Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 450: Change day (2)

After Luo stayed away, the meeting was reconvened again.

Bi Jianping scatters a circle of cigarettes, draws another one, and points to himself. Suddenly, the entire conference room is full of smoke and smoke.

For a time, no one spoke. The news that I just got from Luo Yuan is like a blue sky. Now everyone’s mind is still awkward, and some people are slow.

When one thinks that mankind is on the verge of extinction, the earth is shattered, and everyone can't give birth to a trace of despair.

"The situation is far more serious than we had guessed before. We must be prepared for a long-term war of resistance. Now we have a lot of material reserves. I mean water and food." After a while, Bi Jianping broke the silence.

These two are the top priority of all materials. As long as the food and water problems are solved, I hope that the city will not be chaotic.

"If the power is too late to recover, it will probably last for three months." A deputy mayor in charge of agriculture said: "Although the agricultural area can still produce normally, there is no light, even if the mutant plants are not normal. Growing, and hope that the city's water resources are all pumping groundwater, it also needs electricity. It can be said that there is no electricity, and the whole city of hope will be completely in a desperate situation."

"It seems that the most urgent task is to restore power first!" Bi Jian said with a heavy color.

“But all of our power plants were coal-fired power plants, which were built on the ground. They have already been destroyed, and even the wreckage may not be found. There are several groups in the steam turbine warehouse for power generation, but how to find fuel for power generation? We are now They are all trapped underground and can't get out unless they want to take down the houses in Hope City!" A mayor in charge of the industry took a deep breath and said.

"This is a stopgap measure!" Bi Jianping said: "But even if all the houses in Hope City are burned as fuel, how long will it last? Only when the storm stops!"

At this time, the ground swayed violently, and a muffled sound was heard on the top of the head. Everyone changed their face. Apparently there was somewhere collapsed. The earthquake lasted for dozens of seconds and the earthquake subsided.

From yesterday to now, the earthquake has occurred more than ten times in a row, and it has been numb frequently. After a while, the meeting continued.

"I think there is at least a certain reserve of food and water. It can be slowed down for the time being. The problem of keeping warm is not tolerated for a day. Now the temperature has started to drop rapidly. It is estimated that there will be a cold winter in a day or two. Appropriate, everyone generally lacks warm clothing, and I am afraid there will be a wide range of freezing deaths." The Minister of Propaganda raised the crisis that is about to face.

Everyone looks stunned, but there is no solution at all. There are many stocks of clothing, but most of them are battle suits made of fiber cloth. Even quilts are thin and light, and such clothes can’t be Resist the next winter.

"I also mentioned that since last night, the number of suicides has exceeded 20,000. Now the people are quite pessimistic. Together with the freezing death mentioned by Comrade Zhou Wenbo, I think we should be vigilant." The secretary of the party, Li Feng, screamed at the eyebrows, and some of his heart screamed: "And the number of our police officers is seriously insufficient, and we must urgently expand the recruitment."

Everyone is silent, and a feeling of powerlessness arises spontaneously.

Nowadays, the city of hope has become an island completely. The external environment has been deteriorating, and the internals are heart-rending. The situation has been difficult. It is like a tight steel wire. Now it can still maintain order. It is already the inertia of order and the result of concealing the truth. .

Once the power system is too late to recover, the darkness continues to cover the dungeons, and the winter is coming. Under the constant depression and desperation, the entire city of hope will collapse and the security will deteriorate sharply. By then, the remaining tens of thousands of cities will be The ordinary military police, is completely a glass of water, tired and running!

And this is just to consider ordinary people...

Hope that the city has a lot of evolutionary people, there is also a sword department, this department is completely independent of the municipal government, there is no ownership relationship between the two, if the former reconstruction area is still there, can also communicate and coordinate, but now no one knows Whether the other party will give birth to other thoughts.

What is even more troublesome is that the city's sword department is still the one who is the one who kills the aliens and hopes that all the forces in the city will add up.

Armed forces are the foundation of all power. Without force, the existing rights have become a castle in the air, crumbling.

"I think we should pull in Minister Luo, and I can't exclude him. If there is at least the evolutionary person, it will be stable." At this time, the organization minister Ye Yonglai finally broke the ignorance of the people and avoided it. Open topic.

"I think it's okay, just when it's time to arrange a position, he is the rank of lieutenant general. On the level, he is higher than all of us. And on the merits of mankind, everyone is better than Minister Luo, he saves. Human beings, in a sense, he also saved everyone we are sitting in!" The voice did not fall, Bi Jianping said.

Some people can't help but change their face, and vaguely feel that a storm is faintly brewing. Today's decision is destined to go down in history.


