Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 407: Evenly matched

"Even if it is really moving, it is useless." Luo Yuan said with a smile, looking confident.

He has this qualification and self-confidence. If he is not pre-aware, he still has the possibility of overturning the ship in the gutter of the ability of the evolutionary, but now, this situation will not happen at all, even if the other party’s ability is strange, how mysterious, There is no secret in the face of foresight. He can arrange the means in advance and calmly fight.

"I feel that I am already arrogant, I did not expect you to be more arrogant than me." Lingzhong sneered, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart, he did admit that the other side is strong, he only saw him in his life, but once he started his ability, no one has yet Can stand and talk to him: "I hope that when you don't admit defeat."

"There is too much nonsense, come on!" Luo Yuan said with a smile.

Ling Zhong'an face was gloomy, and he stepped back a few steps. Immediately, his body suddenly gave off a light blue shimmer. Soon the whole body became time-real and real, and when it was dark, it seemed to disappear in the air.

At the same time, a terrible breath emanates from him. As his body sways slightly, the air trembles violently, and the bright stream of light shines like aurora. The color.

This is the geomagnetic change caused by the energy of his body.

Luo Yuan's eyes were sharp and sharp, and he saw that the magnetic field of the other party was fiercely distorted. His face gradually became dignified. At this time, Ling Zhongan gave him a very dangerous feeling, which made him cold and vertical, and the body subconsciously tightened.

Suddenly, he crossed an arc under his feet, his body slanted, and a fist passed through the space, passing his chest, and Ling Zhong’an was surprised to appear beside him, launching a terrible attack.

Luo Yuan did not counter the trend, because the results predicted in his mind were quite bad.

At this time, Ling Zhongan’s body suddenly seemed to be extremely heavy and hard. If a celestial body, in his foresight, his fist slammed on him, not only did he not move at all, but he let his hand bones break, but the strange thing is that whether it is from The opponent's action inertia, or the ground changes under his feet, his body is not heavy at all, as if everything is an illusion.

Ling Zhongan is like a teleport, and it appears quietly on the side of Luo Yuan from time to time, attacking again and again.

However, every time he was shunned by Luo Yuan, he never escaped. However, in the foresight of his mind, various means have been successively staged.

Physical attacks are useless!

The will does not have much effect, can open the other side of the skin!

The earth fountain can only barely cause the other party to be short-lived!

In the end, in addition to discovering the space cutting of the knives, he could barely tear open his defense, and the rest of the means were completely helpless.

This kind of defense is simply shocking and ridiculous, especially the teleportation that resembles space movement, and it is completely unpredictable to replace it with someone who has no predictive ability.

The two men fight the electric light flint, the naked eye can not capture, the aftermath of the battle, let the nearby air become a pot of intense boiling porridge, stirring, a large number of weed shrubs with the land, have been turned over by the battle As a result, the smoke and dust began to form a sandstorm.

Fighting to the present level has become quite boring and boring.

One keeps attacking, and the other does not stop dodging. The two seem to fight the air again, and there is no contact between them.

After a few minutes, the two stopped.

"What is your ability?" Luo Yuan asked curiously. His breath was calm, as if he had never fought. He just seemed to be fierce. In fact, Luo Yuan was simply a good man, and his physical strength was not much.

"The body is half-energy, or particleized. I listen to scientific experts, and I am not very clear." Ling Zhongan did not hide it, and said calmly.

Luo Yuan's face is amazed. He is not as familiar with the past. Regardless of the light and heavy particles, its moving speed is basically at the speed of matt.

Even for him, this speed is almost the same as teleportation.

Fortunately, when he attacked, there was a short stagnation and the speed returned to normal. Otherwise, even if Luo Yuan had the ability to predict, he could not guarantee that he could escape this high-speed attack of sub-light speed.

"You, what is your ability?" Ling Zhongan was very curious. He had never encountered such a difficult and depressed opponent. It was like a flexible muddy, almost making him uncomfortable with vomiting blood.

"The earth-like abilities, and the foresight!" Since the other party is so refreshing, Luo Yuan is not hiding.

"Foresight!" Ling Zhongan repeated a sentence, then smiled bitterly: "This ability is too unreasonable, no wonder, you have no counterattack, fighting with you so uncomfortable, I have all the movements, you already know, later Don't fight with you!"

"I am the same, you are a **** monster." Luo Yuan is also a little depressed, unless he uses a knife, otherwise this can only passively dodge the battle, he can not afford the slightest interest.

It is a pity that it is not a battle between life and death, otherwise the horse knife will not be used.


Luo Yuan returned to the headquarters of Li Jian and stayed honestly for one day.

He has just taken office and has a lot of chores, almost busy for a day.

Although he has no interest in power, as a deputy minister, but the various departments within the sword department, various management regulations, various personnel information, always familiar with.

In the afternoon, accompanied by the director of the office, Luo Yuan and various departments of the Li Jian headquarters inspected it again and again.

Especially in the scientific research department, he spent a lot of time. The scientific research department inside the sword is naturally serving the evolutionary. The scale is not large. There is only one super-capacity research center, and the researchers are only a dozen individuals.

Under the introduction of the director, Luo Yuan found that it can provide customization of the ability to launch the model. The general evolutionists basically have no scientific literacy, the ability to launch extensively, not much power, the same strength, a person who only knows to use brute force, naturally It’s better than learning Kung Fu.

Just like Luo Yuan’s earth trampling, in the past, I couldn’t think that the earth’s trampling with the same frequency could cause resonance and form a major earthquake. I would also not think of focusing the vibration energy to form a fountain.

In addition to the ability to launch the model customization, here also study the mental exercise, as well as the legendary special energy of the human body, but Luo Yuan found that the results are basically copying the ancient books of Buddhism and Taoism.

Luo Yuan swept his eyes quickly and lost his interest.

Fortunately, he had not expected much. If you want to come, the researchers who can be sent here are not estimated to be outstanding talents. Most of them are eliminated from major research institutes. It is probably the level of interns in major laboratories before the end of the world. .

He shook his head slightly. In a sense, this institute is probably only the image project of the refining department of the rebuilding area. The significance is only to show the importance attached to the sword department.

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