Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 38: consciousness

In addition to the surface of the white rice is still clean, the part that comes into contact with the ground is mostly stained with the liquid left by the green beetle, which is also mixed with some pieces of carapace, which looks very disgusting. Luo Yuan originally wanted to lose it, but it was stopped by Huang Jiahui.

Santana's trunk was not enough. Finally, Luo Yuan had to take down the back seat and empty the space to stuff all the supplies into it, filling up a full car.

"Okay, start!" Luo Yuan went to the cab.

Huang Jiahui sat in the position of the co-pilot and took Wang Shishi to his lap. Luo Yuanjian and the two set up to start the car. When he opened the door to the community, he looked back at the almost ruined community. He suddenly thought, maybe he will never return to this place again in the future.

When I walked to the street, people began to get more. They had just experienced the baptism of people, and they walked up the street one by one. They looked everywhere with green beetles and dead bodies and broken cities. Someone cheered and someone cried.

Such a scene is both strange and familiar, but it cannot be integrated. His face was silent and slowly moved forward along the road. Not long after, he saw a guard-level green beetle in a broken coffee shop by the roadside.

Its abdomen was blown open with a huge hole, the flesh and blood was blurred, and the disgusting body fluid kept flowing down from the desktop-sized wound, forming a large piece of mucus on the ground. But the powerful life of insects makes it impossible to die for a while. Only one side of the wing is desperately fanning, and several coffee stands are fanned by its powerful force. It tried to stand up, but such an effort was doomed to a lesser limb and a wing.

Luo Yuan only took a look, he regained his gaze and continued to move forward.

Such a fierce object, even if it has been hit hard, still has the ability to kill him, even if he once killed one.

But he knows that the success is largely due to luck, but luck will not be able to favor him every time, and fighting such a fierce thing can not be mistaken, as long as a miss, there is no second time, his body The defense is too weak, and the guard-level green beetle can withstand the bullet attack, but he can kill him with only one bullet.

At this time, the road surface slightly vibrated, and the roar of the engine came from far away.

At the crossroads, five armored vehicles and three large military heavy trucks rumbling toward this side, Luo Yuan quickly turned the steering wheel and let it go.

The seven or eight heavy machine gunners standing on the heavy truck looked at Luo Yuan, looking solemn and cold, with some irony breath.

This group of vehicles is obviously doing the work of the scavenger. Luo Yuan saw that a few of the giants of more than ten meters were loaded with a green beetle, and they were all the guard-level green beetles.

Seeing this scene, if he is thoughtful, the military is so hard to collect the guard-level green beetle. In addition to being used for experimental research, the biggest possibility is probably to create an evolutionary person. Even if the probability of this evolution is small, even one thousandth, but as long as there is a base of 100,000, then the evolutionary person of the military can have one hundred people. If it is a million, there will be one thousand.

But in fact, this probability is probably much higher.

Ordinary people's psychological barriers to raw green beetles are completely absent from these soldiers, and discipline and obedience have penetrated into the bone marrow of military personnel. He has no doubt that as long as the upper level orders, these soldiers can not hesitate to put those disgusting things into their mouths and swallow them.

Suddenly there was a panic in his heart. He found that he had not really adapted to the advent of the world. He knew that these things could bring about an opportunity for evolution, but he was determined not to touch because of emotional disgust!

"Why don't you drive?" Huang Jiahui didn't want to care about him, but when he saw Luo Yuan's long drive, he couldn't help but remind him.

"I finally figured out one thing." Luo Yuan returned to God and smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" Huang Jiahui was curious and couldn't help but ask.

"If there is a chance that humans will evolve, will you eat?" Luo Yuan glanced at him and then started the car and headed for the crossroads.

"Evolution? Are you kidding?" Huang Jiahui snorted and dismissed. She doesn't usually go online, and she doesn't have access to confidential things. She obviously doesn't know the existence of evolutionary people.

"I know evolutionary people, they are talking on the Internet." Wang Shishi said.

"There is really an evolutionary person, not a movie." Huang Jiahui was somewhat suspicious this time.

“I am like a joke?” Luo said while driving.

"Then I certainly ate, this kind of thing idiots do not eat?" Huang Jiahui said without pressure, but the psychological is not very confident that Luo Yuan said, after all, the evolution of this thing is too far-fetched, not at all reliable.

"Large brother, I want to eat too!" Wang Shishi whispered.

"I will eat it all the time, how much I want to eat, and I can't eat it." Luo Yuan's face showed a mysterious smile.

Several mobile medical vehicles were opened on the road ahead, and then the government relief vehicles came one after the other.

Ten minutes later, Luo Yuan stopped at the door of a hotel. This four-storey hotel is the best preserved building nearby.

He opened the door and got off the car. The front glass door had been broken into a glass of slag. The ground was full of thick dust and it was apparent that it had been closed for a long time.

"This is here, and you can choose a room at any time." Luo Yuan walked into the hotel and glanced.

Huang Jiahui also walked in, his face was not natural: "It always feels weird, what happens when the boss here comes?"

"How to say this is a hotel, even if the boss is coming, it is a big deal to pay the house. Now this situation, the other party will not say more." Luo Yuan laughed.

Huang Jiahui will not say more.

