Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 80: In order to be alive

In the sky above the sea of ​​fire, three large bombers still throw a piece of cloud bombs like the dumplings below. The flames of the big regiments continue to rise, the sea of ​​fire expands rapidly, the shock wave of terror, in the air. Formed a circle of spectacular arc-shaped waves, even the clouds of high altitude, have been washed away!

In just one minute, the three bombers dropped nearly a hundred cloud bombs. So many cloud bombs exploded together. The area of ​​a few kilometers was suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire. The power of the explosion was almost equivalent to one. A small equivalent of atomic bomb.

The cloud bomb is known as the "sub-nuclear bomb". Because of its amazing power, and the deceased often suffer from suffocation or death from high temperatures, the death is extremely miserable. Every appearance is widely condemned by public opinion. With the development of the times, this cruel weapon has been Like the chemical weapons, it was banned by the United Nations, but now it not only appears again, but it really happened in front of him, giving him an unreal feeling.

Hedong City has always been relatively stable, there has not been a large-scale crisis, coupled with the recent increasing population pressure in Hedong City, in addition to the rural areas near the fortifications have been relocated, a slightly safe suburb gathered a large population .

Even if there is now a mutant beast, there are still a lot of survivors still there.

His face was pale and scary. He knew that if it was not forced, the military would not make such a terrible attack, because as long as there is a trace of people who understand that once the war is over, public opinion or public anger is enough to drown anyone.

Has Hedong been forced to such an extent?

Even if he is strong enough to fight with the blue-level mutant beast, he feels desperate and confused about the future. Personal strength, under such a turbulent general trend, seems so insignificant, can not be defeated, once the Hedong City fell ......

Luo Yuanmu looked for a moment, turned to the huge head, and walked a few steps and was thrown to the ground by a concrete, and even the knife went out.

He stood up again, picked up his knife, and his hand trembled a little. Then, the whole body began to tremble. It was strong because it was not desperate. When the pressure of terror and the desperation that did not see the hope were constantly approaching, there was no People can maintain a normal state of mind!

He took a deep breath and was calm and calm.

He figured out a bullet that was smelted into a deep blue grade, then skillfully pressed into the clip and snapped the trigger against the wall.


After a blast, the wall suddenly showed a hole!

Luo Yuan carefully looked at it in the past. The hole is almost the same as the diameter of the bullet. It is transparent before and after, and the edges are smooth and delicate, indicating that the bullet has strong penetrating power and no deformation at all. He nodded slightly and continued to synthesize!

A few minutes later, a pile of white jade bullets piled up on the ground.

He waited until he synthesized the shuttle of Master Wang to the dark blue level, and he stood up.

He must do something, can't go on like this anymore, he looks far away, his face shows a hint of hesitation, but it doesn't take long for him to show a firm look.

The world has become more and more dangerous, more and more strange, and there is no longer a place of absolute security. Instead of hiding in Tibet, hiding in the dark corner, waiting for the coming of death, it is better to take a risk.

This crisis is not an opportunity for him. The rare blue-class mutant beast is now seen everywhere, and quite a few have been seriously injured, and it’s only a last breath.

As long as it can... trigger the mission!

Any reason for the system to release is always a mystery, but in any case, the system can not release the task for no reason.

After such a long time, Luo Yuan also faintly summed up some rules. He had been speculating before, and many tasks were related to killing the mutant beast after the change, and he confirmed.

Whether the system is an unusually developed technology or an unknown mysterious force, it is always necessary to observe the conservation of energy, and the energy that flows into the system itself after each upgrade cannot come out of thin air.

Before the change, each task was mostly separated by several months, and as the level of itself increased, the interval time became longer and longer. He guessed that these energies should come from themselves before the change. At that time, his appetite began to increase greatly. In addition to his own consumption, some of the energy is likely to be collected by the system for upgrading.

After the change, the task release becomes frequent. The biggest possibility is that before the mutant beast is dying, there will be some special energy absorbed by the system. This is also the system that always encounters a powerful mutant beast. The reason for publishing the task.

The task of publishing is that the situation is the means, and letting the host evolve is the essence. And to evolve, you need the host to collect energy.

He found a roll of tape and carefully tied the cuffs of his trousers. Now he is already outside the wild, full of dangerous and erratic beasts. Any carelessness can be fatal. He is not in a hurry to go out because Now my heart is not quiet, I am not at peace!

He found a position to sit down, slashing a knife on the carpet and cutting a soft carpet.

I began to wipe the blade, over and over again, and as I wiped it over and over again, his heart slowly calmed down, and the body's scent became weaker and weaker. He finally stood up slowly until he finally became unkind.

He walked silently, stepping out of the villa lightly, and there was only half of the body's mutant frog at the door of the community. He was lying still on the ground. If he didn't look at his body, he occasionally twitched. Anyone thought it was dead.

Luo Yuan silently leaned on the past, and the horse's knives in his hand pierced into his head with lightning, and he stirred hard, and the intense pain caused the frog to smash the frog, returning to the light and opening his eyes. Before it launched the final blow, Luo Yuan had a ghostly exit of more than ten meters. He never looked at the mutant frog again, and he kept walking towards the outside of the community.


On the street, a huge wild boar is moving its body step by step. Its body is covered with holes swept by machine guns. The black fur has been stained with blood. It is screaming in the mouth and constantly in the nostrils. Two white air emerged, and two green eyes with fists were carefully turned around.

On the third floor of the nearby office building, the glass suddenly broke, and with the broken glass, there was a black figure. Still in the air, the knife has been sheathed, and the next moment, the blue blade flies past the skull of the mutant beast.

The black figure jumped to the ground and the body was like a spring, shooting away from the distance.

Until then, the mutant beast reacted. It stopped in anger and wanted to turn around to find the human who provoked it. But the head just moved, the skull slowly slipped down from the neck, and a blood column was in the chest. The tremendous pressure suddenly spurred out.

In the distance, Luo Yuan leaned against the corner of the wall and gasped for breath!

"The tenth blue-level mutant beast, completed three E-level missions, has not been so crazy for a long time! Now as long as you complete a task, you can upgrade!" Luo Yuan mouth reveals a smile, flashing .

Perhaps it is the reason why the mutant beast has been injured more or less. This time, no matter how beautiful he is, the three mission evaluations are average, but he also brings him 4,800 experience points, plus the rest of the previous, now he The experience value has already been 8900/9600, and the upgrade has only 700 points of experience.

After a few minutes, when the wild boar gradually disappeared, he carefully walked over, his mouth aimed at the headless neck, and began to swallow blood with a big mouth.

Bloody salty squid with a slight sweetness, after several times of eating, he has gradually adapted to this taste, and even can distinguish the difference in the taste of each mutant animal.

As the blood continued to swallow, his body gradually became hot and red, and the originally consumed power began to recover quickly. The mutant animal contains a large amount of active energy that ordinary food does not have, and is the last physical recovery method.

If it is not so strong, he can't support such a long battle, even if it is only a few seconds in the real battle, but the state of complete explosion, leaving no room, is also a huge load for his poor constitution.

However, he was somewhat disappointed that even if he drank so many blood of the mutant beast, he still did not evolve. He could only say that his luck was really bad.

After a while, his strength has once again returned to its peak. He lifted his knife and walked forward in the street.

In ten minutes, he suddenly stopped and turned and walked quickly toward the corner of the pedestrian street.

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