Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 430: Complexity of people

Still excited about the blue dragon yelling, then the corner of the eye suddenly noticed that Luo Yuan approached its baby, suddenly subconsciously nervous.

It was wandering around the uneasy feet of the mountain, and his eyes stared at him with every move.

If Luo Wei’s fierceness has not faded and replaced with other creatures, I am afraid that he has already been shot dead by his violent palm.

In fact, even it doesn't know what the use of this tree is, and it doesn't know how to get the heart of wisdom. It just feels like it from instinct. After an occasional see, it occupies here and learns The wisdom of the race, actively cultivate this tree of wisdom to continue to thrive.

Soon, it was relieved, and the other party seemed to touch it, and immediately left here, even flying, and quickly flew away.

Blue Dragon looked at him tightly, until he couldn't see it again, only to regain his gaze.

When Luo Yuan left, it immediately jumped from the top of the hill to the bottom of the valley. The huge body carefully approached the "baby" and held his breath, for fear that the strong airflow from the nostrils would hurt the small tree.

It carefully looked up and down for a while, especially the position touched by the other party, and it was repeatedly watched several times.

Seeing the whole tree exactly the same as before leaving, even if one leaf did not fall, it completely relaxed.

The blue dragon retracted into the body and drank a bite of water from the nearby pool, and then collapsed into a ball. The gentle sun was very comfortable on it. It was lazy on the side and didn't want to move.

For it, this scene is really too exciting today. It was first chased by giant birds. Then it was burned by the sudden appearance of the "sun". It was hard to struggle and survived. The "fisity" is scared to death, and it is almost a lifetime.

Fortunately, everything is over, it is still alive, unlike the stupid bird that chased it, and was finally killed by the "fisity."

The high-speed self-healing of the body is not without cost. It is based on the premise of consuming its own energy and material reserves. At this time, as it relaxes, it gradually becomes a little sleepy. Its eyes are half-closed and half-closed and begin to fight.


Luo Yuan in flight, seeing the loyalty of the Blue Dragon on the system panel, after he left, there was a drop in water. In a few minutes, it has fallen to 52 points, and the betrayal baseline of 50 points is a step away.

He could not help but shake his head, which was expected.

Low-intelligence mutant beasts are not easy to conquer, but once they are conquered, they are not easy to betray, but the high IQ variant beasts are just the opposite. They are very easy to conquer under the threat of death, but it is difficult to get loyalty, once there is no deterrence. It is very easy to betray.

The two are like two extremes, just as he is now on his forefoot, the Blue Dragon is almost ready to forget it.

If he doesn't show up for a few days, it is estimated that he will defect. Luo Yuan sneered in his heart. This time he just left for a while. In a few hours, he will return there, and there is wisdom. He was destined to frequent it.

The identification result of the wisdom tree makes him mixed. Although this tree is one level higher than the previous generation, it still has only seven levels, and neither the sixth nor the seventh level belongs to the green level, and there is no essence. The change.

With his wisdom of up to sixteen points, the face of this level of wisdom has no effect, unless this tree of wisdom continues to cultivate, let it evolve to eight.

However, this grade, the flesh and blood of the ordinary six or seven mutant beasts has not played much role, or it takes a long time to accumulate. If you want to upgrade its grade as soon as possible, you must use more advanced flesh and blood, such as eight grades, such as nine grades. .

The flesh and blood of the ninth-level creature is somewhat unrealistic for Luo Yuan. It can be tried at the eighth level. At this time, in the city of hope, there is a ready-made corpse, which is why he suddenly returned.

He flies very fast, can only fly two or three kilometers per second, and when he comes to take the blue dragon, it takes more than 20 minutes, but it takes only four or five minutes to go back.

At this time, I hope that the city has begun to resume work. There are people everywhere.

Because it is difficult to transfer a large number of engineering equipment at a time, countless people shoulder to pick, such as the ants moved a little to clean up the mountainous ruins.

The previous two eight-level behemoths did not last long in Hope City, but they still brought heavy losses to Hope City. Looking down from high altitude, nearly one-fifth of the area has turned into ruins, and some areas have become large. The scope collapsed, and even the next two floors were affected. It is obviously not a day or two to regain the original appearance.

Some factories are still burning and the smoke is rolling, and there is always the danger of continuing to explode.

Several transport planes that originally sprayed insecticides, guest fire trucks, were flying back and forth to spray water mist, but the effect was effective and it seemed to be a drop in the bucket.

