Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 474: jobs

Waiting for Ye Qiuyu to feed Chen Jiayi and wipe her mouth, Luo Yuan called her: "Doctor Ye, come over!"

Ye Qiuyu did not know what it was, and quickly ran around: "Mayor Luo, you call me!"

"This is your share!" Luo Yuan picked up the remaining piece of energy crystal and handed it to her.

Ye Qiuyu looked at the almost completely transparent sheet, looked a glimpse, and then even breathed a little rush, but still quickly pushed away: "This ... this, Mayor Luo, this is too expensive!"

"Don't care so much, give it to you, just take it!" Luo Yuan patted her on the shoulder: "It's good to do things with your heart!"

This is the first time Luo Yuan has been in close contact with her body. The hot palm seems to penetrate the thin clothes and penetrates into the skin. Ye Qiuyu trembles and his face is slightly white, and then becomes red again.

At this point, her heart was a mess, and she didn't know what to do. She always thought about it. Sometimes, when she was a normal word, she would open it in her heart, smash it, and chew it repeatedly:

"Is this suggestion, what should I do? In the end, it is a rejection of words, a resolute absence, or a pretend not to understand, first accept it, or simply push the boat!"

Luo Yuan looked at her for a while, and her look changed. She thought that her face was tender and she couldn’t accept it. She couldn’t help but grab her hand and put the energy crystal in her hand: “Hold it!”

Ye Qiuyu stared at him, his body was sloppy, as if he had completely lost his thoughts. After a while, she only came back to God, but found that Luo Yuan had already walked to Chen Jiayi!

She bit her lip and loosened her hand. Looking at the thin, light, energy-free nucleus of the palm of her hand, she felt as if she was in a thousand miles.


In the early hours of the morning, a harsh ringing tone suddenly rang.

Cui Weichuan, who was still in his sleep, closed his eyes and was confused for a while. Suddenly, he was excited and completely awake.

Today is the first day of his work, but he can't be late. He quickly turns over and stops the alarm.

He was originally a grassroots civil servant in Desert City (Chapter 311). As a result, he was unfortunately hit a major earthquake. The entire desert city was buried underground. He came to Hope City as a refugee.

At that time, the city hoped that the city would accept a large number of refugees from all directions, and there were also public officials who were like him. It is impossible to assign a counterpart to each other.

After waiting for a few days, he was assigned to the first steelmaking plant in Hope City as the deputy section chief of the logistics department.

This profession is not bad. To some extent, he has even been promoted for a small step. He has always guessed that there are some off-site factors in the middle because he knows a big man, he and her daughter can Living in the city of hope, is also the rescue of this big man, perhaps considering this aspect, he was promoted.

That period may be insignificant for the big man, or even just knowing. For him, it is a possible turning point in life.

However, the good times did not last long. The disaster that destroyed the land a few months ago turned the factory where he was, into ashes.

He was lucky. He happened to be a white shifter that day, not at the factory, so he was lucky to survive.

During that time, the entire city of hope was chaotic and dark, crying all night long, the whole city of hope for the city to wear filial piety, and some people vented because of despair of the future, and occasionally can hear gunshots on the streets.

This is his most fearful day. He and his baby daughter are all shrunk in this hut, and they dare not go out for a few days.

Fortunately, in such a day, it did not last for a few days, everything began to improve, the city order gradually recovered, and the light returned to the city of hope, but since then, he has completely lost his job.

The days of unemployment are quite difficult. He can only line up to go to the public welfare canteen to fill his stomach every day. Although he will not starve to death, it is impossible to eat or eat. Even if you want to buy some small items for your family, you have to think about it again and again.

As a newly migrated refugee, his savings are not many, and there are very few left now.

In the face of this poor life, he can bear it, but he does not want his daughter to suffer with him, and in the boarding school, he is discriminated against by other students.

He must have a job!

Fortunately, after the end of the world, learning is completely free, otherwise he can't afford the daughter's tuition.

