Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 472: wake

Of course, even if the situation deteriorates any more, the spacecraft in space reserves enough water for human consumption for decades, and the speed of the rescue ship can be completed within half a day.

However, less than the critical time, Luo Yuan will not use the water used for interplanetary voyages.

As a spaceship of the Bolivia, water is not only used to meet the needs of life, but also the fuel of the nuclear fusion furnace of the spacecraft. For the interplanetary voyage, the water resources will never be too small, not too much.

Even if this water is only for emergency use, it is still unclear whether it is possible to regain control of the spacecraft's resource extraction system and make up for water consumption in a year or two.

And if you stay on the planet, the danger will rise sharply.

The Bolivia is a race that is already an interstellar civilization. Human beings know too little about such high-level civilizations. In particular, its location is still in the neighboring world. It is even possible that the earth will act in its full range. In the test, Luo Yuan can not overestimate its danger, it is not an exaggeration.

It’s been sixty years since they’ve taken the first step toward the planet. For a long time in this 60-year period, how will science and technology take shape? If you think about the technological advances of humans for the past sixty years, you can make people shudder.

It is not impossible to study a curvature flight like him.

Perhaps at this time, a more powerful and faster super-velocity curvature spacecraft or fleet has left their parent star and re-entered the road to conquer the earth.

The time left for humans may not be sufficient!

The risk involved in this is not to be fortunate. Even if there is a hint of possibility, Luo Yuan will not dare to take risks in the life and death of all mankind.

It is imperative to leave the earth!


At the meeting at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, I hope that all the top leaders of the city will gather together.

Compared with Luo Yuangang’s mayor’s meeting, today’s high-level meeting, in addition to the far-reaching spaceship, Bi Jianping, and three more, the original three administrative districts, thus divided into six administrative districts.

The reason for this is not only because the population of Hope City has almost doubled before the disaster, but because of many considerations. On the one hand, it is used to resettle the extra population, the other is also a large number of government personnel who are resettled in the remaining three cities, and the head of the district (the mayor of the former three cities), respectively, is the district head of the unity district, Ma Lin, Shengli District Chang Zhangwei, Meng Hao, the district chief of the Dawn District, gave the level of deputy municipal level.

It can be said that apart from gathering in a city and administrative jurisdiction, the rest have not changed. This also allows the four cities to merge with each other and does not set off many waves.


At the meeting, Luo Yuan once again severely reiterated the security issue of Hope City.

I have to say that after the hope that the city has basically solved the problem of food and clothing, especially after the smooth planning of the migration, everyone including Luo Yuan is somewhat relaxed in the mentality, and some things can be completely avoided, but after the problem occurs, This has led to attention.

This has to make Luo Yuan wake up. Today's earth is not calm. Earthquakes, volcanoes occur, and after the moon is damaged by anti-material bombs, a large amount of debris is scattered, except for a small part flying into space, the larger part. Under the gravity of the earth, it is gradually flying to the earth.

These meteorites are only a few kilograms small, and the large ones are hundreds of millions of tons, or even tens of billions of tons. The former is too small, not worth mentioning. If it has not fallen, it will be burnt under the atmosphere, and the latter, It is enough to trigger a new round of disaster.

Although there is not a meteorite that has an impact on the city of hope, there are already sporadic meteorites falling nearby. Now hope that the city can still be safe in such a harsh environment, except Luo Yuan often enters space and occurs in disasters. Before, crushing the more dangerous meteorites, it must be said that it is luck. After all, the role of the individual is limited. Even if Luo Yuan’s strength is strong, he stays in space every day. Compared with the vast space, he is only a drop in the ocean. There will always be some fish that slip through the net.


At the end of the meeting, I hope that the various departments of the city will be like a gyro that has been pumped a whip, and it will run quickly and efficiently.

The experience of the mayor of the three months has made him gradually get used to it and shoulder the pressure and responsibility in this position.

For all departments of the government, everything from strangers to familiarity, from oysters to being handy, from a single-handed coward to a basic qualified leader, has to say that it is growing fast.

I didn't wait for the evening, and the solution was already on Luo Yuan's desk.

Luo Yuan quickly read it over and wrote it back. He wrote back a rewrite. This program needs to call a large number of construction machinery from the spacecraft. This will not only delay the reconstruction of the spacecraft, but also smash the sesame seeds. Watermelon, and Luo Yuan also hopes that a large unemployed population should also be active.

People do not suffer from unequalness and suffer from inequality!

It is not the big pot rice system that the city hopes to implement. A large number of unemployed people are doing nothing, bringing not only the hidden dangers of law and order, but also the living security of the unemployed people who are basically hungry and immortal.