Fortunately, in the unfortunate, in addition to the massive material damage, there were not many casualties. Due to the timely response, and the people in the last days were extremely sensitive to emergencies, the evacuation was rapid.

Except for the thousands of casualties caused by the beginning, almost no one was killed or injured.

Luo Yuan quickly landed and strode away from the front.

The area where the giant bird is located has been isolated by soldiers. There are dozens of tanks inside, and almost all the streets are blocked.

"Stand up! Danger ahead, everyone is forbidden." A young soldier came to see Luo Yuan and came and shouted.

Luo Yuan kept on foot and took out the documents while walking: "Who are you here, take him to see me."

When I saw this attitude, I knew that the other party was a big man. Several soldiers looked at each other. One of the soldiers took the courage to take the documents and saw them. They couldn’t help but raise their eyes. They quickly returned their hands and respected them. The loud voice: "The head it is good!"

The rank of deputy minister of the sword department is not low, and the rank of lieutenant general is even more dazzling.

The soldier did not dare to neglect, immediately contacted the highest superior he could contact, and his superiors contacted the higher level, and the news was reported at various levels.

It didn't take long for a middle-aged soldier in an old camouflage uniform to come all the way. He looked at the familiar black clothes on Luo Yuan's body. The sight seemed to be burned, and he quickly recovered his eyes. A stern, respectful ceremony: "Mr. Luo, hello, I am the guardian of this place, Chen Junde, I don't know if you are looking for me?"

He knows the special system of the sword department, and the military is completely two lines, but he can't learn how to be the head of the small soldier.

He secretly looked at Luo Yuan, and when he thought of the shocking scene in which the other eight creatures were killed in an instant, he suddenly felt extremely insecure. This feeling is exactly like standing in front of the behemoth. If you don't pay attention, you will be trampled to death. Your life is only between the other person's thoughts. It feels so bad.

"Hello General Chen, you still have trouble coming over yourself, just send someone personally. It is like this. The body of this mutant bird, I have some use, I don’t know if General Chen can cut love?" Apologize asked.

Seeing Luo Yuan’s attitude and easy-going, there is no such thing as a slap in the face. Chen Junde’s heart is also relieved. There is a smile on his face: “Mr. Luo is too polite, this is your loot, what do you want to do? Why bother me, if you can get rid of it, we will save our minds."

This is not a false statement. The eight-level creature is powerful, but the value is not great for the reconstruction area. Due to the aggression of flesh and blood, the flesh and blood have no edible value at all, except for a little scientific research or some nail parts. The evolutionary weapon, the vast majority of the remaining bodies, are basically incinerated.

Moreover, it is even more troublesome. It is extremely powerful and radiates severely. Even if it is still a long time after death, ordinary people can't get close without wearing isolation suits. How to cut and carry it away is a troublesome thing!

"Sure enough, so if you don't, don't delay, let the weapons and tanks here be evacuated!"

"You... are you ready to move now?" Chen Junde was a little surprised. When he spoke, his tongue was somewhat knotted. This is a giant bird of 70 to 80 meters high. It is almost the size of a twenty-story office. In the building, he really can't imagine how the other party can get rid of it. Even if you can force it to move, it's not so good.

Luo Yuan nodded and confirmed: "Heaven is getting darker, and it is more troublesome."

Chen Junde is confused and wants to ask, what is the relationship between the black and the dark, do you not know the point of my meaning? But in the end he still echoed the sentence: "That is also!"

Immediately ran to command the army to evacuate.

In a short while, the nearby tanks drove off, but Chen Junde and several officers remained, obviously want to see how the other party took it away.

Luo Yuan did not care, and went straight to the giant bird.

After such a long time passed, this giant bird still died without being stiff, full of vitality, and thundered in front. Even if the skull was completely empty, the brain was completely smashed out, and its vitality made it very time. It is difficult to die completely.

This is also the reason why a large number of tanks were surrounded. It is really too dangerous for the other party. Once it is struggling to run out of this area, even if it is only unconsciously tumbling and struggling, it can cause great damage and casualties.

As he looked at the struggling giant bird, he used his arm to cover the gravel that flew like a bullet.

Although these gravel hit the skin of Luo Yuan, there is no red dot, and it can't break the defense, but it will still be hurt if it falls into the eyes.

Luo Yuan’s brows could not help but wrinkle, so it’s really hard to move.

The vitality of the eight-level creature is too strong. Luo Yuan guessed that even if it was cut in half, it is estimated that it could be moved for a while. It seems that it must be broken. Luo Yuan thought about the darkness in his heart.

