Author: Return of the Mad Ghost


"A man cannot know a hundred words, and a tree cannot know a hundred axes. After the broadcast of Qingman, he was nicknamed Qinman by countless people. After careful consideration in the whole compound, there was not a single good person. Countless resentments gathered and countless people appeared. In the parallel world, He Yuliang in the new century just said: They are all a bunch of things who deserve to be beaten!

As a result, it was arranged by God. He Yuliang looked at his hands with a confused look on his face: Time travel is okay, I have no complaints, but do you understand the rules? Where is my golden finger?

Master: The golden finger will arrive immediately..."

Chapter 1 He Yuliang

"Cry, cry, cry, woo woo woo..."

"...Go to the frontier! Go to the place where the motherland needs..."

He Yuliang's head was "buzzing". The hangover last night made his whole body achy today, and he felt that the house was shaking.

Without opening his eyes, He Yuliang rubbed his temples and muttered to himself: "Why did the square dance change the music today? Isn't it the unbeatable Phoenix Legend?"

Open your eyes!

"Shit! You must be dreaming!" He Yuliang closed his eyes again, and when he opened them again, it was still the same scene.

The people in the car were all wearing military uniforms, but the military uniforms were a bit strange, they were style 55!

Which crew is this kind of large-scale dressing? Also, who can explain to me why I'm on the train?

Also, where is the camera? Are you violating human rights by filming a reality show like this?

"Platoon leader! Platoon leader! What's wrong with you?" A young man in military uniform next to him asked with concern, shaking He Yuliang's hand.

"Call me?" He Yuliang pointed to his nose.

The young man put his hand on He Yuliang's head: "I told you, platoon leader, that you shouldn't have drank the wine you had yesterday. Look! Are you drunk? Do you have a fever?"

"I'm going to the toilet first!" He Yuliang patted the young man's hand in military uniform and staggered towards the connection between the carriages...

what happened? What's wrong with me? What's going on?

He Yuliang just took a look and found that this train was actually powered by coal. Let alone riding on this thing, even if he could see it, he could only see it in books or in museums.

Now He Yuliang has a very bad premonition! A very outrageous answer.

When he came to the toilet, He Yuliang closed the door, poured some water, looked at the blurred shadow on the glass, and thought carefully...

He was wearing a 55-style military uniform, with no epaulettes or collar insignia, and a small red flower on his chest. He took out a box of foreign cigarettes in his pocket, opened them, and smoked one and a half.

Half a box of matches and cigarettes were put in the same pocket. In the left pocket was a handful of dimes, the largest one being ten yuan, and a few aluminum coins, ranging from one cent, two cents, and five cents!

There was also a roll of various bills, and He Yuliang didn’t look at them carefully. There was a red notebook in his other pocket~

China, country, people, liberation, liberation and army

Demobilized serviceman certificate

Turn over a page~

Comrade He Yuliang is from Nanluogu Lane, Hongxing Street, Kyoto City...

...assigned to the 55th Division...

...the third platoon leader position.

In order to strengthen national construction, demobilization is specifically allowed...

Then there is a huge Department of Defense seal.

Also called He Yuliang?

I raised my arms and moved my legs. It seems that my physical fitness has become much stronger!

"Beep! Check whether the time-travel has been completed and whether it is fused! Beep! The mind has begun to fuse! Please prepare the host!"

"Wait a minute! What fusion? What preparations! Damn it!"

He Yuliang held his head, sweating profusely in pain...

After a while, He Yuliang calmed down, tremblingly took out the matches from his pocket, took out half of the cigarettes from the box, and cut three of them before lighting the cigarette.

After taking a deep breath and exhaling the smoke, He Yuliang finally understood the current situation!

This body is also called He Yuliang, and he is the eldest brother of He Yuzhu, who is nicknamed Qin Manli! It is said that it was due to insufficient milk supply, some said it was chickenpox, and some said it was smallpox... He was thrown in front of the Tutu Temple by He Daqing for fear of infecting others.

Fortunately, there is always a way out. After the deaf old lady learned about it, she snatched it back from the dog's mouth~

"You are afraid, but I am not. What haven't I seen before, old lady?"

Just survived like this! But it’s just that I don’t get much treatment from He Daqing!

Because it was snatched back from a dog's mouth, it has a dog-like name, but this name can only be called Deaf Old Lady and Yu Liang Niang He Li. If anyone calls it, He Yuliang will definitely retaliate, including He Daqing.

Mrs. He Li was not in good health. After she had to nurse He Yuliang and He Yuzhu alive, her health became even worse. After giving birth to Yu Yu, she dragged her ailing body for several years and still passed away!

He Daqing has never been a qualified father. After He Li left, He Yuliang took He Yuzhu and He Yuyu to eat cold and hot...

Don’t tell me how your life went!

If the deaf old lady hadn't looked at the rain from time to time, she wouldn't have known what happened.