Luo Yuan walked on the way back, and already felt that the temperature was a bit cold. Now it is April. At this time, the temperature in the morning is generally around 35, but at this time, it is not even ten degrees.

He stepped up and walked toward the house. The villa was also dark in the dark. There were only a few simple oil lamps that I didn't know who made it, and it was a faint glow in the living room.

But it was such a few dim oil lamps, but let Luo Yuan feel the slightest warmth since the last night and the cold and quiet heart.

After seeing Luo Yuan, several women couldn’t help but be red. From the rebuilding area last night, they found that Luo Yuan’s disappearance, they began to worry, for fear that Luo Yuan had suffered unexpectedly, just as his woman, I must have to bear the fear of this moment, and I have already got used to it.

"Well, don't cry, everything is fine."

"You haven't eaten yet, I will cook for you!" Huang Jiahui wiped a tear and said.

Luo Yuan nodded: "Not very hungry, just do something."

His body now has two sets of energy systems, one is the mitochondrial cold fusion energy supply, and the other is the residual food energy supply. The former has basically replaced the latter. For him, eating or not is no big deal. It is still inseparable from water.

In the afternoon, officials came to visit one after another. What is different from the past is that these people will bring some gifts with them when they came. This time they are all empty-handed. Everyone is respectful and cautious.

This makes Luo Yuan faintly caught at the same time, but also faintly captured what the situation of the entire city of hope seems to be surging and turbulent.

In the evening, the teacher Wang, who was out to watch the bustle, hurried in.

"Large brother, have you really killed the aliens and saved the reconstruction area?" She breathed still without breathing, and squinted her eyes, wondering as if she had known Luo Yuan for the first time.

"How do you know?" Luo Yuan looked surprised and said that he did not tell his family about the aliens.

"The outside government officials are propaganda, is it really that there are aliens, you have killed them." Master Wang was surprised.

His villa is located in a remote area, few people live nearby, quiet and quiet, but also news blocked, he listened a little, and suddenly all kinds of subtle sounds sneaked into his ears, and I heard that someone was propagating a few kilometers away. Deeds.

A few people in the vicinity of Huang Jiahui, when they heard the words of Master Wang, they suddenly looked suspicious. As for the new Ye Qiuyu, they were surprised to hold their mouths.

Luo Yuan had no choice but to repeat the matter of the aliens from beginning to end. Then he ignored the unbelievable look of several women and conceived in his heart.

This time the city government pushed him to the hero of humanity, the location of the savior.

Now I hope that all the people in the city will be upset and feel desperate about the future. The government’s propaganda against him will undoubtedly inject a strong heart into the desperate heart of the people.

It’s just such a momentum. For the hope of the city government, it’s all about drinking and quenching thirst. At the same time of creating God, it also means that power has been shaken. This is also the time when the reconstruction area is still there. No matter how much Luo Yuan has made, except for the awards behind it. There is no reason for a bright publicity.

It also led to the general public knowing nothing about him except for some upper-level understanding of Luo Yuan.

It is clear that the city government has been unable to maintain the situation and is ready to hand over power.

In fact, even if they grasp the power of death, Luo Yuan will force them to surrender.

He is not a person with a strong desire for power, and he is not interested in ruling the reconstruction area.

It’s just that the human situation today seems to have been a catastrophe. In fact, the crisis has not really ended. Ignoring the long nuclear winter, the Bolivia spacecraft is likely to come again. All the lucky aliens have been killed this time. But there is no guarantee that I will be so lucky next time.

Moreover, once again, the power of this group of aliens will definitely be even more terrible.

In order to let humanity continue to continue, Luo Yuan wants to go, and only flies to the universe with a spaceship of the Boshien.

But he has the highest authority of the spaceship. Unless he dies, he can't transfer at all. Whenever he makes decisions, he can't do without him. He is not ashamed and intrigued.

In fact, the city government is more urgent than expected, and it also shows that the situation in the city is more serious.

Not yet the next day, just after six o'clock in the evening, the high-level government of the city government came to his villa to hold a closed meeting.

What was said at the meeting, except for a few participants, no one could know, but after they came out, everyone was cold and sweaty, pale, and with a repressed excitement on his face.

Originally, Luo Yuan thought that the situation could at least be delayed for ten days and a half, but he did not expect that the situation would be so urgent, almost no time to delay.

At this time, the city government is completely like sitting on a gunpowder barrel, and it will completely explode at any time. No wonder, no one is trying to take over this hot potato.

In the evening, Luo Yuan entered the city government and sat in the mayor's office.

