Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 482: Interests and interests

In the early morning of the next day, less than three o'clock, Luo Yuan got up early and went to the wild to search for it.

Regrettably, however, he found nothing more, perhaps the clones found yesterday were already survivors.

After returning to Hope City, Luo Yuan took the female clone back from Lin Feiyan and Wu Qianru for the first time. Although the two women were reluctant, under the power, the two weak struggles had no effect.

Asked the other party number, Luo Yuan was surprised to find that this female clone was actually a special clone of this group of clones with a rare number of three abilities.

In addition to the fusion body, she also possesses the ability of material dissociation and plasma defense. With these two abilities, it is no wonder that she can survive in this disaster.

In order to test their abilities, Luo Yuan deliberately took a long time to take this group of clones and went to the wilderness.

A group of children stood together, this female clone named Luo Yu by Luo Yuan, obviously higher than the other five, and the body is no different from normal children, just a little bit on it.

In fact, this is normal. After all, compared to the other five people, at least Luo Yu can occasionally find some food in the past few months. Even if he just drinks water, he can barely survive. Unlike the other five people, there is no water. It can only be done.

Fortunately, the resilience of the powerful body of fusion, these are only temporary.

After a short day of rest and ample food, the rest of the five people have become rich and abundance. Although they are still like refugees, they have at least seen a living person, not a group of small dead bodies.

It is estimated that after another ten days and a half, their bodies will return to normal.


Luo Yuan's first test project was their speed, but after they announced the run, they found that they seemed hesitant and uneasy until he encouraged them several times before they started to run.

The result was a mess, except for Luo Yu, which was a little better, and the others didn’t seem to run at all. Three of them didn’t run a few steps, and they fell inexplicably, just like children who just tried to learn to run.

Looking at their poor athletic ability, Luo Yuan first brows and wrinkles, and then thinks a little.

In theory, they are really children, not even one year old, but they are not ordinary people. They are born with amazing power and balance. When they are in the crib, they can break the railing and be born for a few days. I have learned to walk.

Even if you don't teach anything, you can learn to run quickly.

Can run like this, combined with the uneasy attitude of these clones, Luo Yuan guessed that this is the laboratory's ability to suppress their activities, he asked, and found out that it is.

The lab has drawn countless rules and regulations and strictly controlled their behavior to train their discipline.

For example, if you walk normally, you are forbidden to make troubles, you must not cry, you must not run, and you are forbidden to use... and also have a lot of punishments.

Speaking from verbal criticism, but confinement, although there is no corporal punishment, it is enough to bring fear to these immature children. Together with these children growing up in the laboratory, it is completely white. Paper, even if there is a strong force in the air, in this environment, it will only be tamed to obey the post.

In fact, the reason why you can do this is to understand that the laboratory is so big and the space for activities is limited. If you let this group of abnormal running, I am afraid that the laboratory built with metal is not enough for them to toss, plus Many of the laboratories are researchers and ordinary people. Once a collision occurs, it can only be the end of a serious bone injury.


This run seems to break the imprisonment in their hearts. Except for the fear and uneasiness at the beginning, they soon became more and more excited. For example, the wild horses that were dislocated, although they were ugly, they fell to the ground from time to time. But it does not detract from the excitement in their hearts.

And their balance and learning ability is really strong, almost progressing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At first, they were just young children who had just tried to run. In just a few minutes, they had already run the same model, and the speed was getting faster and faster. When Luo Yuan stopped, the fastest Luo Yu running, running. The speed has exceeded 80 meters per second.

This should not be the limit, but the high-speed running of this high wind resistance, the skills are more complicated, can not adapt in a short time, while the light weight, facing the buoyancy generated at high speed, also limits the climb to higher speed.

Next, Luo Yuan tested their strength, this time is much simpler than running.

There is no suspense, the most powerful is Luo Yu, her strength is about 11 tons.

As for the rest of the five small, because the body has not recovered, and her gap is huge, but the weakest can also pick up three tons of weight, the strongest is about four tons, perhaps the age is still small, there is no deliberate exercise The gap between them is not large, and the capabilities of all aspects are relatively average. They are neither particularly prominent nor particularly weak.

But by the ability test, this gap is revealed.

Some people know nothing about their own evolutionary ability, and they have a lot of faces, such as Luo Lie (flame) and Luo Guang (laser) and Luo Wei (laser), they don’t even know that they still own Other abilities.


Of course, some people have long been accustomed to the use of capabilities, such as Luo Kong, he was born not long after, in an occasional discovery that he can teleport.

Luo Yu, when the disaster occurred, under the threat of death, spontaneously released the ability, but after the stupid life, she never tried, and did not have this mentality.

Luo Yuan noticed that this group of clones did not seem to have any special interest in their unexplained evolutionary ability. More is just doubts and sorrow.

Perhaps for this group of innate powers, power is inherently instinctual, just as normal as drinking water, coupled with the constant living in a peaceful environment and deliberate guidance in the laboratory, causing them to be fundamental to power. There is no strong pursuit.

One more ability, one less ability, is no different for them.

Luo Yuan had the heart to instill the importance of power, but in the end he thought about it or didn't say anything.

The times are different!

As the threat of mutant beasts has disappeared, humans are about to enter space. Unless they are so powerful, they will only become weaker and weaker.

And it is easier to want to be strong to Luo Yuan. Diligence, talent, and even luck are indispensable. Even if these people are clones of Luo Yuan, the probability is low and poor.

His strength has long been measured not only by attributes or evolutionary abilities.

Without cohesive will and four-dimensional vision, he will not be able to fly with curvature, without foresight. In the space battlefield not long ago, he has already turned into fly ash. These abilities, each of which is an important component of his strength, lack Any one of his strengths will be greatly reduced.

And these clones, to reach his point of view, can only say that the odds are embarrassing.

Therefore, it is better to let them develop their interests according to their intention to train them into a chicken.

Next, Luo Yuan accompanied them to freely move in the wild to cultivate the "father and son" feelings, until noon, a group of children reluctantly returned to the city of hope.


"I will wait to go to work, I will come back at night, and you will stay at home, right, what gifts you want, and bring them to you at the time." After being sent home, Luo Yuan asked them before. .

"Dad, can you bring us some books back, do we have a book in our room?" Several children glanced at each other, and finally Luo said with great courage, the female intuition made her clearly feel that Dad was right. Her attitude with Luo Yu is obviously better than their brothers.

"Book?" Luo Yuan wondered: "What books do you want?"

"What books are fine, preferably high school textbooks." Luo squinted and said, a pair of big eyes, with her skinny face, looks like an alien, there is a kind of I see you feel.

Compared with the male clones, as a minority of women, her appearance gene was deliberately optimized by Luo Yuan, such as Luo Wei, although it is not too thin, it is not obvious, but from the distribution of the five senses, it is clearly the beauty of the embryo.

Luo Yuan looks blank. These are still children: "You all study high school courses? But you are still so small."

"Professor said that we are all geniuses, I have studied the second year of high school." Luo Yu also began to say.

"Hey, I have been in high school. The professor said, I am the smartest." Luo Kong is not to be outdone.

Luo Yuan thinks about what he is doing when he is less than a year old, dragging the blessing of a powerful memory. He remembers that he was still breastfeeding at that time, and he would not even say anything, and then look at this group of his "children".

This is going against the sky!

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