Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 434: First contact

At the same time, he quickly perceives the pulsation of the moon.

The pulsation of the moon is fundamentally different from the earth. The pulsation of the earth is low and heavy, like the Hong Lu Da Lu, while the moon is brisk and active, such as a snare.

And it may be because the interior of the moon is hollow, its pulsation is clearer, there is not much noise, it is easier to capture than the earth's pulsation.

Just a few seconds, he was shocked, and his heartbeat was completely matched with the pulsation of the moon.

The majestic strength of the soles of the feet rises, the body seems to be filled with the power that never fails. As the excess emotions gradually fade away, Luo Yuan’s mind becomes clear. He looks up at the magma lake in the distance, and his thoughts move. The body disappears instantly, and when it appears again, the feet are already standing on the magma.

Under his feet, he stood straight on the magma. As the magma rolled up and down, the gravity here was extremely low. The buoyancy of the magma was enough to bear the weight of the body. If it was the earth, it could not stand like this easily. It is.

. At this time, the magma is still tumbling fiercely like boiling water. From time to time, a high-temperature heat flow is sprayed out. The temperature here is at least a thousand degrees Celsius. Even if the steel falls here, it will melt rapidly.

The shoes under the feet gradually melted. This pair of combat boots with a seven-level material is obviously unable to withstand this high temperature and quickly becomes distorted.

He didn't look at the shoes that had been gone to sleep, and turned his legs and pulled them hard. One shoe was violently torn down, thrown into the magma, and turned into another one.

His feet were completely naked in the magma, letting the heat here be hot, but it was expressionless and seemed to be unaware.

Luo Yuan's fusion body, the temperature is low, the temperature is low, and it is not only temperature, but also has good isolation against other energy. This is the basic ability of all space life, and has a certain self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency. It can also isolate the extreme environment of space to some extent.

Otherwise, if the basic environment of space cannot be adapted, then space life is up.


Perceived the spread of the effort, Luo Yuan tried to capture the body of the space behemoth, and kept moving.

The magma sea is very large, nearly thousands of square kilometers, which is exactly the size of a Shanghai stock market before the end of the world. If you find it in an inch, even the ultra-fast moving speed of Luo Yuan is not a short time.

But in fact, there is no need to be so troublesome, and there is no need to look for one inch. Luo Yuan can roughly judge its location and the trajectory of movement at a glance.

It is really too large, just like a hill, even if it sneaked into the depths of the earth, its every move is enough to cause dramatic changes in the ground. At this time, the area under his feet is almost like a wave, and it is still moving fast.

This space behemoth seems to be deeply deep. At one time, the perception does not sense its figure. In a minute and a second, the magma begins to gradually cool down, and the foot has a slight solid texture on it.

Like most planets without atmosphere, the temperature difference between the moon and the moon is very large. The direct sunlight can reach more than one hundred degrees in the daytime, but it can reach minus 180 degrees in the evening.

At this time, the sun has completely fallen into the horizon, and the surrounding area has become dark. Although the temperature has not reached the lowest point, it has already fallen to minus 30 degrees. In this cold environment, the magma cooling speed is quite amazing.

This space behemoth has been staying on the ground, and I don’t know what to look for. It took nearly ten minutes for Luo’s hiking and the situation changed.

Without warning, the ground suddenly changed dramatically, and the earth under the feet suddenly bulged. Within a few seconds, a huge mountain bag broke through the earth and rose up.

Under the terrible kinetic energy of the earth, the earth quickly became a blush, and at the same time the violent shock of the ground, a large number of reddish rocks, suspended in abundance, like a landslide.

For a time, even Luo Yuan could not maintain his body shape. His body was slightly suspended, and the body rose with the rise of the mountain.

The whole process lasted for less than ten seconds. The original mountain bag suddenly cracked. As soon as it appeared, it expanded at a high speed, revealing the hot magma inside.

"Come on!" Luo Yuan’s heart was dark and his face was serious.

His perception finally sensed its massive body, when it was breaking through the ground at a speed of hundreds of meters per second to the ground, and the magma near it was completely white.

When Luo Yuan perceives it, it is already close to the ground.