Similarly, the large number of these people also makes the enthusiasm of the working people decline and breeds slackness. This is a problem that must be paid attention to. Now the human situation is far from being safe.

Not long after, the second plan was sent to the desk again.

The entire program, mobilizing nearly 30,000 to 500,000 people, the trucks called the construction machinery, about two hundred vehicles (this is now the only city in the hope that the city will be replaced by simple maintenance, but also can start the machinery)

The disparity in the number of mobilizations is entirely due to the limited mining tools, which must be produced and expanded. At the same time, the leather garment factory and the leather boots factory, which had been stopped with the improvement of heating, should be re-expanded. This will undoubtedly increase the number of jobs.

Luo Yuanjian had nothing to lose, he signed and agreed.

But even if the efficiency is higher, the formal action will have to wait for the next day. The winter in the night is colder than in the daytime. Even if you wear leather clothes, ordinary people can't stand it.

Luo Yuan looked at the time, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening, he packed up the documents, stood up from the seat, and ended the day's work.


Just entering the living room of the villa, Luo Yuan’s footsteps suddenly stopped.

Chen Jiayi, who had been lying in bed, was sitting in the living room, surrounded by people. She might have been in bed for a long time. She looked a little weak, and she was so weak and weak in her chair.

“When did you wake up?” Luo Yuan said with a surprise, stepping into the living room.

"It was discovered by Ye Qiuyu. I woke up when I was eating!" Zhao Yali said with a smile. The look of Chen Jiayi has become a heart disease for everyone. She woke up this time and made everyone feel pleasantly surprised.

“Jiayi yelled at you when he woke up. You honestly said, when did you start?” Huang Jiahui said with some ridiculousness.

When I heard Huang Jiahui’s jokes, Chen Jiayi was so shameful that she couldn’t help herself. Even her neck was a little red. Chen Jiayi, who had already eradicated parasitic moss, had completely returned to normal mood swings. It was no longer the state of the past that was unmoving.

Luo Yuan's old face is slightly unnatural. In order to treat Chen Jiayi's condition, her body can be touched a lot. At this time, it is a bit embarrassing to think of it.

"Don't say it!" Luo Yuan gently reprimanded his face.

Fortunately, Chen Jiayi, who was not in parasitization, was originally weak in character and blushing. Apart from Ye Qiuyu’s suspicion, other people did not doubt it.

"How is the situation now, can you go now?" Luo Yuan sat down on the side of Chen Jiayi, worried.

Seeing that Luo Yuan is close, Chen Jiayi is as shy as a mature apple, opened his mouth, and some of them can't speak, and finally Wang Xiaguang solved the problem.

"Not yet, listen to Dr. Ye said that she has been lying for too long, her muscles are shrinking and she needs rehabilitative training."

Luo Yuan suddenly looked at Ye Qiuyu: "Dr. Ye, this time is really hard, there are any requirements and needs to pay attention, as long as it can speed up her recovery, they can say it!"

Seeing myself, Ye Qiuyu can't hide invisible people among the people. She said quickly: "There is not much to pay attention to. The daily massage is normal, only need to add a physical rehabilitation exercise, and the other is Now her stomach is still a little shrinking, and she needs to eat a period of fluid food. After about a week, she can eat normally. If there are conditions, she can increase some high-level food intake, which will greatly speed up her recovery. ""

"High-grade food? There is no problem." Luo Yuan said in his heart, the meat powder left over from the past has already been consumed, but he is a better thing - eight-level energy crystal nucleus!

Compared to high-grade ingredients, this kind of thing is obviously more suitable for the weak Chen Jiayi.

There are Closing Energy nucleus. These nucleus were originally designed to enhance the quality of everyone, so as not to be accidentally injured by Luo Yuan in daily life. As a result, he was speechless. It has been nearly half a year, except one of them. There branched out, governments still have two.

It is quite durable!

The reason why the consumption is so slow is that every absorption of the energy nucleus will cause serious imbalances in the strength of each person, and these ordinary people cannot control the power like Luo Yuan, and they also need to take it every time. It took quite a while to adjust and adapt, and the time after the disaster was too busy, and it took a while, and the result was not used up until now.

"I am going to get the energy crystal nucleus!" Luo Yuan said, and said that he got up and prepared to go upstairs.

Listening to the four words of the energy nucleus, the eyes of the mutant people who have been nestling at the foot of Luo Yuan are not bright. Huo’s standing up, using his hands and feet, followed Luo Yuan’s upstairs.

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