Luo Yuan’s first order was to summon all the surviving power engineers in Hope City, researchers in various laboratories, and a large number of workers, and then start the curvature flight directly in the office and leave Hope City.

An hour later, he returned from space and had a five-meter-diameter metal ball in his hand.

This was dismantled from the deep nuclear fusion furnace on the first star-studded aircraft that he had killed first, and even with the attached equipment, it was packaged and transported back by Luo Yuan, which was considered waste utilization.

This kind of Boselite fusion furnace is extremely high in technology and very safe. When the energy output stops, it will automatically jump to sleep.

I just put it on the ground that was urgently cleared out of the hall of the city government. A large number of researchers and engineers who had been gathered up late at night had been surrounded by strange lights, and their faces were shocked and excited.

Every smooth and complex surface above, every special material part, and even every inscription of alien metal, is amazing.

"Don't look strange, there will be time to look at it later, let's start experimenting one by one, but pay attention to safety." Luo Yuan said.

The Boshixing civilization and human beings are two completely different civilizations, and no one has ever been exposed to nuclear fusion. It is even more difficult to analyze the technological content of the direct use of thermoelectric conversion fusion furnaces that far exceeds humans.

But this does not need to understand, as a kind of power output equipment, its basic principle is the same, all output current through the positive and negative poles, not to mention the more developed technology, the simpler the operation.

Its operation buttons are pitiful, only three, a little groping for a while, you already understand the specific meaning of the text on a few buttons.

Sleep, shut down, and start.

When it is closed, the fusion furnace stops working completely, the fuel tank is unlocked, and it can be easily pulled open by pulling the surface.

After scientific research, the fuel inside is not other substances, not ordinary hydrogen, nor human nuclear fusion using 氦3, but an ultra-pure water. Of course, this is a deep fusion furnace, even if ordinary pure water does not matter.

Looking at the scenes where these engineers carefully explored the function of the buttons, the fusion furnace in the Bolxing civilization technology is quite mature and widely used. Even the intelligent robots and intelligent bombs are equipped with micro-nuclear fusion furnaces, so that every item can be plugged in, so It is also very safe and comes with security measures. In the process of the engineer's exploration, there was no danger at all. However, Luo Yuan felt that it was necessary for him to go to the spaceship and print the Bronx text and Chinese comparison materials into a book through the brains.

It is conceivable that the equipment of the Bolivians who will come into contact in the future will be more and more. It will be a very troublesome and very dangerous thing to understand the language of the Bolivians, at least until the human body completely absorbs the Bosestar technology. Star language will be the most important foreign language.

By the early hours of the morning, a large number of electric engineers had begun to start small-scale experiments. When a light was shining in the hall, the hall that was originally dim under the oil lamp suddenly became brightly lit.

"The mayor, its maximum output power is too amazing, the power is almost never ending, but it can be automatically adjusted according to the amount of use, otherwise we can not find a suitable transformer." A lucky escape in a disaster The chief engineer of the robbery power station said excitedly to Luo Yuan.

"When can I run on the grid?" Luo Yuan asked, now it is early in the morning, the temperature has become colder, and it has reached zero to a dozen degrees. If you continue to drag down, I am afraid that frostbite will soon appear.

"I hope that the lines in the city are still under overhaul. The electromagnetic pulse in the previous disaster has caused most of the circuit bulbs to be burned. We must first check and install them once, and then make sure that they are connected to the grid. It is estimated that it will be until the third afternoon. "The chief engineer faced Luo Yuan and could not help but be nervous.

"It’s been too long, the people can’t wait for so long.” Luo Yuan shook his head and waved.

Bi Jianping, the deputy mayor who is being commanded nearby, hurriedly ran over. Now he is respectful and fearful of Luo Yuan. It is one thing to hear it. It is another thing to see it with his own eyes. It is only one hour, one outside. The Starman's fusion furnace appears here, fully proving the other's previous words, without any false words.

"It seems that we need to call more workers, simply train, and carry out various circuit maintenance. During this time, we will start some factories first, make full use of heating equipment, and keep warm clothes. I don't want to see the phenomenon of freezing. ”

The destruction outside is only a serious metal smelting and chemical industry, and there are more factories in the ground. It is no technical difficulty to produce such heating equipment.

"This thing, I will do it immediately." Bi Jianping said quickly.

"Wait! There is still something." Luo Yuan also called Bi Jianping, seriously: "Now hope that the city is the heart of the people, we can not let the people do nothing in the dark, cranky, so easy to accident. Must let them move Get up, the specific way you go back and discuss with other people, even if it causes some material waste, it doesn't matter."

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