He walked to the back of the giant bird in a few steps. The giant bird without feathers looked a bit awkward. You can see most of the bones, especially the vertebrae on the back, such as the size of the building's load-bearing column. There is almost only a thin layer of skin. Wrap, Luo Yuan can even see the gap between the joints.

He walked to the position of the spine and was ready to start from here. He glanced at the soldiers on the side of the five or six hundred meters and reminded him: "Away from me, I am going to interrupt his bones."

A few people in Chen Junde couldn’t help but hesitated. They didn’t hesitate to go back. They all saw the video. The powerful shock wave of the other side’s attack was really impressive.

"Continue, go a little further!" Luo Yuan brows and wrinkles continue.

"carry on!"

A group of people have been retreating, all the way out of the distance of more than a kilometer, Luo Yuan estimated the power of the aftermath, such a long distance should be no big deal.

Then he took a deep breath, the muscles slightly inflated, the bones burst into a burst, and even the air began to stir up, blurring his face, and the next moment, he made a punch.

The bang of the "Boom", the air exploded in an instant, and the air near Luoyuan was completely turned into a white color, which was the result of the intensive accumulation of countless sound cone clouds in a small area.

With a bang, the spine was interrupted by him.

Then the explosion rang in succession, and the denseness was almost a string.

In the distance, Chen Junde and others have already half-bowed their bodies. A strong sandstorm has blown their hair so fiercely. The wind is wrapped in some small gravel and splashes on the body. The skin is dull.

They quickly continued to retreat until they reached two kilometers away, and the situation was slightly better.

They stood on a nearby ruin and took the telescope to continue to observe. However, flying in front of the sand, the wind rushed, the air violent as a pot of porridge, has long been unable to observe, and several people unanimously put down the telescope, could not help but look at it.

After three minutes, the explosion finally stopped.

"It hit about 3,000 punches!" The staff quietly estimated, and the face was somewhat whitish: "This also takes into account the fact that this mutant bird is huge and it is impossible to punch out continuously."

Everyone is silent, and such an evolutionary person has completely broken the inherent concept of human beings, enough to achieve the degree of one person destroying the country.


The breeze in the air quickly blew away the rising dust, revealing the huge mutated bird in the distance, and several people quickly picked up the telescope.

At this point, the mutated bird seems to have been pulled out of the bones of the body, soft to the ground, only the remaining muscles are still twitching, but compared with the previous fierce struggle, there is no much danger now.

The reason why this phenomenon is caused is that it is a "small" wound on the body. Of course, it is small. In fact, each wound has a diameter of nearly two meters. It is dense and full of body. A lot of blood flows like a spring, and it flows down.

Beside the huge body of the giant bird, a negligible figure is being explored into the body of the mutated bird with both hands, and the body is covered with blood from the fallen blood like a blood man.

"Is he not afraid of genetic infestation?" An officer looked at the cold and was surprised.

"Do you think that a person who can kill the eight-level mutant beast will be killed by its blood! I am just a little surprised what he is doing? Is he prepared to drag it away?" Chen Junde said, looking at the disparity between the two His body was poor, and he was a little funny in his heart, but he thought that just like the scenes of countless heavy artillery roaring, he couldn’t smile at all.

In the past, one minute and one second passed, and it took five minutes in a blink of an eye. However, the other party still maintained such an action and did not move.

"Hey, he is moving!" This is the staff suddenly shocked: "He is moving with the giant bird."

After his body shape, everyone found it. Compared with the original position, the two have moved half a meter during this time, and the speed of movement has become visible to the naked eye over time.


Ten minutes, Luo Yuan and the giant birds began to slowly fly into the air, and turned over here, leaving a huge shadow, and continued to fly far away.

This is a very shocking sight, like a skyscraper suddenly passing by, and even more shocking is that the promotion of this huge object is just a person.

Everyone raised their heads, and the unconscious mouth was half a piece. Watching this huge thing slowly over the city, the speed became faster and faster, until it finally disappeared into the sky, and it was no longer clear. Come to God.

For a time everyone feels a bit dry in the throat, a complex emotion that doesn't say excitement or fear rolls in everyone's heart.

"The appearance of a superman, do not know whether it is good or bad for the reconstruction area?" After a long time, the staff sighed with a sigh of relief and said complexly.

"This is not something we should consider." Chen Junde said, looked at him and turned to the heart, at least for the city of hope, it is a good thing!

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