Only in an instant, the cracks suddenly exploded, and tens of thousands of tons of magma flowed into the sky and flew straight into space. At about the same time, this space behemoth also violently breaks through the ground, and the huge body instantly flies out the entire crater!

This terrible power is simply shocking.

However, Luo Yuan, who is in the state of the earth's pulsation, has no extra emotions.

In the short moment of its departure from the ground, between the electric and the flint, Luo Yuan sharply captured the opportunity and instantly launched the "Ground Fountain".

In the next moment, a high-frequency turbulent magma suddenly hit the space behemoth that was preparing to fly with an incredibly terrible high-speed moment. Its body slightly radiated a glimmer of light, and the sly mouth was wide open, giving a silent pain.

There is no sound in space, but the surrounding magnetic field and gravitational field are extremely disordered.

It reacted extremely sharply, and suddenly looked at Luo Yuan. The cold eyes were with a substantial and terrible pressure. So that Luo Yuan couldn't help but quit the pulsation of the earth. He stunned a little and immediately returned to God.

In the face of the space behemoth in front of him, a strong fear of no reason came from his heart, he was standing still, his body could not move, and he could not afford the slightest rebellious heart.

However, Luo Yuan is not an ordinary person after all, and he is highly cohesive, and instead easily wipes out the negative emotions brought about by the pressure.

He held the handle tightly, his eyes calm and the behemoth looked at each other.

Time seems to have solidified, and one person, one beast and one motionless, look at each other.

The space behemoth did not rush to attack, it quietly suspended, the huge body stood like a mountain peak, it seemed to be interested in staring at Luo Yuan for a while, then the corner of the mouth was slightly pulled, revealing the staggered fangs .

In its cold eyes, Luo Yuan seems to see a hint of ridicule.

The space giant Glad possesses far more wisdom than ordinary people. He is attacked by a small creature without any reason. It makes it ridiculous and annoyed. It feels the sting of the body. It immediately decided to burn the worm into ashes. .

The next moment, it opened its mouth, with the light shining slightly at the bottom of the throat. It just shimmered when it first appeared, but it turned almost impossible to see. In the dark moon, it seems that a sun suddenly appeared. The surroundings are as bright as white.

Luo Yuan looked at the cold hair, a strong sense of heart, so that his heart almost missed a half beat.

Looking at the foreseeable picture, Luo Yuan suddenly disappeared instantly. At the moment of his disappearance, a glare of plasma, he immediately hit the position where Luo Yuan was, and completely gasified the area within one kilometer.

At this time, Luo Yuan has moved to the top of the behemoth in an instant. Unfortunately, this nine-level creature is far more powerful than he imagined. Using planet life to measure space life is just as ridiculous as the peasant guessed that the emperor used the golden pole. Not at the same level at all. Not ready to attack, the terrible energy field on the surface of the body immediately flew him out of the field. He immediately stabilized his body and suspended in the air.

The body's burning pain, feeling that the skin was almost scraped off a layer, this not only with a rebound, but also a devastating force, only to contact for less than half a second, it is a pain.

Fortunately, his defense is strong enough to be replaced by ordinary creatures. I am afraid that it has already vanished.

Luo Yuan's face is gloomy, his quality is too light, and its surface defense can easily fly him. It is obviously impossible to enter its defensive layer by teleportation. If you are close, you can only break through with super fast speed. .

Luo Yuancai stayed in the same place for a moment, and immediately turned around and slammed it toward it. He seemed to want to swallow it. However, its speed was too slow. Even if Luo Yuan only used the will to fly, it could not catch up.

Luo Yuan’s mind is not entangled with it. A teleport jumps over tens of kilometers away, and then continually accelerates toward it. Compared with the previous space behemoth hitting the mountain, his speed is even more amazing. It will reach ten kilometers per second.

However, he did not dare to hit the monster directly at this speed. When he could kill the behemoth, he still didn't know, but he could make him smash.

I saw Luo Yuan put the horse knife back behind him, and the body swept like a stream of light from the dangerous high speed. At this speed, even the air can cut steel like tofu, let alone斩 刀.

Just before it flew in front of it, there was a strong energy fluctuation behind it.

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