He walked into the bathroom, washed his face, brushed his teeth, cleaned up his personal hygiene, then went to the closet, took out all the clothes he could wear, put it on one piece, the job, need to be in the cold In the field, he must pay attention to keep warm.

He put on all the clothes he could wear, and he suddenly gave birth to a hot sweat. He wanted to take off a few pieces, but if he thought about it, he would take a few steps and wait until the ground floor, where there is only one layer. The temperature will drop a lot.

Finally, he pulled out a fur coat and leather gloves and leather boots, put them on his hands and closed the closet.

This three-piece cold-proof set is quite heavy, especially the fur coat, which weighs more than 20 pounds. The outer layer of light is a layer of animal skin, which is as thick as 3.5 millimeters. The inner lining is a soft red hair like a flame. Even if it is cold again, it seems to be holding a heater.

At the beginning, Cui Weichuan bought a limited number of cold-proof clothing, and in a minus 30-degree environment, a team that had been in a row for one day, finally bought his and her daughter’s clothes in the hands of the salesperson, and spent the last time Most of the savings.

But before he even waited for a few days, he regretted it. As the heating lights gradually spread to every corner of Hope City, the temperature gradually became warmer like spring, so the expensive leather clothes became the decorations in the closet. Every time he saw it, he was distressed and convulsed.

But when everything is a drink, this work clearly requires that you should bring your own leather clothes. At this time, Cui Weichuan also has to feel that he has a foresight.

This work, the compensation is quite high, three times the ordinary work, and he was hired as the captain because of the management experience of the previous work, managing one hundred people, the salary is twice that of ordinary workers, and the days will come again. It’s not like this.

He closed the door, walked out of the house, and soon came to the basement.

This layer of disaster has collapsed, but it was later repaired, and now you can see the traces of cement repair.

He found that he was not the earliest, and there were hundreds of people earlier than him. Now part of the space has been transformed into an open-air canteen, and these people are eating breakfast.

Smell the smell of food, Cui Weichuan could not help but drum, he immediately went to the window sill and made a copy.

In the chat with the chef, he got good news. The food here is not limited. In these days, Cui Weichuan ate half a day and was not full of food. The pain of his life was over, and now he can finally eat well.

During his meal, more and more people came, and the originally cold and canteen quickly became a crowded voice.

At his dinner table, he was gradually filled with people.

"Hey, Cui Kechang!"

"Ah, Laohu, you are here too." Cui Weichuan looked up and found that he was a colleague of his department.

"If you don't come, there is no way to do it. Now there is a mouthful of food here." Lao Hu said with a smile, he looked like a beard and scum. Obviously, during this time, he was also quite lonely.

"Who is not the same, this is my first time to eat!" Cui Weichuan also felt the same.

"You said, how many people have come today?" Laohu looked at the canteen and was so confused.

"One or two thousand!"

"I don't know, at least there are more than 30,000. Have you heard about it? The groundwater is running out quickly, otherwise why should I go to the ice and snow to mine ice?" Old Hu suddenly said mysteriously.

"This can not be said indiscriminately!" Cui Weichuan said quickly: "Be careful to be heard, not to mention that there is now Mayor Luo, afraid of anything, even if the aliens are solved by him, afraid of no water."

The old Hu has shrunk his neck, and some are afraid. Now he hopes that the city is still in martial law. There is no freedom of speech to say this. Once you are suspected of swearing * rioting, or passing * 谣, there is nothing to eat: "You Look at me, this big mouth is used to it, I can't change it, eat, eat!"

"Have your daughter read the first grade?" After a while, Lao Hu asked again.

"Yeah, go home once a week and find that they are all fat." Speaking of her daughter, Cui Weichuan could not help but show a smile.

"Of course, fat, the school's meals are not comparable to our public welfare canteen, there is no limit," said the old Hu.


As time goes by, people continue to increase.