He Daqing of the He family in the compound is often not at home, and he is a motherless child. Some annoying children bully them, that's for sure!

He Yuzhu did not have the demeanor of the God of War in later Siheyuan, and was often bullied and ran back crying.

He Yuliang is different! Mr. He Yuliang thought that his life would be lost in the Tutu Temple. Now he only earns a living every day. I'm afraid of you!

So He Yuliang's road to harming the courtyard began ~ People say that a gentleman takes revenge, never too late in ten years, but He Yuliang is a villain who takes revenge from morning to night.

If you can't beat someone, just smash the glass. Anyway, you can do whatever you want!

And they are very vengeful. They beat the head and the tail until they are defeated!

And this fight is not limited to children. When He Yushui was pushed by Liu Guangqi, He Yuliang chased him to Liu's house with a brick...

Liu Haizhong certainly couldn't watch his son's head being cut open, so he grabbed the brick and kicked He Yuliang...

This kick caused trouble~ That night, seven or eight pieces of glass in Liu Haizhong's house were broken, an average of one piece every half an hour!

Furious, Liu Haizhong went to He Daqing's house, but unfortunately He Yuliang was not at home!

The next day, as soon as Liu Haizhong went out, He Yuliang, who was ambushing nearby, covered his face with fine soil and stabbed his thigh with an awl...


He Yuliang stared at Liu Haizhong for more than half a month, stabbed Liu Haizhong eight or nine times, and finally Liu Haizhong surrendered!

It's impossible not to surrender. He Yuliang is really playing with his life! Now he uses an awl, who knows if he will use a knife?

Can you really dare to kill him? If you can't kill him, he will dare to kill you!

For this matter, calling the police is not as effective as calling He Daqing. Unfortunately, He Daqing has no power over He Yuliang!

In the end, there was really no other way, so He Yuliang found the deaf old lady in the backyard to mediate, and He Yuliang spared Liu Haizhong.

Looking at the half-finished knife sharpened by He Yuliang, Liu Haizhong was scared. This unlucky child is simply a living bandit!

After seeing the knife, the deaf old lady beat He Yuliang with a cane for the first time and confiscated the knife!

Therefore, the Siheyuan and even the entire Luoguxiang have an unwritten rule~ Don't mess with the living bandits of the He family!

If you mess with them, apologizing quickly is the only option!

People can't afford to mess with He Yuliang, and the only way is to slander him behind his back, saying all kinds of things~

Logically speaking, they were the ones who messed with He Yuliang first, but later they became victims because of He Yuliang's revenge!

Are you right but not forgiving? You still know you are wrong! You are talking nonsense in front of people without reason?

However, He Yuliang doesn't care about these. No matter what you say, he just wants these three motherless children not to be bullied!

As for the rest, it is not something that a child like him can consider! It is not something that a child like him can consider thoroughly!

Chapter 2 System Online

As he grows older, He Yuliang doesn't take action very often, but he is more afraid of him!

Although He Daqing is busy cooking and preparing banquets for people every day, in addition to bringing back the necessary food, he sometimes brings back some leftovers!

When he is free or gets off work early, he will drink a few glasses, but he still doesn't like He Yuliang very much.

He often gets into trouble and doesn't listen. Let's talk about him~ Think about Liu Haizhong, forget it!

Liu Haizhong is the one who can bear it the most. He Yuliang has beaten more than one adult!

As for this cooking skill, He Daqing still handed it over to the more obedient He Yuzhu~ Of course, because of He Yuliang, the title of Shazhu was not called out.

That year, Shazhu was fifteen years old and learned cooking skills. He Yushui started to go to school at Hongxing Primary School, and He Daqing took care of the family's food and drink.

He Yuliang, who was wandering around the streets, really became a street urchin as everyone "expected". He was not seen for several days with a controlled knife in his pocket.

Until one day, He Yuliang was lying at the gate of the courtyard covered in blood...

He Yuzhu and He Yushui cried bitterly, and He Daqing cursed heartily, saying that he would not let anyone save He Yuliang!

"Don't worry! It's good that he died, otherwise he will be a disaster sooner or later..."

Finally, the deaf old lady came out of the backyard and asked someone to carry He Yuliang to the backyard...


This was the second time the deaf old lady saved He Yuliang! The deaf old lady saw that He Yuliang was not doing well. If you often walk by the river, you will get your shoes wet.

Finally, the deaf old lady relied on her identity to play rogue on the street. She got a place in the army.

You know, at that time, except for the children in the military compound, it was harder for others to join the army than to find a good job!

In the entire Hongxing Street, there were only five places for soldiers each year, and the competition was imaginable!

Although He Yuliang was a bit mixed up, he was quite suitable for being a soldier. Maybe it was out of gratitude to the deaf old lady, or maybe it was because he didn't have to pretend to be covered with thorns to disguise himself~

He Yuliang studied hard in the military camp, and with his good talent, he was like a fish in water!

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