The two found a luxuriously furnished suite on the third floor and started moving things. After everything has been placed, it is almost noon. Huang Jiahui walked into the bathroom, it didn't take long, and there was an anxious voice from Huang Jiahui.

"Is there no water here?"

"There is no water, I remember there is still in the morning!" Luo Yuan's face changed, but there was not much accident in his heart: "I am looking for the general valve below to see if it is closed?"

It was said that Luo Yuan quickly went downstairs and found it for ten minutes. He found it in a storage room on the first floor. But he was quickly disappointed, because the total valve was opened at all. He walked out of the hotel and walked towards the restaurant opposite the hotel.

Going inside the kitchen, quickly turning on the faucet, the tap water pipe sent out a kaka sound that was caught in the throat, that is, no water flowed down.

Luo Yuan's face ugly back.

"There is no water, there is no water in other places!" Luo Yuan sat down on the sofa and his face was blank. "Today's bombing is too fierce. I am afraid that even the waterworks have been affected. Fortunately, there are still more than a dozen bottles of mineral water. First of all, Donghu City can no longer live, and can only go to other places."

Huang Jiahui sighed and sat down with his face full of grace: "Where?"

Luo Yuan thought for a moment: "Go to Hedong City, where the provincial capital is located. At least one group army is stationed next to it. It should be relatively stable."

When Luo Yuan was calm, there was a kind of convincing feeling. Huang Jiahui’s face calmed down: “Are you decided to be fine?”

"That will go to Hedong City tomorrow morning!" Luo Yuan hammered the tone: "Your car is full of gasoline, don't break down in the middle."

"As long as the car does not fall apart, there is no problem!"

Luo Yuan frowned.

Huang Jiahui’s heart was not in a panic, and he quickly said: “Donghe City is only a hundred kilometers away from the East Lake. This Santana 2000 is not bad for maintenance. This route should be no problem.”

"That's good, if you have to change a car, now it's a mess, don't know who to buy. Let's eat first, take the bag out of the bag, and eat it today." Luo Yuan touched Touch the stomach. Before because of nervousness, even if he brought a bag of steamed buns, he was not in the mood to eat. The stomach is now hungry.

Huang Jiahui got up and went to the living room to get something, but he was stopped by Luo Yuan: "Wait, don't eat it first, I am worried that you will all spit it out. I am going to take something below?"

Said Luo Yuan went outside.

Only Huang Jiahui and Wang Shishi were left with a fog, and there was a vague feeling.

"Sister Huang, what did Luo Brother do?" asked Wang Shisi curiously.

"I don't know, but I don't think there is anything good." Huang Jiahui said calmly.

The two waited for half an hour. Luo Yuan finally came back. He had a green beetle's carapace in his hand. From the color of the carapace, the carapace is obviously from the guard-level green beetle. Luo Yuan searches all around. The place, only to find such a fish that slipped through the net.

The common green beetle and the guard-level green beetle are the same in the identification process, but the ambiguous text description itself is different. For example, the probability of a very vivid example is three thousandths. The probability of a sevenths of a thousandth and a tenth of a percent can be described by a minimum, but the size of the two is absolutely different, even the difference.

Luo Yuan believes that the evolution rate of the guard-level green beetle will definitely be less than that of the ordinary green beetle, even if it is the same, there is no loss.

Luo Yuan put the carapace on the table and made a squeaking sound.

Huang Jiahui and Master Wang suddenly remembered what Luo Yuan had said in the car. His face was green and he shook his head.

Luo Yuan saw that the two had some retreats. This is not enough. Since I agreed before, I don’t want to eat now. He also wants to eat. One person is not as painful as everyone else, or how is the balance of mind?

Luo Yuan’s voice is full of MLM-like temptation: “I have removed the internal organs, body fluids, and only the muscles of the back. This part is rich in nutrients. It is definitely nourishment than any tonic in the world. You have very small The chance to evolve, even if it is not good, can improve physical fitness.

Huang Jiahui Do you want to have a powerful force, even if humanity perishes, can you live?

Master Wang, I know that you have no sense of security. Do you want to change yourself and never be afraid of it?

Now that life is not worth the money, you think about how many people are dead today. I don’t think there are more than ten thousand. If it’s not that we are hiding in the underground, we have us in the dead, but this is not over, maybe we live. I can’t open my eyes until tomorrow, in order to get the protection of my own strength, what is the bitterness of what I have eaten? ”

Wang Shishi was clenched with his fists, his blood was boiling, his eyes gradually lit up: "Think, I... I want to be strong, I will eat it."

Huang Jiahui was also said to be in a state of tide, difficult to self, and excited: "I also eat, I am going to find a pot now!"

Luo Yuan’s mouth showed a strange smile, and said faintly: “Why are you looking for a pot? It’s too much trouble, and this thing can only be eaten raw, otherwise it will have no effect.”

As if by the great fright, Huang Jiahui took a few steps back and his eyes popped out. She looked at the milky white muscles inside the green beetle's shell, and looked at Luo Yuan, involuntarily swallowing her throat, and said: " Health... raw!"

Master Wang also turned pale, only feeling the stomach rolling, she suddenly covered her mouth and quickly rushed to the bathroom.

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