Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 413: Around the earth

Since it is no longer useful to stay in the forest, Luo Yuan is not ready to wait.

His thoughts moved, and the body instantly broke through the dense layers of the branches and leaves. As soon as he flew, he immediately felt different. The will of 19 points gave the flight a strong power.

After only three seconds, his speed broke through the original limit, and it is still improving rapidly. It seems that there is no end...

It wasn't until a dozen seconds later that his acceleration finally stopped and the speed was balanced. He was like a rocket rising into the sky, flying straight into the sky, turning into a small point that was invisible to the naked eye.

A few breaths of time, he has already broken through the clouds, the sun's hot light is unscrupulous, let his body seem to cross a layer of Phnom Penh.

At this time, his speed has reached two or three kilometers per second. The grand vision shrouds his area of ​​five or six kilometers. The endless wind whirls whirl around in the area, making him look like a goddess, mysterious and Shock!

He quickly stopped and quietly suspended at high altitude.

This is the power of the will, the mysterious and fascinating power, and after the initial accumulation of obscurity, it has now begun to shine brilliantly.

However, the increase in normal flight speed is not as much as Luo Yuan imagined. It is only about three times. According to Newton's first law, when the object maintains a constant state, it is balanced. Otherwise, it will continue to accelerate or decelerate.

Obviously, even if he is dressed in a ghost-faced horse, he can't offset all the resistance.

Although he did not feel much wind in the high-speed flight, these resistances were only shared by the vortex cyclones. If these vortex cyclones are seen as a whole, air resistance still exists.

For example, it is like sitting in a car. Although people are not suffering from the head-on wind, the wind is borne by the car, not without resistance.

Of course, Luo Yuan is not only light and ruthless, but also perfectly aerodynamic. It is much less resistant than people at the same speed, but the resistance still cannot be completely disappeared.

At this time, Luo Yuan couldn't help but expect some increase in the speed of curvature, but compared with air resistance, the space resistance is more difficult to determine and unpredictable.

But at least a little Luo Yuan can be sure that the space resistance is completely there, and like air resistance, the faster the speed, the greater the space resistance. Otherwise, even if there are only seventeen wills, the flight can accelerate indefinitely, which is obviously not may.

When he thought of it, he took off the strap, opened the four-dimensional senses, and immediately started the curvature flight.

The space around it began to fluctuate rapidly. Compared with the previous period, this space fluctuation was particularly intense. Luo Yuan secretly estimated it. In less than three seconds, the space bubble has formed, and after five seconds, it has been slowed down by the naked eye. Slowly moving, the speed is getting faster and faster.

After a minute, break the speed of sound.

After five minutes, reach eight times the speed of sound

Ten minutes later, it has exceeded the original limit, which is 12 kilometers per second.

After twenty minutes, the speed reached its limit, and at this time he could not judge how fast he was.

He is like a streamer, wind and power, mountains, rivers, plains, high slopes, and a variety of scenes change rapidly. Because he was flying high enough and the space was wide, there was no feeling of speed out of control. Looking at the rapidly changing terrain below, he felt very happy.

At this speed, I only flew for half a minute. Luo Yuan discovered that the following is the endless sea.

"This is estimated to be the Indian Ocean!" Luo Yuan thought secretly.

After a minute of high-speed flight in the vast ocean, I saw another continent full of forests. Perhaps this is Australia.

In turn, he saw the Antarctic continent again.

The reason is that the Antarctic continent, because the world's coldest region, in addition to the outer region is covered with dense plants, there are still a lot of frozen areas inside, the more flying forward, the larger the frozen area.

However, Luo Yuan found that these frozen areas have not existed for a long time. Looking down from the sky, a series of tens of thousands of icebergs are experiencing collapses and landslides, and a lot of snow and ice melts, making the entire Antarctic continent, water volume. There is plenty of rivers and lakes everywhere.

Unfortunately, in this Antarctic continent, Luo Yuan did not find traces of humanity.

The disaster happened too fast. Under the influence of the cosmic storm, the unlocking virus suddenly mutated, and the wild horse that evolved like a dislocation suddenly accelerated.

When the humans wake up, the ocean has been blocked because of the existence of giant beasts in the sea, completely becoming a dead end, and with limited air transport, even if the transportation materials staying up all night, how can support a country, and even if shipping is at that time It is not absolutely safe.

