Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 591: Human era (1)

A life planet located in the cantilever of the Southern Cross of the Milky Way.

The dawn of technology has pierced the long darkness. The civilization of this planet has entered a stage of rapid development. Over the past 100 years, they have entered the mechanical power from human and animal power, from the cold weapon era, to the hot weapon. The times are accompanied by a terrible war.

For more than a hundred years, all the countries in this planet are either in war or in preparation for war.

Since the Second World War, it has only lasted for more than twenty years of peace. The war between the two major alliances of the East and the West broke out again. The city was blown into ruins, farmland was burned, and countless soldiers and civilians died.

Especially in the second year of the war, both East and West developed nuclear weapons in unison, and a more terrible nuclear war came.

The war lasted only three years. The death toll of this civilization has exceeded 500 million, accounting for one-eighth of the total world population. Every month, several nuclear bombs landed around the world, bursting with glare from hell. .

The war has gradually evolved into an unprecedented massacre. No one is the victor of the war. But now, the two major alliances of the two sides have been riding hard, and they have to gnash their teeth. After all, no one wants to show their weakness. Losing everything, like two brawny people who are desperately fighting each other, waiting for who can't support it first.

According to the normal development process, this world war may support for several months to half a year until one party completely falls.

But a message from an extraterrestrial civilization has brought this peace ahead of time. Every country is innocent and the war can no longer be continued.

The soldiers on the front line were quickly recalled, and the heads of the major powers also put aside their guards and began to meet frequently and exchange views. If this message proves to be true, meaning that they will completely lose their parent star, compared to this, this battle for parental hegemony is undoubtedly absurd and ironic.

This is a sensational demolition notice from extraterrestrial civilization:

"Respected the aborigines in the star system of CA80800087."

I am sorry to inform you that your galaxy is unfortunately located at the node of the interstellar highway and has been identified by the Supreme Academy of Sciences as likely to interfere with the operation of the Stargate. To ensure the normal operation of the Interstellar Highway and improve the traffic conditions of the entire Milky Way, With the official approval of the Human Empire Government, our department decided to destroy the galaxies.

As for the CA80800087 stellar aborigines, we entrusted a third party, the nearby Ryder civilization, to assist in relocating to the CA80800134 galaxy outside Baiguang years after five years, and to provide certain compensation, if it is inconvenient for everyone. And trouble, please forgive me.

Hereby notice

The Human Empire hopes that the City Stargate Construction Engineering Corporation Demolition Department

The Human Age July 21, 4335"

The content of the information is irritating and chilling, and at the same time it is so absurd. But this is by no means a mischief of someone or a peace organization, because this message appears directly in everyone’s mind, with billions of people in the entire civilization, with no exception, and the extraterrestrial civilization that can achieve this ability is naturally destroyed. The power of the entire civilization.

They are just a backward civilization that can only be rolled in the mother star, facing the behemoths that wander in the sea of ​​stars, and even preparing to build a powerful civilization of the interstellar highway. They are weak like an ant, and people can’t afford it. The idea of ​​rebellion, all they can do is accept the fate.

However, the emergence of extraterrestrial civilizations also made the post-war countries feel the crisis of ethnic survival for the first time. Under such pressure, their differences were quickly eliminated. After countless negotiations and compromises, three years later, The civilization of this planet was unified after the war.


Five years later, a huge fleet arrived on time and pressed the entire galaxy.

"The adults from the powerful civilization, as we are humble, we are very grateful for your assistance. Our eyes can only see one inch away, but we never know that there are so many civilizations in this galaxy, and we have never heard of the great justice of Ryder. Civilization, since hearing the message of the human empire, we have been uneasy for a moment and worried about the future of civilization. We are eager to know the situation of this galaxy and what kind of civilization is human beings? Can we answer the humble question for us?” The first head of the civilization received a grand reception from the Ryder civilization. At the banquet, he asked the side of the battle.

The officials of the Ryder civilization looked at him proudly and saw that in this outdated civilization, privately presented a lot of precious metals. He said faintly: "I know what civilizations like you want to know most? Actually, you also Don't worry, most of the stars in this cosmic space can't give birth. For a civilization like ours, for a long time, you don't have to worry about the resource constraints on the development of civilization. Therefore, in general, this galaxy It is peaceful, as long as it is not too close to the two, no civilization will wage war with a backward civilization like you!"

"As for the human empire!" When he said this, his face became a little dignified, and the subconscious lowered his voice and said: "In fact, we don't know much about this powerful civilization. This civilization is quite mysterious. Before we were all It’s unheard of. The reason why we helped you move this time is also the message of receiving this civilization!”

"How is it possible that you are so powerful, how can there be civilizations that send information to your brain without knowing it?" The heads of civilization are somewhat out of order. According to the other party’s words, they are from here. More than three thousand light years of the star field, it took only ten years to get here. This means that the speed of their warships is at least three times the speed of light, which is almost as ridiculous as the myth, but in the face of this mysterious human empire, the powerful Ryder civilization in their eyes seems equally small.

"But that's the truth! Maybe in their eyes, we are not essentially different from you." Perhaps it was empathy. The Ryder official looked at the head of this backward civilization and couldn't help but sigh. He sighed. Shaking his head: "According to this civilized practice, we speculate that this may already be the galaxy, the most powerful civilization, a super civilization!"

After all, the interstellar speed of light that humans are about to build can shorten the scale of the Milky Way to a narrow range. This is not only to improve the traffic of the Milky Way, but also to point the muzzle at the door of civilization. There is no horizontal pressure on the strength of all the civilizations of the Milky Way, and you don’t even have to think about it.

Ps: It’s coming to an end, there are two chapters left.

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