By the time of six o'clock in the morning, a team of heavily armed military police and a large number of public officials presiding over the work began to enter the first floor.

"The workers of the 1st Brigade, gather on my side!"

"The workers of the 2nd Brigade, gather on my side!"

"The 3rd Brigade..."


"The 32nd Brigade..."

"I will take a step first!" Hearing the team he belonged to, Cui Weichuan said, and quickly stood up and rushed over.


"All the squadron leaders are listed, organize their teams, and report."


The workers in the reconstruction area were both workers and reserve workers. Almost everyone had military training. In just a few minutes, the workers who had been huddled together in a mess were listed as a square!

With the opening of the steel door of the export, the black-pressed workers stepped out of the underground city.

"Hey, it's so cold!" The gas that came out of his mouth turned into tiny pieces of ice, and Cui Weichuan tightened his clothes and couldn't help but start to tremble.

The sky was dark and dark, as if it were full of ink. This was the first time he had gone outside since the disaster. He had previously estimated the cold outside, but he did not expect it to be so cold.

Even wearing a thick leather coat, the chill still can't stop drilling into the bones.

He touched the high spirits in his arms. Here, in order to protect the cold, he was released free of charge before departure. Originally, he still felt that he could not use it at all. At this time, he could not help but want to take a sip, but he just thought about it. Today, I have to spend a few days. This half-pound of spirits can not bear a few mouthfuls.

The fifteenth battalion arrived in the selected area and stopped.

"I know that everyone is cold, I will make a long story short!" The captain took out the iron horn and shouted: "This working condition will be quite difficult. Many people may feel regret now.

I know that many people have already received the wind or guessed, but unfortunately, this situation is the same as everyone guessed, and hopes that the city's groundwater is on the verge of exhaustion.

If you want the city to have no water, I think everyone knows the consequences.

So this time the work is not just a mere work, it is also for you, for the whole hope city, you have no possibility of withdrawing!

Now that ice mining has officially begun, each team leader leads your team members and comes here to bring tools. ”

During the talk, the two trucks have stopped here, and the workers on the truck have thrown the tools down.

Cui Weichuan did not expect to be guessed by Lao Hu. He was heavy in his heart. He greeted the players in his team. He received tools and the tools for mining ice were quite simple. Each team received three ropes tied with thick metal piles. To crush the ice, a lot of iron, five wooden snowmobiles.

As for the construction machinery such as excavators, there is no one at all.

Even the trucks, throwing away the tools, quickly drove off. The entire brigade was divided into two trucks, each of which was invaluable. In this cold weather, it was impossible to stay outside. Ice cubes are only transported to the basement level by sleds and will be loaded onto trucks.

Mining began very quickly.

Cui Weichuan assigned a good job, took the lead and everyone lifted the metal pile and began to lick the ice.

The metal pile is 30 centimeters thick and weighs 800 kilograms. It is lifted with the ropes and the rest of the four people. Each person must bear a load of at least 160KG. Without a single force, it will not lift.

Fortunately, I followed Luo Yuan all the way to the city of hope, high-grade food did not eat less, so that his strength is quite good.

However, with great strength, he is just an ordinary person. The work of licking ice is quite tired. Not only does it need to keep calling the number, the ice layer is hard and incredible.

It often takes more than a dozen to crack, and it will be broken hundreds of times before it will eventually be broken, and then change to another place. This broken ice is naturally mined by others, filled with snowmobiles, sent to basement one.

However, there is a good thing, that is, it doesn't feel cold anymore, but it is a hot sweat, but it is almost noon, and the spirit of the arms, he did not drink a bite.

This was a sudden commotion in the distance, and one of the workers suddenly stopped.

"How come suddenly stop?" Cui Weichuan almost flashed down, and suddenly said some unpleasant, such a heavy metal pile, rushed to stop, will know the accident.

The other party said with excitement, he was full of red light, his face full of excitement: "Mayor Luo, the mayor of Luo came here to inspect!"

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