Luo Yuan did not see how long, he has already flown out of the Antarctic continent.

Then, he saw South America again. It was still late at night. For Luo Yuan, this was a unique experience. In just a few minutes, he passed through the night from day to night, and the boundaries of time seemed to disappear completely.

But even in the dark, there is no influence on Luo Yuan's vision. Looking down from the top, the following is completely shocking green, there is no trace of humanity, and even the remains can not be seen.

The military strength of South American countries is not strong. As a short-handed general in Brazil, it is unfortunately close to the Amazon forest, a tropical rain forest known as the lung of the earth.

At the beginning of the last days, the first to bear the brunt, the first to fall, as for the other, are some military and small population, unable to resist the disaster of the end.

Later, Luo Yuan flew into North America. The situation remained the same. Everywhere he went, it was green. Until he flew to the Canadian region before the end of the world, he was shocked. This area can see a crater from time to time.

These craters are large and small, with large diameters of nearly a kilometer and small tens of meters. The big ones are mostly caused by nuclear bombs. His eyes are sharp, even if they are at high altitude, the following is still fierce, he can clearly see the nearby The area has been glazed.

The number of such nuclear craters is extremely large. Looking down from the sky, it is almost dense and looks like the surface of the moon.

I don't know how many nuclear bombs were dropped in this land. From the situation of large-scale blackening near some nuclear bombs and the lodging of surrounding trees, it is obvious that it will not be put on for a long time.

Luo Yuan guessed that the human gathering place on this continent is very likely to be in front of him. He could not help but expect.

When the end of the world comes, human beings have never existed, and they have survived. Now they are in danger of genocide. The former grievances between countries have already been put aside. Nowadays, although the geographical division, the distance between them has almost become a scorpio, but the gathering The technology and intelligence exchanges in the area have not stopped.

Sure enough, it continued to fly for a few seconds, and a large-scale urban agglomeration quickly reflected in Luo Yuan’s eyes. The cities were built next to each other, with high walls and a cannon on the top, each city, The layout is like a military fortress.

This should be a gathering place for survivors in the United States.

There are still only three communication human gathering areas still in place, one in the Arctic Ocean region, the main force is Russia, one in Canada, the main force is the United States, and the other is naturally a reconstruction area.

However, the first two human gathering areas are no longer composed of separate countries. The Arctic Ocean region has gathered a large number of refugees from the fall of European countries, and this gathering area is also a joint construction of the United States and Canada.

Luo Yuan is not prepared to stay here this time. He looks at the water and looks at it. He is flying at high speed. If the meteor draws the night sky, after four seconds, he has already traversed the entire area.

Then, he flew like the Arctic Ocean. After passing through the polar nights, the sun shone again on Luo Yuan's body. Because of the route, he did not see the Russian gathering area.

He continued to fly for about half a minute. Luo Yuan returned to the reconstruction area and looked at the familiar scenery below. He couldn’t help but sigh. Unconsciously, he even circled the earth.

He never felt that the earth was so small, it took a few minutes or even less than five minutes to circle the earth, and it felt like going out and slamming the door.

Luo Yuan looked at the watch. To be precise, it should be four minutes and thirty seconds from the time of reaching the maximum speed. If it is counting the acceleration process, it will be about twenty-five minutes.

The circumference of the Earth is about 40,000 kilometers. The height of the high-altitude flight is negligible compared to the diameter of the Earth. It is easy to calculate that the maximum speed of his curvature flight has reached 148.1 kilometers per second.

This speed is quite amazing, far exceeding the speed of the third universe of 16.7 kilometers (that is, the speed of leaving the solar system).

The seemingly distant moon, the average distance between the two is 380,000 kilometers, Luo Yuan only needs 42.8 minutes, if he wants, then he can fly to the moon, of course, this is a one-way ticket to death. The four-dimensional sense of physical exertion is serious, coupled with the vacuum environment, after flying to the moon, Luo Yuan will probably never come back.

He looked up into space and thought that it was not far away.

He flew down from the sky, his feet on the ground, and the additional physical force of the earth's pulsation immediately affected the whole body. Between several breaths, the physical energy consumed before had completely recovered, and then quickly walked toward the hopeful city next to it.


"Which one is 51?" Before he entered the door, Luo Yuan heard the voice of Master Wang.

