion.

"Some of you should still be college students, how can you leave school?" Zhao Yali has recovered from the horror and asked the male college student.

"The school has inexplicably died several people, had to stop class, it is early winter vacation, I am afraid that no class will be used in the future." Male college students looked at Zhao Yali, helplessly said.

"What about your diploma? Isn't the university reading it?" Zhao Yali asked.

The two female college students began to cry again.

"Whoever manages the diploma now, even if you have a diploma, you can't find a job."

Zhao Yali opened her mouth and was speechless.

The train finally started slowly and the speed was getting faster and faster.

The scenery was swept away, and almost all the peaks in the distance were burnt, but the new shoots soon grew, and it may not take long before it will become a new jungle...

After an hour and a half, Yushui City finally arrived.

The train slowly stopped and the door opened. Luo Yuan and Zhao Yali got off the crowd with the crowd.

He waited for a while at the consignment office and retrieved his wooden box. He opened the wooden box a little, and the knives were lying quietly in the box. He settled in his heart. He opens the properties panel and assigns the remaining five skill points to the knife.

He closed his eyes!

At the same time, he suddenly raised a fierce breath, and it didn't linger for a long time. It lasted for a few seconds and then slowly dispersed. He opened his eyes and smiled at some of the stunned Zhao Yali: "Go!"

"Oh, okay?" Zhao Yali responded with an instinct to move forward.

After a while, I reacted and hesitated and asked: "What happened to you, it seems so scary?"

"Afraid, you won't be blinded?" Luo Yuan asked, and asked doubtfully.

"I don't know, it feels just strange, may it really be dazzling?" Zhao Yali looked at Luo Yuan carefully, seriously thought about it, and some uncertain.

Is it really a strange thing, Luo Yuan thought.

He immediately reminisced about the difference before and after the addition, and soon felt different. In addition to the improvement of the understanding of the knife, the sense of the outside world seems to be sharper, and the attention is very easy to concentrate. Whether the improvement of the knife will have a certain impact on the illusory spiritual level.

He suddenly turned his head and stared at her. The spirit was highly cohesive and asked: "Is this just the case?"

Zhao Yali eyes for a moment, and soon began to dodge, this moment she felt an invisible pressure to cover her, she quickly blocked her eyes, hit him, angered: "You scare me again, I ignore you! ”

"Okay!" Luo Yuan smiled and quickly returned to normal, and his heart was a bit of joy. This reluctance should be called momentum.

Although this ability is only a collateral ability to improve the knife, but for those who have a slightly weaker will, the effect is still good. If you look at the past, you will be able to make a war without a fight. Knife improvement will certainly be stronger and stronger.

“How did you do it?” Zhao Yali asked curiously.

"The martial arts that I have practiced for a while in college may have some influence on the spirit. Anyway, as long as I look at it, I don't have to be afraid." Luo Yuan said that he didn't jump.

"Then you should be very good?" Zhao Yali said with amazement.

"That depends on who the opponent is, the average person really can't beat me?" Luo Yuan is not modest. He knows that Zhao Yali will be weak and needs to give her some confidence. Because of the warning of the task, he is very clear that it will never be safe on this road. Let her adapt first, or she has a psychological preparation, so as to avoid the sudden mental breakdown and lead to distraction when he fights.

"If you don't say today, I don't know, your mouth is really strict enough." Zhao Yali groaned, her heart relaxed for a while, followed him, as if nothing was afraid.

The two talked and talked as the crowd walked to the bus station adjacent to the train station.

Luo Yuan noticed that the car here is a little weird. The glass window and the windshield are welded with a grid of chopsticks. The thickened four sides are connected with a steel plate that is almost close to the ground. Strict and realistic, it looks like a steel monster.

Zhao Yali stunned, the car was transformed into this way, think about it and know how bad Yushui City is.

"Go! Don't read, here is your site, what car do we take next?" Luo Yuan pulled Zhao Yali.

"There is no direct car to us here. First take the 203 to the West Station, then transfer to the car!" Zhao Yali came back and pointed to the 203 bus.

The two got on the bus and found a position to do it. It didn't take long for the car to start.

Yushui City looks like a depression, pedestrians are sparse, most of the shops have been closed, only a few of them are still open, but the iron gates are half-closed and half-closed. The road surface has not been cleaned for a long time, and a lot of garbage has accumulated. There are still some dark red blood on the road, and obviously something happened here not long ago.

However, in a few minutes, he encountered several military jeep passing by. He was filled with armed soldiers. From time to time, he also heard the sound of bullets, which made Luo Yuan have an unreal sense of illusion.

A few passengers who had just come down from the train station saw this scene, their faces were slightly white, and they couldn’t think of it. The city of Yushui would become like this.

Zhao Yali looked out the window and did not say anything. Luo Yuan patted her hand comfortably. When she just wanted to take it back, she was caught tightly.

The car seems to be somewhat depressed, and few people talk.

Fortunately, I have been waiting for the bus to enter the East Railway Station. What happened on the way?

The station was cold and clear, and there were not many people at a glance. Several plastic bags were fluttering under the hot air, and there was a bleak atmosphere.

It was not until the eleven or two people got out of the car that the station only added a bit of popularity.

"We sat in the watergate, and it was half an hour before we arrived?" Zhao Yali said. Take the lead to the front.

There is only one car to go to the water gate, and one bus has been modified. The front of the car is actually stained with some blood, broken meat, and the surface is also pitted, which makes people look shocked.

Luo Yuan regained his gaze and suddenly asked: "A car going to the water gate, after Yushan?"

Zhao Yali stunned: "After a section of the mountain road, it is only three or four kilometers."

Luo Yuan thoughtfully walked onto the bus, Zhao Yali put four coins in the unsold ticket box, and found a seat behind and sat up.

There are very few people in the car, only seven or eight people.

The driver looked a little annoyed. He looked at the phone from time to time and then went out to make a phone call. He was only a little far away and couldn't hear it. After about a minute, he came back again, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes and a gloomy face.

Luo Yuan noticed the corner of the cab and placed a fire axe.

Waiting for another five or six minutes, the car came up with two young women who were very worried. They looked at the empty seats in the car, sat in front of Luo Yuan, whispered a few words, and they were not talking.

After a while, a ringing tone sounded outside. The driver looked at the phone and seemed to want to make a call, but in the end he was helplessly let go. He started the car and slowly drove out of the station.

Luo Yuan felt a little bored and opened the window.

At that moment, the girl in front, suddenly hysterically called: "Do not open the window!"

The driver slammed the car and turned back to recite a dialect. Although Luo did not know what he was saying, he also guessed that it was definitely not a good word.

He quickly smiled and apologized and quickly closed the window. The driver whispered a few more words and continued to drive the car.

Luo Yuan was confused and turned to look at Zhao Yali: "What did he say?"

Zhao Yali twisted her hands together. She bit her lip and trembled: "He said that he would attract rats, let us not open the window."

Luo Yuanxin violently moved a little, looking through the window toward the front, a distant mountain peak stood in the distance, the upper layer of clouds linger, can not see the general look, but the mountainside is pitted, revealing the rock formation inside Gray-yellow, some places still smoke thick blue smoke.

This is obviously not caused by burning, but rather more like being bombarded by artillery.

He remembered the rumors that the armored vehicles had entered the city before. The psychology suddenly stunned. The location of the bombardment will not be here?

Yushan, the rat disaster, and the armored vehicles seem to have a line that connects the three together. Yushan seems to be the source of the rat disaster.

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