Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 485: Not dead

The brain of this behemoth is completely beyond understanding compared to the fragile brain of ordinary creatures.

The brain is very tough, ten times stronger than rubber, and the hardness is almost the same as that of the rock. It is no wonder that this group has millions of tons of brains under the gravity of the earth, and there is no damage.

But no matter what, the brain is still the most vulnerable position of the creature.

Luo Yuan’s body instantly broke through the inside, and the next moment he slammed a punch.

Can not describe the destructive power of this boxing, just a moment, a huge white hot flame, suddenly blasted from the center, while the terrible kinetic energy oscillated the entire brain, destroying the brain structure of the behemoth.

Luo Yuan did not dare to care, and continued to punch, not breathing time, the beast's brain has been smashed into a paste.

The huge body of the behemoth suddenly trembled, and the airflow oscillated. If it was the last struggle before death, it was full of blazing light, like a small sun.

The intense energy radiation makes the surrounding ice and snow rapidly vaporize. Under an invisible force, its huge body gradually floats.

However, at this time its brain has already been destroyed, and only the body's instinct is left to support its action.

I saw it with wide eyes, eyesless and sluggish, nose and nose bleeding, even the eyes have blood oozing, miserable, it opened a large mouth, a light blue high-temperature smoke, slow Slowly overflowing from the mouth, but no sound is emitted.

It only floated for a few seconds and flew upwards for dozens of meters. Its body crashed rapidly, and the heavy slammed on the ground, making a loud bang, and the whole ground was beating.

It struggled constantly, trying to stand up, but lost the brain, its balance has been completely lost, so that this behavior can only become futile.

Luo Yuan flew out of the behemoth's brain and looked at it with no expression.

From the end of the world to the present, the space beast has estimated that the number of births from the whole earth is no more than ten. From the ordinary life before evolution to the extraordinary creatures that can now swim in space, each one is the winner in the competition of all things.

They not only have a strong flesh, but also have the extraordinary wisdom of distinguishing ordinary mutant beasts. They are miracles of life evolution, accidents under a huge base, but for the human race, the more powerful mutant beasts, the more human beings survive. Obstruction.

There is no pity in his heart!

Since the disaster, I hope that the city will no longer have a source of meat. Three meals a day, including himself and only vegetarian food, will plummet in living conditions. If this mutant animal is completely inedible, he would like to wait for his death and cut the body. , transported to the city of hope by spacecraft. Such a pile of meat mountain, even if you want the city's five million population, each person is enough to divide two tons and eat for a year.

But even without meat, this monster can still get some good things.

Not to mention the precious materials that he can choose, he said that the energy nucleus in the body... In fact, Luo Yuan has always been very curious, how does this source of space behemoth energy come from, and how to drive this incredible The huge size of the body, carrying out a variety of life activities.

Since the last space monster that he encountered on the moon, and acquired a skin, Luo Yuan has made it clear that not every space creature has the ability to nuclear fusion like him. It can survive in space. And have terrible power from other ways.

Take that epidermis as an example. Its cells are tough, fine, and large. Each cell is almost five times as large as humans. The mitochondria is also more than normal, and there are some special structures that are estimated to be released.

However, Luo Yuan found that the energy generated by this kind of cells could not achieve this kind of driving force. Perhaps these cells are strong enough to support terrible weight, but they are far from supporting their terrible destructive ability.

This shows that this creature must have an energy center that is different from the mitochondria.

Moreover, this energy center must be distinguished from the ordinary energy crystal nucleus, which can only be used as an energy reserve, but a true energy core.

Luo Yuan can't imagine how much energy can be released from this energy core, but if you think about driving this huge body of 10 million tons of weight and flying into space, the energy released at any moment is estimated to be no less than one. Three Gorges Hydropower Station.

For a creature, this is undoubtedly shocking.

Luo Yuan has some time to wait to understand this mysterious creature.

It is a pity that this behemoth is constantly struggling, and there is no sign of fatigue. He can only press his heart and wait patiently.

It was a pity that I waited for an hour, and this behemoth did not die completely. Don't say death, even the struggling movement did not have a tendency to exhaustion.

This terrible vitality in the body seems to allow it to persist forever. If it does not destroy the head, but other important parts such as the heart, I am afraid it will not be fatal.

Luo Yuan continued to wait for three hours, but until the sky was dark, the movement of this behemoth was still not much different from the previous one. It was not like a brain-dead life.

He looked at the huge movements of the behemoth's unconscious struggle, and the melting of snow and ice caused by the enormous energy emitted by the body, resulting in the formation of a lake nearby.

Luo Yuan thought about it or decided not to take risks. After all, this behemoth has completely failed to survive. Death is a matter of time.

In this case, it is better to wait patiently for a while.


Luo Yuan returned to Hope City, handled the documents owed for one afternoon, and returned home at 7 pm.

When I walked into the living room, I found two strange women in my family.

"What are these two?" Luo Yuan wondered.

"Isn't this the family teacher you asked?" Huang Jiahui said with no anger, his heart is difficult.

"Oh, it turned out to be two of them." Luo Yuan was amazed, but he called Cheng Guanghui to arrange two tutors, and did not ask him to find two young and beautiful women. Obviously, this journey has some self-assertion.

However, since I have invited it, it is not easy to return.

He was not afraid of the shadow, and he sat down beside him and asked: "The two have waited for a long time, what are the names of the two of you?"

"No, my name is Zhou Xiaoyan!"

"My name is Sun Feifei!"

In the face of Luo Yuan, the two women were obviously nervous, and they replied in a hurry.

"In the future, you will go to class during the day and you can go back at night. If you pay, you will get 100 yuan a month." Luo Yuan thought about it. One hundred yuan a month is a good treatment. Today, one hundred yuan is not the former. One hundred, the yuan here should in fact talk about the jin and the grain, but because of the habit, most of them speak the yuan. One hundred yuan is a hundred pounds of food stamps. The treatment is higher than the ordinary civil servants, enough to make the family of three good.

There is nothing dissatisfied with the two women.

"Go back today and go to work tomorrow."

Luo Yuan did not ask their abilities and academic qualifications. Although Cheng Guanghui made his own claims and made him slightly dissatisfied, he believed that the other party would not fool him.

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