"Wrong, you are stupid, this time there is no reward." Wang Shishi loudly.

Then Luo Yuan heard a few words about the dissatisfied "嘶嘶".

They seem to be doing games, and Luo Yuan couldn't help but walk in the living room quietly.

I saw that Master Wang was sitting at the table, holding a bunch of homemade cards in his hand, the mutants were lying on the chairs, the two were playing with relish, and Chen Jiayi was watching the two playing next to him, but Luo Yuan noticed Her eyes are confused, and it is estimated that she has already traveled the world.

Master Wang took out a few more cards and placed them on the table. He said: "This is the easiest one. Eight is that one. You just guessed it."

The mutant person thought about it with his head tilted, hesitated for a long time, and a finger with a pointed nail was gently clicked on one of the cards.

"This time I finally got it right, come and reward you with a piece of meat." Master Wang took a small piece of meat from the pocket below and handed it to her.

The mutant person caught it quickly, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it without chewing.

Immediately, she pointed to the signboard. It seemed that Wang Shishi continued to guess her. At this time, her ears moved slightly, and she seemed to feel something. She turned her head quickly.

As soon as she saw Luo Yuan, her eyes lit up and quickly jumped to the ground and ran to the side of Luo Yuan. While yelling at the side, she pointed to Wang Shishi and seemed to complain to him.

"Large brother, you are back." Wang Shishi noticed Luo Yuan, who was intimately attached to Luo Yuan.

"Large brother!" Chen Jiayi was suddenly fascinated from the sights of the gods, and the sound of the mosquitoes, the face immediately appeared a blush.

Luo Yuan smiled at Chen Jiayi, solved her hand from Wang Shishi, and smiled and asked: "What is wrong, the mutant person seems to be very dissatisfied with you."

"The mutant is too horrible, and several of the light bulbs in the house have been taken away by her, and she was secretly hiding in the nest. If it weren’t for the footprints on the wall, I still don’t know what happened, and when I found it, There were still a few soy sauce bottles and oil bottles in the bed, and the quilt made a mess. It was really mad." Wang Shishi, a small adult, inserted his waist and said with a sigh of relief: "After I was taken over, she actually wanted to sneak. The light bulb of the outer channel was picked up. Thanks to the early discovery, the street was coming to the door."

Luo Yuan couldn't help but laugh. He knew that the mutants seemed to collect a little bit of cockroaches, but they didn't expect even the light bulbs to let go.

He looked at the mutant. She didn't seem to know that Master Wang had already ruined her ugly things. She still pointed to the teacher of Wang, the slogan of "嘶嘶", and did not know what to say?

"She hasn't adapted to it since I came here, let's teach slowly." Luo Yuan said.

"I was teaching her just now. It was a bit stupid. The numbers within ten have already been known. I don't understand more than ten?" said Wang Shishi, of course.

Luo Yuan’s heart is awkward, how long has it been taught, and the mutant people can’t understand the words of Master Wang. To a certain extent, it is completely like deciphering an alien language that is different from the human language system. There is nothing available. reference. It’s really a day to learn the numbers within a hundred. It’s a monster. It’s really worth it. She is smarter than most ordinary people!

"Right, what about your sister Huang?" Luo Yuan asked Huang Jiahui and others, but asked.

"Everything to buy food!" Wang Shishi said, referring to the mutant: "The dishes at home have been eaten by her."

The mutant person seems to feel that Wang Shishi is dissatisfied with her. He can't help but scream at the master of the king. He sees the eyes of the teacher, and scared her to hide behind Luo Yuan, revealing a vigilant face.

Luo Yuan’s mind is keen, and the mutant person is so afraid of Wang’s teacher. Obviously she has been taught by Wang Shishi today.

"It’s a white-eyed wolf. White has given you so many good things.” Wang Shishi said with a sigh.

Seeing it, although Wang is not satisfied with the teacher's words, there is a hint of joy and display from the full smile.

Think about it, she is only sixteen years old this year, and her personality is never introverted. It is the time when it takes a lot of fun.

However, Huang Jiahui and Zhao Yali and her age are too different, there is no common language, Chen Jiayi is also inwardly quiet, can not play together, and Luo Yuan is often out, accompanied by limited time.

The arrival of the mutant person has obviously made her boring life a lot of joy, which can be seen from the game that Wang Shishi can play happily and the mutant people play.

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