Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 402: Killing plant cells

Perhaps everyone has been prepared in the heart. The arrival of Wang Xiaguang did not cause much waves. Everyone has a good atmosphere and smiles. However, Luo Yuan has produced some deliberate tastes. Everyone is trying to maintain this. A harmonious atmosphere, but time can change everything, and after a long time, it will adapt.

Luo Yuan is honestly staying at home, not going out, enjoying this calm and peaceful day. He has some hunch and some hunch. In the next days, the reconstruction area will not be calm.

During the period, Luo Yuan asked about Chen Jiayi's study.

However, looking at her confused expression and the embarrassment from time to time in the conversation, it goes without saying that the results are worrying, but she is also incapable of doing this. Luo Yuan feels that although she was sent to school, she is still not able to plant. The suppression is getting worse.

Luo Yuan took her a drop of blood, her blood was faintly green, and she looked like she was not human.

After exploring with the will, she found that her blood is mixed with a large number of plant cells, and the normal red blood cells are crowded together. The proportion has reached an astonishing three to one. It is conceivable that when the proportion of these plants exceeds half of the human body, she is afraid It is not human, but a planted life in a certain sense.

Luo Yuan used the will to crush these plant cells, and the blood immediately returned to normal bright red.

Now his will is quite powerful, it can easily be destroyed at the cellular level, but he is hesitant in his heart, whether to completely kill the plant cells of Chen Jiayi's body.

The consequences are unpredictable. Not only the smashing residue of plant cells may cause great damage to the body, but with the invasion of his will, even if it is not deliberate, her cells will inevitably bear his mark.

His will is too strong compared to Chen Jiayi, and the resistance of the instinctive consciousness of cells is almost invisible before his will.

The end result is that the light body control becomes raw, and even the body can cause paralysis.

And the trickiest thing is that there are quite a few plant cells in her brain. Once the brain cells are branded with his will, even he is not sure, it will have unpredictable consequences.

When doing this, Luo Yuan did not avoid everyone. Huang Jiahui looked at Chen Jiayi’s blood from pan-green to normal, and was surprised and happy. He immediately asked: “Can her illness be cured?”

"The treatment can be cured, but the consequences are difficult to predict." Luo Yuan sighed and shook his head and said.

He said the possible consequences, listened, everyone is silent, this risk is too great, a bad, you may not stand up again.

Luo Yuan looked a bit heavy, and could not help but laugh: "It is impossible to cure it once, but conservative treatment is still possible. For example, the plant cells that solve the blood first, at least she will be much more relieved than now."

Red blood cells are replaced frequently, even if they are branded with his will, after ten days and a half, they are replaced, and the residue of plant cells can be turned into nutrients, which are absorbed by the body as blood flows. The ones that can't be absorbed are also excreted by the body's metabolism, which has little effect on the body.

"You can't say it all at once, I am worried about it for a long time." Zhao Yali hit Luo Yuan, annoyed.

"I didn't make it clear!" Luo Yuandao: "But I have to ask Chen Jiayi's opinion."

Next, Luo Yuan asked Chen Jiayi, she had been stunned for a long time, her brows were slightly sloppy, and some hesitations were unresolved. The parasitic moss on her body had already eroded her, and even her personality consciousness had developed to plant.

She doesn't feel that she has any problems, she even enjoys the feeling of planting. The sun is the happiest thing every day.

However, as an orphan who was rescued by Luo Yuan, Luo Yuan’s image in her heart is like a majestic parent. Even if he only asks, she does not want to violate Luo’s will, let him down, hesitate for a long time, she In the end, I still nodded weakly.

"Don't be afraid, I promise that there is no pain!" Luo Yuan thought she was afraid of pain and comforted.

Chen Jiayi lifted up uncomfortably, and said pity: "I am not afraid of pain!"


In order to avoid interference, Luo Yuan came to Chen Jiayi's bedroom and entered the room and locked the door. Her bedroom is simple and clean, with a plant-like fragrance.

Chen Jiayi sat on the edge of the bed, and suddenly there was a faint blush on her face. She said succinctly: "Large brother, do you want to take off your clothes?"

Luo Yuan glanced at her. Her development was quite rapid. When she first met more than a year ago, she was still a half-large yellow-haired girl with a dry body. Now she has become a beautiful young girl, and she is quiet because of the parasitic moss. Simply weak, like a pure white lotus.

However, Luo Yuan did not have such a beast to this point. He regained his gaze and said faintly: "You don't need it, you can pick up some of your arm's clothes!"

She was slightly disappointed for a while, and she came back and quickly exposed her arms. The skin was faintly green, smooth and clean, and faintly scented.

Luo Yuan put his hand on her wrist artery, and will easily break through the body's defense and explore it.

The human blood red blood cells have millions of cubic millimeters per cubic millimeter. The ratio of plant cells and red blood cells is nearly three to one. Naturally, it is also an astronomical number. It is definitely a huge project to kill all of them.

Fortunately, the characteristics of the will of the will, so that Luo Yuan does not need to kill one by one, as long as Luo Yuan launched the idea of ​​killing plant cells, the subconscious will replace everything with the main consciousness.

He repeatedly experimented and constantly adjusted the magnification of the microscopic vision of the will, so that he could reach the minimum multiple of the will to kill, to achieve the highest efficiency. After a while, he found the balance point.

At this multiple, the countless cells in the blood vessels are like small dots of the size of the fingertips. They are so dense that they can hardly be distinguished. With the next move, hundreds of thousands of plant cells, with his will, burst into pieces. , burst into a viscous liquid.

The 16-point agility makes his time dimension ten times slower than the average person. Almost every second, there are more than 100 cubic millimeters of blood cleaned up by the will.

Chen Jiayi seems to have no feelings. Sitting in a daze in the bed, only occasionally flashing a trace of uneasiness in her eyes shows her fear, but this fear comes from parasitic moss, or herself, even she can't tell.

Time passed quickly, and soon three hours passed.

Luo Yuan’s headache is to recover the will, and the will is almost exhausted, but the effect is quite obvious.

Now that Chen Jiayi's blood still has plant cells, the ratio has been reduced to five to one. If it can be cleaned up every day, it is estimated that the plant cell content of blood will be negligible after ten days.

He glanced at Chen Jiayi and found that her skin became much rosy. Compared with the color that was full of green before, it is difficult to see it after being covered by blood.

“What does the body feel?” Luo Yuan asked.

Chen Jiayi shook his head and whispered: "No pain at all, no feeling."

"This is fine. You should not go to school these few days. I will help you with a long vacation."

Chen Jiayi’s face showed a hint of joy. She really hated going to school. She could not learn not only, but her strange skin color and indifferent temperament were also discriminated against by her classmates. She only used her dull temperament, she never said it, but only silently.

Luo Yuan was keen and looked at her expression. She also guessed one or two. He felt that Chen Jiayi had a lot of expressions before him. He smiled and said: "If you don't want to go to school, you won't be there!"

The reason why he sent Chen Jiayi to school was to ease her planting process, but she did not really let her study hard. Moreover, she could not learn this situation completely. Now there is a better way to alleviate it. Naturally, I don’t have to send it to school. .

At this time, what he thought of, he said: "Yes, at night, you may discharge a lot of impurities, don't panic, this is normal."

When Luo Yuan got up and left the room, he did not notice that Chen Jiayi looked at him in a complicated look, and his eyes were faintly accompanied by a trace of love and envy.

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